...United States continued to support South Vietnam even though they were under the repressive dictatorship of Ngo Dinh Diem. His family was appointed as government members by him and they were just as corrupt as he was. Ngo Dinh Diem was catholic and mistreated Buddhists and other religious sects. Also, he failed to introduce a workable land reform programme and used millions of dollars of economic aid from the United States to make himself and his family richer. Along with this he failed to hold the proposed 1956 elections. Diem was overthrown in 1963 in a military coup. Unfortunately, the men who took over were equally corrupt and were still unpopular with the people. The United States continual support of South Vietnam was clearly a desperate attempt to contain communism. There was a heavy struggle in Vietnam between the South Vietnamese army and the communist-trained rebels. This was caused by Diem’s actions which enraged the people of South Vietnam causing opposition to increase. Viet Minh members had established a base in the South and conducted low-level guerrilla activities against the...
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...Sins of the secular missionaries Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are big business latter. As one UN official sighs: ,,Anybody who is anybody is a NGO these days.’’ NGOs are aimed at crises zones as quick as journalists are. Last spring, the Albania’s capital, Tirana was painty by 200 groups which had intension to help the refugees from Kosovo. Right in this country the environment is replete with foreign groups competing to bring democracy, build homes and offer in all honour goods and services. Recently NGOs are experiencing big boom. A 1995 UN report announced that almost 29,000 NGOs were established. In country like Russia, after communism fell, there exist least 65,000 and in Kenya, they create daily some 240 NGOs. The general public sees them as a disinterested, idealistic and without any dependency. But the notion deserves more investigation. Governments’ puppets? The reason why they name themselves non-governmental is due to exercising things which government will not or cannot do. However, NGOs have a big deal to do with government and it is not always healthy. As a former deputy director of USAID, Carol Lancaster, announced, NGOs have become ,,the most important constituency for the activities of development aid agencies’’, as witnessed in Albania. The Red Cross sums up that NGOs send out more money than the World Bank. Governments happily provide that money. All, world wide-known organisations, get lots of their income from government sources. If the public...
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...Introduction Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are powerful agents of change and development (Ukpong, 1993 p 52). While there are no clear definitions of NGOs, the commonly held view is that they are non-governmental, non-profit making and self-governing with a purpose to ameliorate the plight of people in dire needs of life sustaining facilities in the society. NGOs are private organisations characterized primarily by humanitarian or corporative rather than commercial objectives that pursue activities to relieve the suffering of the poor; they promote the interest of the poor in developing countries (Werker & Ahmed, 2007 p3). In other word, NGOs have emerged for the purpose of providing social services or giving assistance to the marginalized, deprived and disadvantageous people in society that could hardly provide for themselves (Inhabekhai, 2002 p 150). NGOs on a global level engage in the provision of education, wealth, social welfare and other support to a large number of people. They have helped in the assistance millions of people in abject poverty and in dire condition. One of such grand projects embark upon by a conglomerate of popular NGOs in the world is the millennium development goals. The aim of the millennium development goals includes halving extreme poverty to stopping the spread of HIV/AIDs virus and providing general primary education, all by the target date of 2015 (UN ORG 2012). In the context of Nigeria, NGOs have sprung up in Nigeria with the purpose...
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...AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL AMITY UNIVERSITY MARKET RESEARCH AND REPORT PREPARATION PROJECT- STARTING OF AN NGO SUBMITTED TO:- Ms. SONIA SINGH SUBMITTED BY:- RITU SHEKHAWAT ROLL NO.-108K03 A0101908415 RICHA CHAUDHARY ROLL NO.-108K23 A0101908045 STARTING an N.G.O. Even before you actually set up an NGO, you may simply not know where to start. A number of queries received at the NGO Cafe ask this question - where do I start? How do I know what to do? I am inspired, I want to do something, I want to help the poor... It’s not easy to get it right the first time. The first project, the first action, is fraught with problems you never anticipated. So, even before you start anything, be prepared: • Find an 'excuse': This is the spark, the initial reason for you to start along a path leading you to the setting up of an NGO. Many times it is a tragedy - such as a disastrous flood or a fire - that needs handling. Sometimes a more joyous event, such as a local festival, that brings the community into the streets to enjoy. Look at these initial trigger events as a learning experience, and as a means of building your network of friends and supporters. • Involve leaders: People and communities, in general, trust their leaders - not the political party types, but the 'real' leaders - the ones who do the actual work for the community, the ones who are active and care for the . Involve them at all stages of the project development and implementation, ask their permission...
