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Reflective Essay: Fieldwork Analysis

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This letter is for my request of reenrollment with Stanbridge University. My name is Lynne Yvette Nery and I was a student in COHORT 16 in the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. I was dismissed on July 26, 2017 for Academic Dishonesty regarding my fieldwork analysis paper. By means of Academic Dishonesty I plagiarized my assignment.
I wish I could claim this were an error on my part, I knew at the time that what I was doing was wrong. But I continued to plagiarize my work and took no action to correct what I did. The only failing was in my ethical judgement and for that all I can do is apologize. It was wrong of me to use work from another person without permission and attribution. I especially wish to apologize to my fieldwork instructor Mrs. Nancy as I misled her by turning in that work as my own. She expected a well written assignment with honesty from me but I let her down. I understand my behavior was disappointing and I deeply regret my actions. What I did was wrong and there is no excuse for it. …show more content…
Even though I was immediately given the chance to reapply after I was dismissed I wanted to make sure I truly absorbed and embraced the consequences that was given to me after what I did. I took these last three weeks as a moment to reevaluate who I am as a person, an individual, and as a student. In the future I will be much more cautious about my work, I will put forth more efforts into creating good and satisfying original work. I will make sure to continue following the academic standards of Stanbridge University regulations and not just with school but also outside of my personal

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