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Relationship Between Extent of Computer Technology Usage and Study Habit of Fourth Year High School Students


Submitted By KeiihPreysius
Words 5843
Pages 24
Chapter 1
The Problem and Its Background

This chapter is the preface about our problem, the relationship between extent of computer technology usage and study habit of students from Rogationist College and the its background.

Nowadays, technology became an inseparable part of our lives. It now rules the life of an average student and in the field of education in any corner of the world. It has taken over the field of education. Its influence has been taken across the world in every possible way. According to Charlie S. (2012) “Computer has been taking big parts of our lives, in different sectors such as medicine, architecture, communication, research, sports and education. But it greatly affects the sector of education, especially the students”.
In this world of competition, the students should have to be educated. Everything is not taught by a teacher or in school. In facing big challenges in life, students take extra learning through technology/computers. These computers can be used for their personal or recreational activities such as listening to music, watching movies or videos, chatting, browsing, playing games and etc. We can also express our feelings through it, through social networking sites.
Furthermore, the work of the students became easier in searching information they want to learn. Technology has been part of our lives like language, ritual values, arts and more. It also affects our ways of thinking that can contribute to a more progressive country. Computer technology provides an opportunity for students with the physical, emotional, and mental disabilities to acquire universal access to tools and opportunities for learning.
The communication media virtually dominate every major activity of children and youth today – from games to leisure, family relations to schooling, socialization to education. Indeed, media have become so powerful that they can shape and influence the individual’s attitudes, beliefs, values and lifestyles. The communication media landscape for today’s children and youth includes print, radio, television, video games, computers and the on-line technology of email and various Internet applications.
The findings of the 2006 McCann-Erickson Intergenerational Youth Study corroborate the increased popularity among the youth of activities relating to virtual connectivity. The study found that top leisure activities for teens after school remain to be traditional media that is, watching TV and listening to the radio. However, there is an emerging prominence of technology-related activities like use of cell phones and internet, indicating greater interest and participation in the so-called techno centric life. New priorities among children and youth, therefore, are hinged on the popularity of technology and connectivity. The coming of the Cyber Age in the Philippines has also brought a “digital divide.” Only 7 percent of households owned personal computers, as of 2003 (FLEMMS).
The 4As Media Factbook (2004) cited that computer ownership among households in Metro Manila was 17 percent and only 7 percent in Urban Philippines. Personal computer penetration is estimated at 1.9 for every 100 persons. As of 2006, there were 408 Internet Service Providers and an estimated 2 million Internet subscribers (NTC 2006). In 2004, the International Data Corp. estimated that there were 11.8 million Internet users in the Philippines but this is expected to increase to 21.5 million users by this year. However, in April 2007, Yahoo estimated that there were 14 million Internet users in the Philippines (16% of population).
The students have benefited from most efficient information flows, less cost and fast communication. Instead of reading books to find information they want, students can search and access information in just seconds, and receive more opinions about any topic. The students take less time to learn anything they want. Computer knowledge will be essential to education.
The technology available today has made a wealth of knowledge available to students, which offers great potentials for the convenience and style of learning. Information is presented in so many ways, that any type of learner, whether gifted or disabled, can find and use the compputer/technology. This fact relates not only to the internet, but to all many technological improvements in learning. In the years where computers are not yet invented, students are not yet engaged in activities using technologies. Students rely on books and visit the library to study, to read notes and to review lessons. During those years, despite the lack of computers and high-tech gadgets, students still achieve high and good grades and the students are still focused on their studies.
As said by Art Markman, Ph.D. (2012), “Knowledge is the essence of smart thinking. No matter how much raw intelligence you have, you are not going to succeed at solving complex problems without knowing a lot.” A student should strive hard to attain higher and better grades in their education.
At present, the age of modern technology, almost everything is high-tech, computer technologies had greatly improved and had become better. These days, the industry of technology is rapidly growing and changing. Along with that growth and changes in technology, are also the people who instantly adapt to the changes.
On word of Nicholas Carr (2010), “The deeper a technology is woven into the patterns of everyday life, the less choice we have about whether and how we use that technology.” The reason why technology is invented, is to help make people’s life easier and to improve their way of living, especially the students. Modern technologies make studying easier and fun for students.
As stated by Charlie S. (2012), “As communication systems enhance, education will change for better.” In line with this, we conducted this study to know how computer technology relates with the study habit of students. The study has conducted in Rogationist College where the researcher conducted a survey to each of the student of high school department to know how their study habit is being affected with the computer technology nowadays.