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...The role of NGO”S in development Africa The literature on development has long recognized the importance of the third sector. Throughout the 1980s there was an evident and growing enthusiasm for the contribution of NGOs particularly for their ability to work directly with the poor and with grassroots organisations (Turner,1988; Gorman,1984). According to Carroll (1992), it was in 1985 that official development agencies arrived at the same conclusion that the advantages of NGOs, such as flexibility, informality, commitment, and participatory style, outweighed their disadvantages and made them especially suited for the complex task of rural development projects aimed at alleviating poverty, in which physical capital is combined with human and organizational resources. By the end of the 1980s, reports from the OECD (1988), Asian Development Bank (1990, 1991) and World Bank (1991) all argued that NGOs have a particular ability to work effectively with the poorest communities. The early 1990s saw a distinct change in emphasis, with greater weight being placed on the term civil society than on non-governmental organisation. Although this change cannot be attributed to any single factor, a number of emerging concerns may offer some insights. The work of authors such as Putnam (1993) showed the importance of non-governmental and non-private sector institutions and demonstrated that it would be useful to work with wider definitions than were typically being used. Third, it was recognized...
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...exclusively black and Adolphus who wishes he were. Cultural diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 7: 182–196. Issa G Shivji, Silences in NGO Discourse: The Role and Future of NGOs in Africa. Nairobi and Oxford: Fahamu, 2007, 68pp, £7.95 Reviewed by: Matt Birkinshaw, London School of Economics, UK DOI: 10.1177/0021909611425010 Shivji draws on his experience as both observer and participant of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Tanzania to outline a critique of NGO practice in the political and moral economy of African development. Shivji acknowledges that he is working ‘on a canvas of broad strokes’, but the issues he identifies are important for political and social practices across sites, scales and forms. The argument opens with a presentation of Africa’s colonial history and the coercive processes of extraction, domination and underdevelopment which continue into the present. He then outlines three failures of the liberation project in Africa: the national territorial state versus pan-Africanism; a developmental versus a democratic state; and nationalism versus imperialism. This is the context for his consideration of NGOs as non-state actors caught up in an imperial project. His observation that civil society in general is not an autonomous ‘third sector’ but a realm of social conflict still bears repeating. The silences in NGO discourse that Shivji identifies are: 1. 2. 3. 4. An ‘activist’ mentality and an anti-theoretical, short-termist, donor-led agenda An anti-historical...
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...Name: Ashishkumar D. Rupani Roll no.: 39 Subject: CIM- assingment Samarpan Charities - An NGO In Surat, Gujarat NGO Name SAMARPAN CHARITIES Unique Id of VO/NGO GJ/2009/0015022 Chief Functionary Archana Desai Chairman Archana Desai Umbrella/Parent Organization Sonali Mahila Vikas Charitable Trust Registered With Charity Commissioner Type of NGO Trust Registration No E-618/Valsad City of Registration Surat State of Registration Gujarat Date of Registration 02-03-1977 Sector of Work : Education & Literacy Science & Technology Sports Details : Lt. Shri Ambelal Desai younger brother of Lt. Shri Morarji Desai formed the Samarpan Charitable Trust in1977, with an objective to serve low-income families, child development as well as women empowerment and social justice. The trust started construction of the school for the purpose of starting Gujarati as well as English medium school with the best sports & cultural complex. Our aim is to establish an independent institution without any Government aids or grants. The school named as ˜KUSUM VIDHYALAYA” that is stepping forward to be a complete educational institution. Samarpan is a non profit charitable trust that is run entirely by volunteers. We exist to provide help to people and animals, and to restore our environment. Our volunteers claim no expenses, which means that 100% of the money you donate will be used to fund our projects, without deduction for administrative costs. Our vision...
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...Mino Introduction An NGO is a non-government organization that is a non-profit entity independent from government. These entities function on levels of local, national and international to achieve a variety of political and social issues. An important aspect of any NGO is its relationship with civil society. This extra support can greatly affect how successful and how long an NGO is able to remain functioning. Although the very core principal of an NGO is that it is independent from government influence or control, many NGOs rely heavily on government funding. The NGOs maintain their independence by restricting government representatives from taking on roles within the organization. The government funding given to these NGO’s is money collected from tax dollars, essentially meaning that the civil society is fnding these organizations. Most people overlook this allocation of tax funds and assume NGO’s are solely funded through donation. This creates a stronger accountability to the public to ensure that projects and goals of the organization are met and that they follo through with claims they make. Accountability to the public is vital since the influence the masses can make can damage the credibility of an organization. Background on The UN The United Nations was established after World War 2 on October 24 1945 made up of 51 countries. These member countries joined the UN in an effort to strive for and maintain peace around the world. The NGO also promoted positive...
