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The Role Of Climate Change In Scotland

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The European level has grown gradually since the 1970s to become the main framework in the most areas of environmental policy, which covers air and water pollution, biodiversity conservation, waste and recycling, the regulation of chemicals, noise, energy conservation, some areas of climate change mitigation, environmental liability and justice, marine protection and other issues (Institute for European Environmental Policy, 2013). Scotland has made significant evolution to meet the environmental challenges of sustainable development. Scotland has also achieved reached a lot in the last six years and over the next five years it will have to deal with remaining challenges if its to play an important role in the global and European Union’s commitments …show more content…
Over the next century, Scotland will become warmer, as the average temperatures are possible to rise between 1.2 to 2.6 degree, with satisfactorily more warming in winter than in summer. Annual precipitation is also tending to rise by between 5 and 20 per cent by the end of the next century, with autumn and winter seeing the largest increases. In contrast, spring amounts will be lesser and there will be slight change in summer too. The intensity of rainfall is more likely to rise, causing more risks of flooding. Scotland is therefore promoting the use of renewable energy due to these scenarios. Firstly is to reduce the levels of greenhouse gas emission and moving toward the goal of reducing by 20% UK carbon dioxide emissions by 2010. Scotland also has the highest potential in Europe to grow renewable energy to benefit jobs and sustainability. The Scottish Executive is committed to a target of ‘18% of electricity being generated from renewable sources by 2010. The Executive feels the market will need support to achieve this but it believes its policies and commitment, together with Scotland’s natural resources and expertise, make 40% of Scottish electricity coming from renewable sources by 2020 a realistic aim’ (p.11, Scotland Europa, 2003). And thanks to the strong tides and high winds, along the coast of the Highlands and Islands, and Scotland’s forestry industry, Scotland has a high potential to develop renewable energy. There is a recent research suggests that ‘the renewable energy sector could create up to 4,000 jobs throughout the Highlands and Islands’ (p.11, Scotland Europa, 2003). Most of the jobs can provide a supportable future for many fragile communities and alternate employment to those leaving the oil fabrication industry. The Scottish Natural Heritage sets out the main sensitivities from the perspective of natural

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