Premium Essay



Submitted By lcroache
Words 1701
Pages 7


Multiple-Choice Questions

1. Literally, the word religion means a. meditate on. b. worship. c. connect again. d. rise above.

2. A common element often found in religions is a. respect for sculpture. b. feelings of wonder. c. rules governing meditation. d. the use of permanent places of worship

3. The early anthropologist who saw religion as rooted in a belief in spirits and the worship of them was a. E. B. Tylor. b. James Frazer. c. Sigmund Freud. d. Carl Jung.

4. Sigmund Freud, when analyzing the origin of religion, emphasized a. the human need for psychological security. b. the certainty of an afterlife. c. his belief that religions were essential to psychological health. d. the valuable role that religions play in helping people find meaning in their lives.

5. Belief in many gods is called a. polytheism. b. monotheism. c. agnosticism. d. atheism.

6. Belief in one God is called a. monotheism. b. polytheism. c. atheism. d. agnosticism.

7. A universal religious symbol that is circular, or that blends a circle and a square, is called a a. mandala. b. mudra. c. mantra. d. megalith

8. Pantheism is the belief a. that all reality is divine. b. in the ancient Greek religion that believed the god Pan was the source of cosmic order. c. in endless reincarnation. d. in a timeless realm of happiness at the top of the universe

9. In religious studies, the word myth means a. a story that is historically true. b. a story that is historically untrue. c. a story that is psychologically meaningful and may be either historically true or not. d. a story that is found in similar form in many religions

10. That area of investigation that

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