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Ngo Dinh Diem

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United States continued to support South Vietnam even though they were under the repressive dictatorship of Ngo Dinh Diem. His family was appointed as government members by him and they were just as corrupt as he was. Ngo Dinh Diem was catholic and mistreated Buddhists and other religious sects. Also, he failed to introduce a workable land reform programme and used millions of dollars of economic aid from the United States to make himself and his family richer. Along with this he failed to hold the proposed 1956 elections. Diem was overthrown in 1963 in a military coup. Unfortunately, the men who took over were equally corrupt and were still unpopular with the people.
The United States continual support of South Vietnam was clearly a desperate attempt to contain communism. There was a heavy struggle in Vietnam between the South Vietnamese army and the communist-trained rebels. This was caused by Diem’s actions which enraged the people of South Vietnam causing opposition to increase. Viet Minh members had established a base in the South and conducted low-level guerrilla activities against the …show more content…
The first was search and destroy missions in which the American troops had to go into the jungle and search for the enemy. The second was using firepower once the enemy was found. The US troops would call in huge firepower and destroy the enemy. This, however, did not work as the Viet Cong fought a guerrilla war where they moved in small groups through the jungle, put down booby traps and sprung ambushes. They fought hit-and-run attacks to bleed out the enemy. The US did not win the hearts of the Vietnamese people and as their desperation grew so did the body count of innocent people. In 1965, 100 000 South Vietnam civilians were killed and in 1968, 300 000 were killed. Therefore the ordinary Vietnamese gave their support to the Viet

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