Reflection On Helping At Fannin County Family Communication Center
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The organization that I chose for my service learning was helping at Fannin County Family Communications center. It was a fun experience that led me to seeing that people need help. I picked this place base on how many people I could help. This place serves as many things for people. It is a shelter and a food bank that gives out free food to people. This center has many goals, but above all they want to help as many people as possible. They take in many of the homeless people in Fannin and Polk county. They also provide food boxes for families that cannot afford to buy food. There is a large need this service in the community because the government has cut many people’s food stamps. With the cost of food rising, many people cannot afford food on their set incomes.…show more content… I mainly did the secretary work at the front desk. I entered past and present personal data into their data base. I answered the phone and printed documents. Talked to people about toys for tots’ program to help with Christmas expenses. I learned that I really love to help people in need. Helping them gives me a sense that if I help one person and they help someone then, one day everyone will get some help. I learned that some people try to get help when they really do not need the help. Some people that need the help hate to ask for the help.
This type of organization relates to psychology through health and well-being, emotion and motivation, and Human development. The type of food that the food bank gives to the households are healthy and full of veggies and whole grains which leads to their well-being. People have taken the incisive to go out and ask others for help to feed their families and have the mindset that thinks will get better. The food that the food bank gives helps the body’s grow and maintain