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Recess In Elementary School

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For state government to be in the question of the consideration to eliminate or require school recess leaves the question of, how kids are not supposed to be restless? Or how are they supposed to want to engage in the classroom? Throughout elementary school, recess was the best part of the day for us where we were able to run around, play games, meet other kids and enjoy the outdoors. All that enjoyment that we knew is now being threatened. This time of the day is when children optimize socially, physically, and cognitively. This is why I propose that state government should keep recess and in fact make it a requirement for schools to have a period for recess in elementary school. It is the most effective way that they learn behaviorally, academically …show more content…
As studied, students were less restless on recess days and were more focused on the day that they had recess compared to non recess day (Jarrett, Maxwell, Dickerson…). Students develop intellectual understanding through their experiences in recess. According to Robert Murray, MD, and Catherine Ramstetter, PhD, “children develop intellectual constructs and cognitive understanding through interactive, manipulative experiences [which is] a feature of play in an unstructured social environment” (Ramster and Garner). Their knowledge grows in the way they play. The studies performed show that it's not necessarily the physicality of playtime that allowed children to refocus (behaviorally and academically), but rather the time spent …show more content…
According to the CDC, “the rate of children aged 6-11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2012” (childhood obesity facts). Certainty there are other factors, but it is important to note that, according to the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the withdrawal from recess began in 2001” (recess its indispensable) which means that due to this withdrawal of recess, the more likely for obesity to keep going up. Elementary school holds an important role of fostering a healthy, active lifestyle in school which means physical education and recess should be mandatory. However, it should be an unstructured physical activity where they learn by themselves which is something that recess has and physical education classes don’t. With this continued suspension of recess from school districts, this is a grave threat to kids’ health and future

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