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William Zinsser: Why People Fail

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William Zinsser believes that “failure isn’t fatal” and sometimes, it can even better you chances of success. I agree with this statement because when people fail it provides them with the knowledge and experience they need to achieve their goal, failing can push a person to work harder, and lastly failure can provide one with opportunities they would not have had before. Failing can teach people things, when successful entrepreneur Ben Huh’s first business (Raydium) failed due to lack of finances Ben learned that mixing personal finances with business finances can lead to financial ruin. However, he didn’t let past mistakes keep him from succeeding. He now owns the wildly successful blog “I Can Haz Cheezburger” which received 375 million views a month in 2010. Perfectionists might say that failing leads to financial …show more content…
When Google first attempted to popularize its “Google Wave” instant messenger it failed because it was too complex. They then attempted to develop a popular social media program by introducing the Google Buzz, which failed due to its intrusive messaging system and impersonalized inbox, furthermore it wasn’t until they introduced Google Plus did they succeed with its user controlled privacy and simple content sharing. These are all examples of how the company never allowed their failure to block to their path to success they went back to the drawing board repeatedly until they achieved their goal. Pessimists might say that constant failure can cause a person to lose esteem in their endeavors. This statement holds some truth, however if lack of esteem qualified as a reason for people to give up on their dreams then success would not be achieved by many historic leaders facing adversity. Would anyone want to live in a world where people like Steve Jobs, or Michael Jordan never bounced back from failures? In summary failure, gives people the drive they need to truly

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