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Jim's Case Summary

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2. Based on the symptoms it is evident that the primary diagnosis for Jim would be double depression, since both symptoms of persistent depressive disorder as well as major depressive disorder are presented in the patient’s case. As stated in the DSM-V a persistent depressive disorder is described as a state of “depressed mood for most of the days, for more days than not, … for at least 2 years,” which is present in Jims case for around four years. Some other symptoms of persistent depressive disorder stated in the DSM-V, that were visible in Jim were insomnia, his complaints regarding low energy levels and fatigue, feeling hopeless as well as his low self-esteem and poor concentration. His symptoms clearly cause distress and impairment in …show more content…
Firstly, Jim has an existential view on life, as he stated he is nothing, acts avoidant of the future, and feels he is unworthy of living. He also is depressed most of the time, has no interest in anything that was once enjoyable such as no longer being able to read. Jim has no desire to do anything that marks his inability to find pleasure due to his poor concentration and attention span, but he mentioned he only sometimes listens to music to relax and get his mind off things. It is not evident whether Jim has decreased or increased appetite. This information would show how or if his disorder is …show more content…
It is evident that several factors in Jim’s childhood may be the cause for his adulthood disorders. The psychoanalytic model is a good perspective to look at, as it focuses on defense mechanisms used, repressed emotions and unconscious mental processes that contribute to anxiety, depression, and other personality disorders. Jim identified introjected objects when young that later become apart of his ego. It is evident that Jim feels most fulfilled when he is accepted, so introspection of his parent’s values became a necessity in his life. Jim’s parents used substances for coping; his mother used pills for pain whereas his father had drinks to distance himself from what was going on at home, so it may have shown Jim that using pills to cope with his insomnia and anxiety was acceptable. Jim also may have picked up his perfectionist personality from his mom, as he had to deal with staying on her good side when she was chronically pained. This made him very sensitive to not being socially accepted and led him to use sublimation, focusing on his schoolwork and drama, to take him away from his realities. When viewing Freudian concepts, it is evident that Jim’s superego played a huge role in the onset of his disorder. In relation to the perfection principle, Jim’s conscience became punishable for not meeting expectations. He withdrew when he was overweight, disliked by his teacher, and when his relationship and his friends’ life ended. Jim may have developed his avoidant

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