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Recess In Education

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Ask any school-age child what is the best part of their day is and most of them would tell you that it is recess time (McCarthy, 2013). Recess is defined by the Center for Disease Control (2017) as “regularly scheduled periods within the elementary school day for unstructured physical activity and play.” Recess is fun for a child but is also contributes to their growth and development and is an extremely important part of a student’s school experience (CDC, 2017). The American Academy of Pediatrics released a statement that said it is a crucial part of a child’s growth (Murray, Ramstetter, 2013). Research suggests that daily recess is necessary for appropriate development of a child because it promotes mental health, social …show more content…
It has been proven that recess and physical activity does in fact improve learning by increasing a child’s attention span and ability to learn during instruction time. (Pellegrini, 2013). Research on cognitive function suggests that breaks in a school schedule is nessacery because the brain cannot maintain attention for an extended amount of time. Sitting in a desk all day is not ideal for a child and recess can improve a child’s ability to concentrate in a classroom setting. Research suggests that cognitive control, the ability to pay attention, may increase with physical activity and result in improved performance on academic achievement tests (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009). In order to increase the cognitive benefits, unstructured play-time could be planned in intervals, allowing time to refocus before teaching continues (Murray, Ramstetter, 2013). Research has also shown that children will learn better if their day is divided into chunks with non-structured breaks in between the instructional time (Pellegrini/Blanchard pg. 2, 2013). It would give the students an opportunity to decompress (Murray/Ramstetter, 2013). Academics are important but research shows that recess is as …show more content…
School-aged children that receive more unstructured time, whether inside or outside, are more capable of learning if they are listening instead of acting out in a classroom setting. Studies have shown that when recess is provided directly before or after instruction time, there is less behavioral issues (Pellegrini, 2013). In relation to behavior, professionals agree that withholding recess should not be used as a punishment and should be thought of as a child’s personal time (Murray, Ramstetter, 2013). Children need that time to release energy and it allows them to have the opportunity to gain skills that they may not get in a structured classroom environment (McCarthy,

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