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Submitted By BF410
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Term Paper Requirements 1. There is no need for references unless you choose to use the text as a guide for interpretation of the data. 2. Paper must: • Have a cover page that is within APA guidelines • Have a header with student’s last name, page numbers, and be right justified • Be a minimum of 4 pages • Be single-spaced • Use 12-point font (Arial works best) • Have 1” margins • Detailed analysis of the data (see data specifics) • Use section headings for each part of the analysis (see suggested section headings) • Contain output tables 3. Options: • • Graphs or charts, if desired Running head

4. Data Specifics: • Describe the data o What is it that you are analyzing? o What do you intended to produce in the analysis? o What is your hypothesis statement? Includes Confidence Level and what it means Identify the dependent and independent variables o Explain why your choice is the dependent variable o Explain why the others are independent variables Analyze the data o What are the results of the first analysis? o Which variable, or variables, are statistically significant? Why? o Which variable, or variables, are not statistically significant? Why? o Is there a need to perform an additional analysis? Why?

o What are the results of the second analysis? o Which variable, or variables, are statistically significant? Why? o Which variable, or variables, are not statistically significant? Why? o Is there a need to perform an additional analysis? Why? 5. Analysis summary: • • • • What did the analysis of the data show? Did the analysis confirm or not confirm the hypothesis? Which variable, or variables, most contribute to the response variable? Summarize the analysis and your conclusions

6. Suggested headings: • Introduction o This is where you describe the data, what you intend to produce, and make your hypothesis statement – don’t forget the confidence

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