Statement of the Problem 1.) What is the profile of computer technology usage of fourth year high school students in terms of: a. Gadgets used; and b. Purpose of usage? 2.) What is the extent of computer technology usage of fourth year high school students in Rogationist College in terms of: a. Number of hours spent; and b. Frequency? 3.) What is the profile of study habit of fourth year high school students in Rogationist College in terms of: a. Numbers of hours spent; and b. Frequency? 4.) Is there any significant relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students?

Null Hypothesis There is no significant relationship between the use of technology and study habit of the fourth year students.

Alternative Hypothesis There is a significant relationship between the use of technology and study habit of the fourth year students.

The result of this study is beneficial to the following:
This study gives information to the students on how they should use technologies, which affect their study habit.
This study gives information to the teachers about the positive and negative effects of computer technology to the study habit of their students for them to help their students to limit and understand the use of technology.
Parents must know how computer technology affects their children’s study habit for them to be able to guide and mentor their children in the academic and social facets.
This study makes a community aware about the effects of computer technology. To give information on how a community could limit the use of computer technology and create ways on how to make it useful for the whole community.

Conceptual Framework
Computer Technology Usage
Study Habit
Propose program regarding study habit

This diagram shows the relationship between the extent of computer technology usage and study habit. It shows the process on how to have a good program that will enhance the capability of students to have a good study habit that will reflect on their grades.

Scope & Limitation Rogationist College, Silang, Cavite was the setting in which the study was conducted. The time frame for the research was thirty to forty-five (30-45) minutes for two (2) days in a month. The respondents were selected from Rogationist College. We will be communicating with the guidance counselors of the fourth year students to get information regarding their study habit. The main focus of the study is to know the effects of computer technology in the study habit of the students. In assessing the students, the data were obtained through questionnaire and surveys. This research was conducted to determine the Relationship between Extent of Computer Technology Usage and Study Habit in the fourth year high school students of Rogationist College.

Definition of Terms
The following terms were used within the context of this study:
Computer Technology Usage - the activity of designing and constructing and programming computers. In this research, we’re referring to the activity of utilizing modern tools like laptops, desktops, smartphones, ipods, and the like in different behaviors.
Study Habit - the practice or regular tendency in devotion of time and attention to acquiring on an academic subject especially by means of books. In this research, we’re referring to one’s style or method in studying.

Chapter 2
Review of the Related Literatures This chapter is about the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit. Furthermore, it states the outcome of the relationship between the two.

As indicated by Rick Nauret Ph.D. (2011), “Adolescents who use Computer for more than 4.5 hours a day are at risk for multiple risky behaviors such as illicit drug use, drunkenness and unprotected sex.” Strong connection between students and usage of technology will result to multiple hazardous behaviors.

Moreover, Valerie Carson (2011) says that, “Since they are exposed to considerable screen time, they’re constantly seeing images of behaviors they can potentially adopt.”

Furthermore, Nicki Dowling (2010), a clinical psychologist who led the study, states that “Technology use was clearly interfering with the students’ daily lives, but it may be going too far to call it an addiction.” She prefers to call it “Internet dependence”. Students depend on the internet, which basically uses computer technology, to deal with everything they’re doing, especially when it comes to their study habit.

Correspondingly, Joanna Saisan, M.S.W. (2013) says that, “The internet provides a constant, ever-changing source of information and entertainment, and can be accessed from most smart phones as well as tablets, laptops, and computers.” Each person’s usage of technology is different.

According to Melinda Smith, M.A. (2013), “Spending a lot of time online only becomes a problem when it absorbs too much of your time, causing you to neglect your relationships, work, school or other important things in your life.” The time spent online can be hugely productive, but compulsive technology use can interfere with daily life. Some studies suggest that excessive dependence on technology would lead to addiction.

On the word of Dr. Elias Aboujaoude (2010), director of the Impulse Control Disorders Clinic at Stanford, “Everything is saved these days from the meaningless e-mail sent after work lunch to the angry online exchange with a spouse.” which means that there’s a vast storage available in e-mail and on the internet. Thus, it prevents people from refraining to use technology. One will not eventually stop because there’s a wide capacity on the net.

