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School Recess Research Paper

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Chances are, your favorite, or one of your favorite parts of elementary school was recess. Recess gives young students the opportunity to do the things they enjoy, in an environment with children their age. Many students do things like sports, jump rope, or just like to sit and talk with their friends. Many people do not see the value of recess and believe schools should eliminate it from their schedule in order to provide more time for learning. I do not think recess should be taken out of schools because children desperately need the break from learning, it also helps them develop social skills, and keeps them in better physical shape.
When children are at school, they are asked to pay attention so they can learn, however students cannot focus and be attentive without getting enough physical activity. If schools decided to eliminate recess programs, students grades, standardized test scores, and overall behavior would be at a decrease. “For many children, especially those who are hyperactive or potentially so, recess is an opportunity to blow off steam. Outside, children can engage in behaviors (loud, messy, and boisterous) considered unacceptable and annoying inside.” (Pathways To Family Wellness) Brain studies have been done and distinctively show the difference between students brains when they have been sitting for 20 minutes, …show more content…
As adults, we are expected to have good communication and social skills, in the workplace, and other situations. An employer is much more likely to hire someone who is confident in their abilities to communicate. How else do we expect children to grow up having good communication skills? (American Heart Association News) Studies have been done on feral children that show if children miss the opportunity to learn social and communication skills, it is nearly impossible for them to learn to comprehend it at an older age. (Cognitive

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