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To What Extent Do Doctors Make The Greatest Criminal

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Sherlock Holmes and his associate, Watson, were asked to help a terrified woman solve the mystery of how her twin sister died. In doing this, Holmes and Watson also helped save that woman’s life. She was living with her stepfather who is a doctor. When the girls’ mother died, she left them a large sum of money to be paid by their stepfather when the girls were married. One sister was murdered two days shy of her wedding. Through thorough investigation, Holmes discovered that the stepfather was the murderer and came to the conclusion that “doctors make the greatest criminals”. I feel this is a true statement for three main reasons. Doctors are well educated and know about more than just humans, they know the human anatomy, and are very meticulous and accurate.

Doctor Grimesby Roylott’s high IQ and knowledge of Indian animals helped his homicidal plan. He chose to use a rare poisonous snake as his murder weapon because it would fit through the ventilator with ease. That way, he would never have to enter the room to commit the crime. He knew that this particular snake’s poison was lethal and would kill his victim within ten …show more content…
He knew that fear itself would not kill his daughter, a gun would be too obvious and regular poison would show up in the autopsy. He knew the venom from the snake would not show up in his victim’s body and the fangs of the snake would only leave two small holes that would most likely heal before any coroner would examine the body. Even if the coroner came right away, the holes would be so tiny that most would not be able to see them. The doctor wanted to use the most venom with the smallest mess. Being a doctor, he knew more about the human body than a typical person. As a doctor, he also knew the procedure that a coroner would go through when called upon to determine the cause of death. A common criminal would not have this inside

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