However, some consider technology as “a way of escape”. Some believe that without technology, they will feel quiet alone and secluded from their lives because it gives them a constant feeling of comfort.
As stated by Dr. Kimberly Young (2010), a professor at St. Bonaventure University in New York who has led research on the addictive nature of online technology, “Technology, like food, is an essential part of our daily life, and those suffering from disordered online behavior cannot give it up entirely and instead have to learn moderation and controlled use.” Experts says that excessive use of technology can cause people to become more impatient, impulsive, forgetful, and even more narcissistic. Consequently, these risky manners may be adapted to their studies that may affect their study habit.
According to a literature by Jill Elaine Hughes (2011), “Developing good study habits is crucial for any student pursuing higher education, but it is of particular importance to working learners. Schools must provide its student with a robust support network that enables working learners to make most of their existing skills and also boost their ability to be self-disciplined, self-directed, and ultimately successful in their degree programs.”
Moreover, Art Markman, Ph.D. (2012) in Ulterior Motives stated that “One of the most important tips is that students should study by testing themselves rather than just reading over the material. It is also important to study over a period of days rather than waiting until the last minute to study. Moreover, the students who make a schedule and stick with it tend to get better grades, while the students who study late at night tends to get worse grades than those who study in the evening.”
Thus, Mari Lopez (2011), Vice President of Student Services Operations at University of Phoenix, indicated that “Formative effective study habits are critical to a student’s success. I would encourage students to have a plan set from the time they begin to take courses.”

In addition to that, Keely Duke (2012) says that, “Studying with friends helps us to remain focus in our studies because when it makes us less likely to give up if we have encouragement of studying around us. Having a healthy body and mind helps us to think much more clearly and effective. We must avoid destructions such as phones and anything that is not needed for us to make our work done.” Developing study habit may start by planning your schedules. Everything should be planned. A student must know what to do with their life and education, to have a better study habit. Study habit may boost their ability to learn and innovate new ideas.
As Charlie S. (2012) has said, “They proved to be an asset not only for the corporate sector, but also in other sectors such as medicine, architecture, communication, research, sports and education. These very machines have now become a common sight in schools across the world.” One might also has the need to use the Internet to his/her work or to keep in touch with his/her family and friends.
On the word of Charlie S. (2012), “Knowledge and education is empowering, and the best way to make it accessible to everyone is through computers.”
The involvement of technologies such as laptops, desktops, iPods, smartphones, and tablets takes a big part in our lives. It revolutionizes students in distinctive ways. Each person’s computer technology use is different. One might need to use it extensively for his work or one might rely on social networking sites. Effective study habit is a very important part of learning process. It is all about keeping a daily routine.
Using computer technology is a part of different situations on our daily lives. It can make our lives uncomplicated. It will help students to find more information and discover new essential things that would help us improve. But it can also be very harmful. Abusive use of computer technology may result to poor study habit that would undeniably have an effect to one’s lifestyle. Spending a lot of time using computer technology becomes a problem when it absorbs too much of one’s time. Hence, it will cause negligence to one’s relationship, school and other important things in one’s life.

Chapter 3
This chapter contains the research design, information about the respondents, research locale, instruments, procedures and statistical treatment. This research was conducted in order to identify what is the extent of computer technology usage and profile of study habit of fourth year high school students in Rogationist College.
Research Design The descriptive research design was utilized for this study. We’ve chosen this type of research method which is used to get information on the current status of a person or an object. The reporters described the existing conditions/variables that are found in a given situation.
According to Bickman and Rog (1998), Descriptive studies can answer questions such as “what is” or “what was.” Experiments can typically answer “why” or “how.” Descriptive studies are usually the best methods for collecting information that will demonstrate relationships and describe the world as it exists.
Respondents of the Study
The respondents were from Rogationist College that has a population of more than 200 fourth year high school students. These students always use the internet and books, so it was not hard for them to answer some questions presented in this study. We gave questionnaires about our topic in conducting this study. The significant relationship between computer technology usage and study habit is also a part of the objectives. In order to respond to these objectives, the respondents were selected from Rogationist College. Specifically, fourth year students from the high school department. Research Locale The study was conducted in Rogationist College, a Catholic school in Silang, Cavite. They have more than 1000 students. We chose to give questionnaires to each section of the fourth year students in the said school. Instrumentation Questionnaires are widely held instruments for collecting information. Questionnaires can cover a large number of people and organizations, and it is reasonably cheap. It helped us in assessing the student’s study habit. Clear and definite instructions were provided by the researchers for completion of the said questions. The researchers prefered to use self-made questionnaires. The respondent’s answers under Study Habit and Computer Technology Usage questions were assessed with the following extent:
5 – Very Great Extent
4 – Great Extent
3 – Moderate Extent
2 – Least Extent
1 – Very Least Extent

Procedure The researchers gave Questionnaires in each section in the fourth year level in Rogationist College and there were some questions regarding the study that they had answered. After the respondents answered the questionnaires, the researchers collected it. The researcher studied the questionnaires and through the data gathered, we got ideas on how to answer the problem of our study. We communicated with the guidance counselor of the fourth year students to get information regarding their study habit. The main focus of the study is to know the effects of computer technology in the study habit of the students. Statistical Treatment To answer research question #1, the researcher used the statistical treatment: a. Percentage b. Mean * P=fNx100% Where: * X = xN Where:

