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The setting I work in has the main points of its mission aims and values are clearly displayed in the entrance of the school they are displayed on the school website( which could use other languages for non English speaking family's) The school also uses social media to let parents/carers know what is going on in the school and about the pupils learning. School letters are regularly sent home, keeping parents/carers up to date with what is happening within the school. The school prospectus clearly states the school values and what is expected from staff, pupils, parents/carers. Parents evening is a good opportunity for parents/carers to see and hear about how the pupils are getting on in school and codes of practice also giving parents/carers …show more content…
School legislation is put in place to promote equality and to make sure there is no discrimination against pupils staff or visitors. Data protection Act 1998- Under Ofsted and ICO regulations all schools must have sufficient school polices and procedures in place, school policies include .E-safety, data protection, acceptable use.
Information of a child or their family should not be given to anyone without authorisation, all information is confidential.
Reference -stone group uk,
The UN convention on the rights of the child 1989 (UNCRC)- , when working in a school setting you have a care of duty ,keeping children and young people safe from harm , giving them places to play, positive activities , raising attainment for all, reducing exclusions, addressing bullying. All children have the right to an education, children are protected against discrimination on grounds of there sex, race, disability religion or belief or sexual orientation.
The Education Act 2002- all schools by law have to safeguard, protect and promote the wellbeing of its pupils. The law requires schools to teach a broad and balanced curriculum which will help prepare pupils for later

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