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Regarding Henry Analysis

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Regarding Henry

Regarding Henry is a very great movie with many scenes including both the ID and superego. Although Henry had the life everyone thinks they want, He realized he had nothing everyone else had after he got shot. He began to understand that Love and affection is so much greater than fame, success and money. After figuring his life out again, he was able to handle things with a more level head. He realized what a selfish person he was and began to react differently to things. If every person was given the chance to look at their life from a different perspective, would everyone be able to see their faults like Henry was able to?

The ID is very relevant in the beginning of the movie. Henry was beyond selfish. He always wanted the best thing for himself and was never affected by the sorrow of others or if he brought pain to another person. Because he was a lawyer, he learned to be very good at twisting the truth or just not saying the entire story. He was able to get a hospital out of a lawsuit for being able to confidently twist the truth. Everyone believed him because of his ability to not care about the opposing side and his confidence in his lies. Everything happened really fast after Henry left the house to get a cigarette. …show more content…
He exhibited both the ID and superego in this scene because he proved himself to be very selfish walking into the store demanding his needs over others in the store and very childish behavior. But also tried to morally talk the shooter out of everything. Henry was from zero to one hundred very quickly in this scene. After the attack he began to change his ways and morals. Although he did not recognize his family, He was able to see the love and support they have for

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