P = Percentage X = Mean f = Frequency x = sum of all scores
N = Number of cases N = number of cases

In research question #2, the researcher used statistical treatment: a. Percentage b. Mean * P=fNx100% * X = xN

Where: Where:
% = Percentage X = Mean f = Frequency x = sum of all scores
N = Number of cases N = number of cases In research question #3, the researcher used statistical treatment: b. Percentage b. Mean * P=fNx100% * X = xN
Where: Where:
% = Percentage X = Mean f = Frequency x = sum of all scores
N = Number of cases N = number of cases To answer research question #4, the researcher used the statistical treatment:

Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data. It consists the results of the profile of computer technology usage, extent of computer technology usage and the profile of study habit of the respondents.
Problem 1. What is the profile of computer technology usage of fourth year high school students in terms of: a. Gadgets used; and b. Purpose of usage?
Table 1.1 Gadgets Used Gadgets | Frequency | Percentage | Rank | Computer | 44 | 49% | 1 | Cell phone | 39 | 43% | 2 | Tablet | 5 | 6% | 3 | Others | 2 | 2% | 4 | Total | 90 | 100% | |

The table 1.1 shows the frequency, percentage and ranking of the different gadgets used by the respondents. Computer has a frequency of 41 or 47% and got the 1st rank. Cell phone has a frequency of 39 or 45% and got the 2nd rank. Tablet has a frequency of 5 or 6% and got the 3rd rank. Other gadget, like iPod, has a frequency of 2 or 2% and got the 4th rank. This means that among the gadgets listed above, the widely used gadget is computer and the least used gadget is the other gadget specified by the respondents.

Table 1.2 Purpose of Use Purpose | Frequency | Percentage | Rank | Social Networking | 62 | 69% | 1 | Gaming | 18 | 20% | 2 | Research | 9 | 10% | 3 | Clerical Works | 1 | 1% | 4 | Total | 90 | 100% | |

The table 1.2 shows the frequency, percentage and ranking of different purposes of the respondents to use gadgets. Social Networking has a frequency of 59 or 68% and got the 1st rank. Gaming has a frequency of 18 or 21% and got the 2nd rank. Research has a frequency of 9 or 10% and got the 3rd rank. And the clerical works has a frequency of 1 or 1% and got the 4th rank. This means that the respondent’s usual purpose of using gadgets is social networking and they are least used in clerical works.

Problem 2. What is the extent of computer technology usage of fourth year high school students in Rogationist College in terms of: a. Number of hours spent; and b. Frequency?
Table 2.1 Hours Spent in Computer Technology | Frequency | Percentage | 9hrs & above | VGE | 10 | 11% | 7 - 8 hours | GE | 9 | 10% | 5 - 6 hours | ME | 18 | 20% | 3 -4 hours | LE | 34 | 38% | 1 - 2 hours | VLE | 19 | 21% | Total | 90 | 100% |

The table 2.1 shows the frequency and percentage of the hours spent in using computer technology. 9 hours & above has a frequency of 10 or 11%. 7 to 8 hours has a frequency of 9 or 10%. 5 to 6 hours has a frequency of 18 or 20%. 3 to 4 hours has a frequency of 34 or 38%. And 1 to 2 hours has a frequency of 19 or 21%
This means that most of the respondents take 3 – 4 hours in using computer technology while the least of them used it for 7 – 8 hours.

Table 2.2 Frequency of Use of Computer Technology | Frequency | Percentage | Daily | VGE | 53 | 59% | Every Other Day | GE | 22 | 24% | Twice a Week | ME | 10 | 11% | Once a Week | LE | 3 | 3% | Once in Two Weeks | VLE | 2 | 2% | Total | 90 | 100% |

The table 2.2 shows the frequency and percentage of how frequent the respondents use computer technology. Daily has a frequency of 53 or 49%. Every other day has a frequency of 22 or 24%. Twice a week has a frequency of 10 or 11%. Once a week has a frequency of 3 or 3%. Once in two weeks has a frequency of 2 or 2%. This means that most of the respondents used computer daily while the least of them used it once in two weeks.

Problem 3. What is the profile of study habit of fourth year high school students in Rogationist College in terms of: a. Numbers of hours spent; and b. Frequency?
Table 3.1 Hours Spent in Studying | Frequency | Percentage | 9hrs & above | VGE | 7 | 8% | 7 - 8 hours | GE | 3 | 3% | 5 - 6 hours | ME | 10 | 11% | 3 -4 hours | LE | 31 | 34% | 1 - 2 hours | VLE | 39 | 43% | Total | 90 | 100% |

The table 3.1 shows the frequency and percentage of hours spent in studying of the respondents. 9 hours & above has a frequency of 7 or 8%. 7 to 8 hours has a frequency of 3 or 3%. 5 to 6 hours has a frequency of 10 or 11%. 3 to 4 hours has a frequency of 31 or 34%. And 1 to 2 hours has a frequency of 39 or 43%. This means that most of the respondents spent 1 – 2 hours in studying while the least of them spent 9 hours and above.

