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Unknown Bacteria Report

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Two overnight cultures of unknown bacteria were provided in dilution tubes, labeled 18X and 18Y. The provided cultures were used for Gram staining. A heat fixed smear of each unknown was prepared on two separate clean glass slides. The smears were flooded with crystal violet (1 minute), rinsed with water (2 seconds), covered with Gram’s iodine (1 minute), rinsed with water (2 seconds), decolorized by 95% alcohol applied in a drop wise fashion, rinsed with water (2 sec), counterstained with safranin (30 seconds), and rinsed with water a final time (2 seconds). The stains were dabbed dry then examined under a microscope at 100x with oil immersion for cell shape, cell size, and whether the cells stained Gram-positive (purple) or Gram-negative (pink). …show more content…
Six nutrient agar plates, three of which contained 18X and the other three 18Y were streaked using the streak-plate technique outlined in the lab manual. The plates for each unknown were incubated at either room temperature, 30°C, or 37°C for 48 hours to determine optimal growth temperature. The shape, color, texture, elevation, margin, surface, and form of the colonies for each unknown plate that contained the most significant growth were observed and recorded. The other plates were discarded. The two remaining plates were refrigerated for future tests. In order to perform accurate biochemical tests, new bacterial cultures were inoculated and incubated. One sterile trypticase soy broth tube was inoculated with an 18X unknown colony. Two sterile nutrient broth tubes were inoculated with the 18X unknown colony and one sterile nutrient broth tube was inoculated with an 18Y unknown colony. The four broth tubes were placed in the 37°C incubator for 48

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