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Reforming the Justice System


Submitted By melroseberry
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Family First: Reforming the Justice System
Melrose Berry
American InterContinental University

The justice system’s solution to dealing with offenders is incarceration. Alternatives to this, as a first response, are a better choice. Keeping families together and securing the welfare of children should be a priority. The outcomes of this new course will strengthen society and make a better life for all.

Family First: Reforming the Justice System Three-fourths of one million parents are incarcerated. It is no surprise that the results of this are a damaged family structure, dysfunctional youth, and a perpetual cycle of more incarceration within the family. Something must be done to reduce the effects of parental incarceration to save the family and save the youth. To diminish the effects of having loved ones incarcerated, government agencies need to assist families by initiating mediation and rehabilitation programs as alternatives to incarceration, encouraging the justice system and community groups to assist with counseling families, and establishing policies to improve public relations between civil workers and the public.
Mandating rehabilitation for offenders, as an alternative to incarceration, not only keeps families intact, it also saves taxpayers money. In a Journal Record Legislative Report (Carter, n.d.), Oklahoma Representative Wallace Collins said “We can pay now or we can pay later.” The cost of incarceration per inmate is more than three times higher than treatment programs per person. These programs also have produced higher employment rates and monthly incomes for the participants, resulting in them caring for their own children. The success of the few agencies like La Bodega de la Familia, which is affiliated with Family Justice, Inc., and who reported a 52% decrease in the use of illicit drugs for those who participated in their program to help the offender and prevent re-entry into the justice system is an excellent example of rehabilitation’s success (Travis, McBride & Solomon, 2010). Preventing the cycle of incarceration and promoting the family unit must be a priority of our justice system. The first step to dimensioning the effects of separating families is a national program of mediation for nonviolent offenders as a first resolve to keep families together.
To reinforce rehabilitation, a mental support system for the affected families and the offender is needed. Mandated counseling for all involved parties can strengthen the family. Counseling services are provided to prisoners while incarcerated. It makes sense to attempt counseling prior to incarceration. Understanding the root problems can help families fix their circumstances and prevent re-occurrence. Because a crime has been committed, monitoring systems can be initiated in conjunction to treatment and counseling (LWVNH, 2012). This additional action sends a message of restriction, similar to confinement, while keeping parents in the home. Parental presence will help their children, because children of incarcerated parents experience lasting effects such as shame, withdrawal, nightmare occurrences, poor mental health, antisocial behavior, and incarceration themselves (Lalwani, 2012). One inmate questioned in Katherine Gabel and Denise Johnston’s (1995) book, Children of Incarcerated Parents, stated “My parenting is on hold.” These affects can be prevented by counseling intervention in the justice system (Gabel & Johnston, 1995, p36).
Another resource to support both the justice system and families are the use community groups to assist with counseling families through difficult times. Although, state agencies already provide counseling to prisons, families, including children, need counseling, as well. They need help with sorting out the many feelings associated with having a loved one incarcerated or going through the trials of dealing with the court system. There are feelings of shame, stress over finances, and the persecution from insensitive people, including other children (Geller, Cooper, & Garfinkel, Schwartz-Soicher, & Mincy, 2011). Schools are the first resource for trusted guidance outside of the home for some children. They should involve children in programs that teach life skills and provide counseling to help students cope and make better decisions. This can help the children avoid being jailed in the future (Idaho Department of Corrections, 2009). Many times, churches and other organizations are only visible during the holidays, with support for Christmas and the climate, such as toys for children and coat drives (CBS Local News, 2012). They can step up their activities to include daily support. Helping families stay together is a year-long activity.
Finally, State and Federal government should improve the public relations for personnel and the public. There are many reported instances of rude behavior, insensitivity, and bigotry directed at poor and minority people. Training and disciplinary actions should be developed to address and deter these issues. The State of California recognized the need for regular training in the areas of diversity and public relations, when a study was done by an advisory committee (California Judicial Counsel, n.d.). The study found that many of their citizens felt that the system was biased and treated them as though they were expected to be involved negatively in the justice system. This mistreatment of people, who are seeking advice and guidance, must be stopped. The report stated that women were “consistently treated with less respect and given insufficient information to carry out the roles that were assigned to them in representing themselves.” (p11, executive summary, paragraph 3) The advisory committee recommended routine diversity and relations training for personnel of their court system. Civil service divisions should also have a policy of reprimand for poor service to the public. The State of Kentucky incorporated the threat of dismissal for employees that were reported to be rude and disorderly to the public and fellow employees (State of Kentucky Court of Justice, 2005). These corrective actions should be taken by all state agencies, who deal with the public.
Families are the foundations of which communities are built. More should be done to ensure they are kept together. The justice system and the government agencies that relate to them have a responsibility to help families and diminish the effects of by rehabilitating the offenders; providing counseling to families through government and community agencies, schools, and churches; and by providing regular training in the areas of diversity and public relations for government personnel. The combination of these practices will dramatically reduce the effects of the justice system on families.


Carter, M. (n.d). Treatment versus prison: Oklahoma study examines drug abuse, prisons and rehabilitation. Journal Record Legislative Report (Oklahoma City, OK).
CBS Local Media (2012) Fellowship holds angel tree day to help children of prisoners. Retrieved from Court of Justice. (May 2005) Personnel policies of the Kentucky court of justice. State of Kentucky. Retrieved from Gabel, K., & Johnston, D. (1995). Children of incarcerated parents. Lexington Books. P36 Geller, A., Cooper, C., & Garfinkel, I., Schwartz-Soiche, O., & Mincy, R. (12/28/11). Beyond absenteeism: Father incarceration and child development. Demography Idaho Department of Corrections. (2009) How teachers can help children of incarcerated parents. Retrieved from
Judicial Council Advisory Committee on Racial and Ethnic Bias in the Courts, (December 1993) Fairness in the California state courts: a survey of the public, attorneys, and court personnel. State of California. Retrieved from Lalwani, N. (2012). Children of jailed parents step into spotlight. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Retrieved from

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