Table 3.2 Frequency of Studying | Frequency | Percentage | Daily | VGE | 37 | 41% | Every Other Day | GE | 20 | 22% | Twice a Week | ME | 15 | 17% | Once a Week | LE | 10 | 11% | Once in Two Weeks | VLE | 8 | 9% | Total | 90 | 100% |

The table 3.2 shows the frequency and percentage of how frequent the respondents study. Daily has a frequency of 37 or 41%. Every Other Day has a frequency of 20 or 22%. Twice a week has a frequency of 15 or 17%. Once a week has a frequency of 10 or 11%. Once in two weeks has a frequency of 8 or 9%. This means that most of the respondents are studying daily while the least of them are studying once in two weeks.

Problem 4. Is there any significant relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students?
Table 4.1 Hours in Computer Usage and Study Habit Study Habit | R Value | Significant | Number of Hours of Computer Usage | 0.03436 | Not Significant | Frequency Of Studying | -0.24953 | Significant at .05 level |

Table 4.1 shows that the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students in terms of number of hours of computer usage is not significant with an R value of 0.03436, while the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students in terms of frequency of studying is significant at .05 level with an R value of -0.24953. This means that in terms of number of hours of computer usage and frequency of studying is inversely proportional. When the number of hours of computer usage increases, frequency of study decreases.
Table 4.2 Frequency of Computer Usage and Study Habit Study Habit | R Value | Significant | Number of Hours in Studying | -0.22361 | Significant at 0.05 level | Frequency Of Computer Usage | -0.06662 | Not Significant |

Table 4.2 shows that the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students in terms of number of hours in studying is significant at .05 level with a R value of -0.22361, while the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students in terms of frequency of computer usage is not significant with the R value of -0.06662. This means that there is significant co-relation between frequency of computer usage and number of hours in studying with a negative R value which would be interpreted that two variables are inversely proportional. It would mean further that as frequency of computer usage increases the number of hours in studying decreases.

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
This chapter will show you the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations regarding computer technology usage and study habit. This will also show you the final result of the study made.
Brief Review of the Study It was the purpose of this study to determine the relationship between extent of computer usage and study habit of the fourth year students of Rogationist College. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1.) What is the profile of computer technology usage of fourth year high school students in terms of: a. Gadgets used; and b. Purpose of usage? 2.) What is the extent of computer technology usage of fourth year high school students in Rogationist College in terms of: a. Number of hours spent; and b. Frequency? 3.) What is the profile of study habit of fourth year high school students in Rogationist College in terms of: a. Numbers of hours spent; and b. Frequency? 4.) Is there any significant relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students?

Hypothesis There is a significant relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of the fourth year students.

