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Redistricting Reform: A Rhetorical Analysis

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“Land of the free, home of the Brave”. In 1776, the United States officially became a country. 11 years later, the constitution was formed. The constitution breaks the powers of government up into three different branches: the legislative that makes the laws (the President and the Cabinet), the executive branch that executes the laws (the Senate and House of Representatives), and the judicial branch that interprets the laws (the Supreme Court). It also sets up a system of checks and balances (ensuring no branch has too much power), divides power between states and the federal government, and most importantly- puts power in the hands of the people. All three branches are elected by the people, which is the main point of a democracy.
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Which if you look up the word paradox in the dictionary it reads as this: a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory. I think that explains in and of itself that gerrymandering is not and will never be a smart idea and why it can and is seamlessly hurting the United States’ democracy today.
Another example of gerrymandering affecting democracy in the United States would be around the time of the 2002 elections, when Republicans quickly charge of the state house in Texas. Congressman Tom DeLay, who also serves as House Majority Leader in Washington, decided he wanted to reopen the redistricting question because “the current makeup of the congressional did not reflect the state’s true political orientation”. As time passed, according to Jeffrey Toobin, the Republican Legislative leaders “candidly admitted that they intended to draw lines to favor their party as much as possible.”

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