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Medical Malpractice Claims

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Too many people are filing medical malpractice claims every year, and the numbers keep rising. Some of the claims filed are faulty claims too, and it is causing the increase in medical care costs. Medical malpractice is a serious issue within the medical field, but a doctor’s job is to save lives, not put them at risk. A doctor would never deliberately cause harm to his or her patient, they are going to do the complete opposite and try anything to save their patient. They may lack the knowledge of new or rare conditions or treatments thus leading to medical malpractice, if there is a problem. A study done by the Civil Resorch Justice Group shows that, just under one percent of hospital patients have had medical malpractice happen to …show more content…
There are more patients filing faulty claims than people falling victim of medical malpractice. So not that many of patients have an actual medical malpractice case on their hands. The amount of doctors that have had a claim filed against them is astonishing. A survey on arthroplasty (joint) surgeons states that, roughly 70 percent of these surgeons have had a patient attempt to sue them during their career (Sonny Ball, 2009). With a 95% success rate on these joint surgerys, why have 70% of these surgeons had a suit filed against them. Yes the repeated probability of each surgery being successful decines after …show more content…
But each surgery is independent from the next decreasing the decline of the repeated probability dropping as fast as it would. These doctors also have their specific specialty and that is all they work on. This means they are constantly getting better at their job. Not only does that stand for this specific specialty it stands for every specialty out there. A doctor is going to try anything to save a life but sometimes they lack the knowledge of new discovers or treatments and that is when medical malprac grace becomes the problem. Medical malpractice is the cause of a little over 200,000 deaths every year. (Philadelphia medical malpractice lawyers, n.d.). In the United States the average person sees a doctor only four times in one year (McCarthy, 2014). This means that for the 325.7 million US citizens there is an average of about 1.3 billion doctor visits per year. This means there is a .0173 percent chance of dying from medical malpractice in the United States. This proves that too many people every year are filing for serious medical malpractice suits. The unnecessary rise in medical malpractice cases filed every year is unnecessary and faulty and it is causing a nasty increase in the price of

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