To be able to answer the problems systematically and objectively, the researcher utilize the descriptive correlation method of research where the profile of the respondents in terms of computer technology usage and study habit was gathered, interpreted and analyzed.
Summary of Findings 1. Profile of Computer technology usage in terms of: a. Gadgets Used It is noted by the researcher that the respondents often use computer with the frequency of 41 or 47% and got the 1st rank. Cell phone has a frequency of 39 or 45% and got the 2nd rank. Tablet has a frequency of 5 or 6% and got the 3rd rank. Other gadget, like iPod, has a frequency of 2 or 2% and got the 4th rank. This means that among the gadgets listed above, the widely used gadget is Computer and the least used gadget is the other gadgets specified by the respondents. b. Purpose of Use
It is noted by the researcher that the respondents often use computer technology for Social Networking with the frequency of 59 or 68% and got the 1st rank. Gaming has a frequency of 18 or 21% and got the 2nd rank. Research has a frequency of 9 or 10% and got the 3rd rank. And the clerical works has a frequency of 1 or 1% and got the 4th rank. This means that the respondent’s usual purpose of using gadgets is social networking and they are least used in clerical works. 2. Extent of Computer Technology Usage in terms of: a. Number of hours spent
It is noted by the researchers that the respondents often use computer technology for 9 hours & above with the frequency of 10 or 11%. 7 to 8 hours has a frequency of 9 or 10%. 5 to 6 hours has a frequency of 18 or 20%. 3 to 4 hours has a frequency of 34 or 38%. And 1 to 2 hours has a frequency of 19 or 21%. This means that most of the respondents take 3 – 4 hours in using computer technology while the least of them used it for 7 – 8 hours. b. Frequency
It is noted by the researchers that the respondents often use computer technology daily with the frequency of 53 or 49%. Every other day has a frequency of 22 or 24%. Twice a week has a frequency of 10 or 11%. Once a week has a frequency of 3 or 3%. Once in two weeks has a frequency of 2 or 2%. This means that most of the respondents used computer daily while the least of them used it once in two weeks. 3. Profile of Study Habit in terms of: a. Number of Hours Spent It is noted by the researchers that the respondents study for 9 hours & above has a frequency of 7 or 8%. 7 to 8 hours has a frequency of 3 or 3%. 5 to 6 hours has a frequency of 10 or 11%. 3 to 4 hours has a frequency of 31 or 34%. And 1 to 2 hours has a frequency of 39 or 43%. This means that most of the respondents spent 1 – 2 hours in studying while the least of them spent 9 hours and above. b. Frequency
It is noted by the researchers that the respondents study daily with the frequency of 37 or 41%. Every Other Day has a frequency of 20 or 22%. Twice a week has a frequency of 15 or 17%. Once a week has a frequency of 10 or 11%. Once in two weeks has a frequency of 8 or 9%. This means that most of the respondents are studying daily while the least of them are studying once in two weeks. 4. Significant Relationship between Computer Technology Usage and Study Habit a. Hours in Computer Usage and Study Habit It is noted by the researchers that the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students in terms of number of hours of computer usage is not significant with an R value of 0.03436, while the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students in terms of frequency of studying is significant at .05 level with an R value of -0.24953. This means that in terms of number of hours of computer usage and frequency of studying is inversely proportional. When the number of hours of computer usage increases, frequency of study decreases. b. Frequency of Computer Usage and Study Habit It is noted by the researchers that the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students in terms of number of hours in studying is significant at .05 level with a R value of -0.22361, while the relationship between computer technology usage and study habit of students in terms of frequency of computer usage is not significant with the R value of -0.06662. This means that there is significant co-relation between frequency of computer usage and number of hours in studying with a negative R value which would be interpreted that two variables are inversely proportional. It would mean further that as frequency of computer usage increases the number of hours in studying decreases.
There is a significant correlation between computer technology usage and study habit, specifically in terms of frequency of studying and number of hours in studying. Although there were some aspects in computer technology usage and study habit were not significantly correlated which would mean that still there is a slight correlation noting that the R value is higher than 0.
On the basis of the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are offered: 1. Students should spend more time in studying than using computer technologies. 2. Students should study daily. 3. Students should pay more attention in studying. 4. Parents should give more time to guide and limit their children.
For the researchers who will be studying this research, they should study deeper about this.

Charlie S. (2012). Use of Computers in Education, from
McCann-Erickson (2006), 4As Media Factbook (2004). SURVEY ON INTERNET ACCESS AND USE BY FILIPINO SCHOOLCHILDREN, from
Art Markman, Ph.D. (2012). Developing Good Study Habits Really Works, Ulterior Motives. From :
Nicholas Carr (2010). All Can Be Lost: The Risk of Putting Our Knowledge in the Hands of Machines, from
Rick Nauret Ph.D.(2011), Valerie Carson (2011). Prolonged Computer Use by Teens Linked to Risky Behaviors, from
Dr. Kimberly Young (2010).Internet Addiction, from
Jill Elaine Hughes (2011), Mari Lopez (2011). Developing good study habits, from
Bickman and Rog (1998). Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods, from

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...EFFECT OF COMPUTER AND ONLINE GAMES IN THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF SELECTED HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS OF SOUTHHILL MONTESSORI SCHOOL, INC. A Research Paper Presented to Southhill Montessori School, Inc. Laguerta, Calamba City, Laguna In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement in Advance English IV by: Cantre, William Joseph C. Lumbres, Rhea M. Melanio, Lawrence T. March 2015 APPROVAL SHEET In Partial fulfilment of the requirements in Advance English, this thesis entitled The Effect of Computer and Online Games in the Academic Performance of the Selected Highschool Students of Southhill Montessori School, Inc. prepared by the students researchers William Joseph C. Cantre, Rhea M. Lumbres, Lawrence T. Melanio and is hereby submitted for oral examination ____________________ ALVIN N. NAVARRO Subject Teacher ------------------------------------------------- PANEL OF EXAMINERS Examined and approved by the oral examination committee with a rating of ______ on February 07, 2015. __________________________ MRS.CRESENCIA M. COMIA Chairperson _________________________ __________________________ MR. BERNARDO R. TIMAJO MR. ALVIN N. NAVARRO Member Member Accepted and approved in Partial fulfilment of the requirements in Advance English, an Elective subject of English IV. __________________________ _________________________ MRS. CRESENCIA M. COMIA Principal Southhill Montessori School Inc. TITLE: The Effect of Computer and Online...