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...How to Manage Cash Account and Transactions in NGOs – NGO Financial Management Policy Cash payments need to be documented firmly by NGOs in their financial management policy. Since small sums of cash payments are common on a day-to-day basis, a certain procedure needs to be developed and mentioned in the policy manual. An example is given below: “3. Cash Handling 3.1 Cash Account and Transactions Cash transactions are to be resorted only for petty expenses and when /where banking facilities are not available. As per Income Tax Rules, no claim exceeding $______ should be settled through cash payments. These should invariably be by account payee checks only. As a matter of procedure and control, the attempt should be to minimize the number of cash transactions. 3.2 Daily Cash Balance The denomination of the closing balance of the cash should be entered below this and signed by the Accountant. This register has to be maintained from the beginning of the financial year. A fresh register has to be started at the beginning of every financial year. Maximum and minimum cash limits have been fixed as: maximum $______ and minimum $______. 3.3 Withdrawal of Cash from Bank a) The Cash Withdrawal Form/Money Indent to be filled up and signed by the staff handling cash. b) The cash balance available and the estimated expenses would need to be computed. c) The authorized persons must verify the requirement before signing the check for withdrawal of cash. d) The signature of the person presenting...
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...Master Thesis 2006/7 Jacques Gamboni 1 ACCOUNTABILITY OF NGO Accountability for an NGO – like for any institution or even any individual – is a matter of governance, defined as “a mode of governing that is distinct from the hierarchical control model characterizing the interventionist state. Governance is the type of regulation typical of the cooperative State, where State and non-state actors participate in mixed public private partnership networks1”or “the formation of cooperative relationships between government, profit-making firms, and non-profit private organizations to fulfil a policy function.2” Of course governance is more than just a way to manage the interrelations within a public private partnership arrangement. We shall detail this by reference to a catalogue of the different types of accountability mechanisms identified by Erik B. Bluemel (BLUEMEL, 20073). The references cited here are taken from the mentioned article. People find into the Civil Society a playground to express their frustrations towards their national or local government that ordinary democracy fails to resolve. Therefore they feel the right to obtain a higher degree of accountability from the organisation they join or support. Regrettably, they are seldom satisfied. Accountability mechanisms are usually designed to constrain power, whatever its form. In the Communication Society, it has become one of the essential means for all interconnected actors to exert mutual control. It is an essential...
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...NGO - Pratham By Team Mosaic MARKETING MANAGEMENT Team Members NAVYA CHANDRASHEKHAR | 21 | AKSHATA MOTIWALE | 28 | FAISAL SHAIKH | | VISHALAKSHI | 53 | ANIKET POTDAR | | NIKHIL AGGARWAL | 31 | SIES COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, NERUL Sr.No | Contents | Pg No | 1 | What is an NGO | | 2 | Pratham – An NGO | | 3 | Marketing Mix – Product | | 4 | Marketing Mix – Place | | 5 | Marketing Mix – Price | | 6 | Marketing Mix – Promotion | | 7 | Segmentation & Targeting | | 8 | MIS | | 9 | SWOT Analysis | | 10 | New Product Devlopment | | 11 | Competitors | | 12 | Performance | | 13 | Bibliography Acknowledgement | | What is an NGO A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any form of government. Non-governmental Organization (NGO) is an agency devoted to managing resources and implementing projects with the goal of addressing social problems. NGO are of great importance and value for the modern society and hence comes the need of having a marketing strategy for the NGO. This would help the NGO reach the masses and make the common man aware of the work it does. NGOs are organizations that work in many different fields, but the term is generally associated with those seeking social transformation and improvements in quality of life. Development NGOs is the most...
