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Unstructured Outdoor Activity

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This paper explores research articles in regard to the importance of recess and other structured outdoor activities in relation to a child’s development. The education system in the United States is constantly changing and with the many more emerging academic pressures schools have integrated; children may be stripped of recess time altogether. These articles allow insight on the many beneficial factors of recess or other structured outdoor daily activities through a child’s development.

Keywords: Pediatrics, Recess, Unstructured Outdoor Activity.
Children Need Recess

Numerous studies have found that recess and other unstructured outdoor activities need to be integrated into the system for many reasons. Recess or unstructured outdoor …show more content…
Even adults need a break from their work day and children are no different. When given a break, recess allow for higher attentiveness and productivity in the classroom. Studies show that people often benefits from taking breaks and children who lose attentiveness throughout the day in the classroom often benefits greatly from recess. Their levels of concentration drift throughout the day and recess allows a form of play that increased cognitive levels. In a 1998 study, 43 percent of fourth-grade students who were given a recess worked more and had less problem fidgeting than those who were not given a recess (REILLY, %. 2017). Every child works and learns differently and it is important for teachers and schools to implement learning strategies that fit every student. Rising levels of ADHD also are apparent in children who do not receive recess. ADHD has become a common learning disability in children who cannot focus and become hyperactive during school days. These children need breaks during high cognitive lesson plans for necessary learning. With a reduction in unstructured outdoor activities these students become less engaged and have a tendency to act out or exhibit behavioral problems. Without recess or other unstructured outdoor activities, research shows that there are more behavioral issues among students who do not receive recess time. In a 2009 study, children between the ages of eight and nine years old found that they had more than fifteen minutes of better classroom behavior when given at least one daily recess period than those who had not (REILLY, %. 2017). Like adults, children utilize recess time as a break from daily activities which enhance their behavioral and cognitive

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