Words: 5464 - Pages: 22

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Reading Habit in Children

...PUPILS’ PERCEPTION OF CABLE TELEVISION PROGRAMMES AS DETERMINANT OF READING HABITS AND ATTITUDES IN UNIVERSITY STAFF SCHOOLS IN SOUTH WESTERN NIGERIA BY FLORENCE ADEOLA, OMOBA A proposal in the Department of ABADINA MEDIA RESOURCE CENTRE submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY of the UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION * Background to the study * Statement of the problem * Objective of the study * Research questions and research hypothesis * Significance of the study * Scope of the study * Operational definition of terms REVIEW OF LITERATURE * Theoretical frame work * Empirical orientation * Reading habit * Reading attitude * Television * School libraries RESEARCH METHODOLOGY * Research design * Population and sampling technique * Research instrument * Validation and reliability of instruments * Data collection procedure * Data analysis REFERENCES APPENDIXES CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION John Walson, an appliance storeowner in a small town of Mahanoy, had difficulty selling television sets to local residents because reception in the area was poor. The problem seemed to be the location of the town in a valley and nearly 90 air miles from the Philadelphia television transmitters. Naturally, signals could not pass through mountains and clear reception was virtually impossible except on the ridges outside of town. It...

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...Urban University: A Pilot Study Sam Mozee, MPPA Mississippi Urban Research Center Abstract. The purpose of this study was to begin exploring the possible impact of social media use on the academic performance of students attending one urban university. The study's primary goal is to identify key themes, trends, and/or perceptions that can be used as a foundation for more in-depth empirical research, and can be used to develop policy recommendations to deal with this growing phenomenon. A qualitative research design was used, and three preliminary research questions were formed to guide this study: (1) How common is the use of social media (i.e., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkIn) among college students? (2) For those students who do utilize social networking sites, on average how much time do they spend on those sites collectively per day and/or per week? and (3) How does the academic performance of students compare between students who utilize social media sites and students who do not use social media sites? Findings from this study seem to confirm perceptions of high student usage of social media among college students; however, they also seem to contradict other research literature findings regarding intensity of usage and gender-usage inclinations. Introduction Recently, there has been considerable discussion regarding the frequent use of social media tools (e.g., Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Xanga, Friendster) by high school and college students, and the possible effect...

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Need Info

...Networking Sites to Study of Fourth year students♥••• Abstract:  Social network is a platform for people share their ideals, to meet new friends and to reconnect with old friends. Social networking sites offer people new and varied ways to communicate via the internet, whether through their PC or their mobile phone. Examples include MySpace, Facebook, Skype etec. They allow people to easily and simply create their own online page or profile and to construct and display an online network of contacts, often called ‘friends’. Users of these sites can communicate via their profile both with their ‘friends’ and with people outside their list of contacts. With SNS it is easy to communicate with your classmate, discuss class assignment and even submit project to your lecturer, watch videos, make comment on your friend page etc. This study will focus on the effect of SNS on student academic performance, using GAU as a case study. What are student using SNS for, does it affect their studies, or help them to learn easily. This project will talk about the history of SNS, development and the users of SNS especially by student and lecturers in communicating with colleague and student as well. A 15 question personally administered questionnaire was designed and sent to about 50 students from different country and department in GAU. CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction Since the introduction of social network sites years ago, to communicate with friends and family has...

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...FACTORS AFFECTING TECHNOLOGY USES IN SCHOOLS1: AN ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Yong Zhao Kenneth A. Frank Michigan State Univeristy Contact information: Yong Zhao, 115D Erickson, College of Education, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, Email:, Phone: 517-353-4325 This study was made possible by a grant from the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), but views and findings expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect those of MDE. The following individuals participated in the design and implementation of this study: Yong Zhao, Kenneth A. Frank, Blaine Morrow, Kathryn Hershey, Joe Byers, Nicole Ellefson, Susan Porter, Rick Banghart, Andrew Henry, and Nancy Hewat. Although we cannot identify the names of the schools that participated in this study, we want to thank all the teachers and administrators in these 19 schools. Without their cooperation and support, this study would not have been possible. We would also like to thank Dr. Maenette K. P. Benham and the four anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments. Ann Krause, Punya, Mishra, Matthew Koehler, and Gary Cziko offered very helpful comments and suggestions. 1 Abstract Why isn't technology used more in schools? Many researchers have been searching for solutions to this persistent puzzle. In this paper, we extend existing research on technology integration and diffusion of innovations by investigating relationships among the long list of factors that have already been...