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...GLC IB Batch 2012-14 SCHOOL SURVEY NAME: Pallavi Mitra ROLL NO. : 81 Faculty Guide: Prof.: Sudipto Chakraborty PARIVARTAN MAHILA SANSTA NGO GUIDE : Ms. Jyoti Patekar, President SUMMARY: Parivartan Mahila Santha (estb: 1999), I came to know about this NGO after a seminar was held in our college campus. This NGO had mainly established to help the women in the society. The women were backward and were almost jobless. These even included the widows. The NGO also has a few ashrams in certain districts of Maharashtra. These Ashrams mainly shelter the orphan girls. It educates them and even takes responsibility of getting them married. As a part of the project given to us, me and my colleague, Ms. Swastika Mishra was to survey the municipal schools located in Dombivili and Titwala. Although our base was the Balika Ashram in Titwala we had spent 5 working days in Dombivili surveying the rest four schools. It was a great experience for both of us as we had been given the opportunity to explore the city of Mumbai and learn more about these orphan girls. ABBRIVIATIONS : NGO : Non-Governmental Organization KDMC : Kalyan Dombivili Municipal Corporation TABLE OF CONTENTS: Sl. No. | Topic | Page No. | 1 | INTRODUCTION | 5 | 2 | TASK PERFORMED BY US | 6 | 3 | REPORT OF THE SURVEY | 7 | 4 | RECOMENTATION TO THE SURVEY | 9 | 5 | CONCLUSION | 10 | INTRODUCTION Parivartan Mahila Sanstha...
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...1) SAKSHAM KIDS (NOIDA) Saksham is a non-profitable, charitable trust, working in ways that is committed towards a more connected and inclusive society. In Nithari (Noida), Saksham started with the limited intention of bringing a minimum literacy to those children of the community who had missed the opportunity of going to school. The trust now runs an informal school in two shifts with an enrolment of around 350 children who have been organized into classes, based on their level of learning. Classes are held for six days a week, for four hours daily. Many of the children have been streamlined into regular schools. Saksham endeavors to make it activities encompassing and holistic, where children are imparted basic education with inculcation of values, confidence building, general awareness and entertainment. Initially it was a small group of around 20 children which grew to nearly 75 and today its 200 approximately, and have brought basic literacy to over 3000 children since the time they began. STORY OF SAKSHAM KIDS: It began in 2000-2001, as evening classes of an hour’s duration for a very small group of children in a Juggi cluster in Noida, located in the National Capital Region. The continuity of those evening classes received a setback when a year later, the juggis got erased by the authorities as they stood on land already acquired by the Government. Some of those families chose to take up rented one roomed tenements in a nearby urban village, Nithari. ...
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...ACNOWLEDGEMENT At the very first moments, thanks to Allah for especial blessing in completing the assignment. A single individual can achieve no perfect goal. I am indebted to a number of people for their kind advice, suggestion, direction, cooperation that enable me to have an experience in the dynamic and challenging environment NGO sector ultimately to prepare this assignment. Then I likely thank from the core of my heart to Dr. Naznin Islam for his excellent guidance which has helped me preparing this assignment properly. I express my sincere gratitude to Honorable Executive Director A K Arzoo and other officials of Jagorani Chakra Foundation (JCF) for helping me providing information’s whenever we asked for it. Without their kind co-operation in all respect it would not been possible for me to prepare this assignment. CONTENTS Sl.No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16 17 18 19 Introduction Objectives of the study Methodology of the study Theoretical discussion Concept of NGOs Historical background of NOGs in Bangladesh Types of NGOs Functional coverage of NGOs Role of NGOs behind the rural development Advantages and disadvantages Findings Jagorani chakra foundation (JCF) Objectives Working area Programs Programs related rural development Exceptional and successes of JCF Achievements of JCF Concluding remark Subject Page 02 02 02 03 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 10 11 12 13 15 15 16 17 1 INTRODUCTION: Bangladesh has a strong tradition...
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...NGO of choice: MalariaNoMora.Org (MNM) The African continent is facing many challenges that prevent its economical prosperity for so long, ranging from poverty that has taken its role in delaying the progress, to mal nutrition and diseases “…Third world nations still share a number of common characteristic, all of them suffer from some aspects of political, economic, or social underdevelopment” (Handelman, 2011, p2). Plasmodium parasite is the disease that causes Malaria which is primarily transmitted and caused by bites from female anopheles mosquito. It is one of the top three killer diseases in Africa “The parasites are spread to people through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes, called "malaria vectors", which bite mainly between dusk and dawn” (WHO.int). Malaria No More is an NGO that demonstrated it’s committed to fight Malaria disease in Africa and providing basic human needs to tackle the infestation of the disease that spread in most Africa’s countries. MNM (Malaria No More) is also working relentlessly to provide vaccination to Africans suffering from the disease on one hand, and furnishing Africans with Mosquito sleeping nets on the other hand as a preventive approach to enable them sleep without getting exposed to mosquito bites at night. MNM efforts is limited to their funding constrains; private donations are the primary sources of funding that MNM relies on. Raising more awareness is one way the organization depends on in their efforts to educate the...
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