Words: 17667 - Pages: 71

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Research Paper

...second section reviews research findings and focuses on several key factors related to Internet addiction, including Internet use and time, identifiable problems, gender differences, psychosocial variables, and computer attitudes. The third section considers the addictive potential of the Internet in terms of the Internet, its users, and the interaction of the two. The fourth section addresses current and projected treatments of Internet addiction, suggests future research agendas, and provides implications for educational psychologists. KEY WORDS: Internet addiction; Internet dependence; Internet abuse; pathological Internet use. INTRODUCTION The use of the Internet on school campuses and in society has increased dramatically in recent years. Whereas the academic use of the Internet is primarily intended for learning and research, the Internet has also become an important part of student life. However, from time to time, cases of overinvolvement with the Internet have been observed on different campuses. For example, Chou et al. (1999) observed that in one residence hall at their 1 Institute of Education/Center for Teacher Education, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2 College of Education, Social and Cultural Foundations of Education, Technologies of Instruction and Media, The Ohio State University. 3 Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State...

Words: 10644 - Pages: 43

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Research Paper

...BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A STUDY OF INTERNET ADDICTION AMONG STUDENTS OF SEKOLAH MENENGAH JENIS KEBANGSAAN PEI YUAN, KAMPAR YONG SHU QIN A RESEARCH PAPER SUBNITTED IN PARTIAL FUOFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE BACHELOR OF SOCIAL SCIENCE (HONS) PSYCHOLOGY FACULTY OF ART AND SOCIAL SCIENCE UNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN MARCH 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express gratitude for the coaching, guidance and input from several special individual. Firstly, I would like to thank Ms. Low Sew Kim, my supervisor for all the directions, guidance and advice given that ensure the completion of this project. Next, I would like to my family, especially my parents, Yong Chong Kim and Liew Moi Pong and also my sister, Yong Seok Ting for all the moral support given during the stressful periods. I would like to thank Ms. Angeline Goh Lee Ying for the guidance of SPSS program. I would like to give special thank to my senior Sebastian Ong for guidance me in this study and sharing his experience, which has helped me to open my eyes and explore various possible. I would like to thank my friends, Low Yew Kong, Joshua Teo, and Wang Hui Ni for their continuous support and wise counsel that I value and appreciate immeasurably. I also would like to thank the principal of SMJK Pei Yuan for giving me chance to distribute survey forms to students. I would like to express gratitude for all the participants of this study for their willingness to participate in this study and also for their patience during...

Words: 12750 - Pages: 51

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Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship

...Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship  danah m. boyd  School of Information University of California-Berkeley  Nicole B. Ellison  Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media  Michigan State University    ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form                         Bottom of Form Abstract Social network sites (SNSs) are increasingly attracting the attention of academic and industry researchers intrigued by their affordances and reach. This special theme section of theJournal of Computer-Mediated Communication brings together scholarship on these emergent phenomena. In this introductory article, we describe features of SNSs and propose a comprehensive definition. We then present one perspective on the history of such sites, discussing key changes and developments. After briefly summarizing existing scholarship concerning SNSs, we discuss the articles in this special section and conclude with considerations for future research. Introduction Since their introduction, social network sites (SNSs) such as MySpace, Facebook, Cyworld, and Bebo have attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated these sites into their daily practices. As of this writing, there are hundreds of SNSs, with various technological affordances, supporting a wide range of interests and practices. While their key technological features are fairly consistent, the cultures that emerge around SNSs are varied. Most sites...

Words: 14098 - Pages: 57

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Effects of Computer Games

...EFFECTS OF COMPUTER GAMING ON NEUST STUDENTS’ IN CABANATUAN CITY 1. FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. THE REPORT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. BACKGROUND ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 3. RESEARCH DIRECTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1. ACTIVE USER PERSPECTIVES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.1. Important studies ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.1.2. Problems with the Active User perspective ............................................

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...The Information and Communication Technology Capabilities of LGUs 87 2. The personnel and department heads should practice using the application software and try exploring while using the software. 3. The personnel especially in the lowland and interior municipalities need to undergo training along Microsoft Excel and use of Internet; and the department heads should find time to attend training on advanced I.T. like Microsoft PowerPoint. 4. The Local Government Units should include in their Municipal Development Plans how they can improve and advance along Information and Communication Technology, particularly their connection to the World Wide Web. References A. Book Milton, Susan J. and Arnold, Jesse C. Introduction to Probability and Statistics: Principles and Applications For Engineering and The Computing Sciences. New York, Mc Graw Hill, 2004 B. Theses Benzon, Paraluman Ma. Fatima C. “Computer Literacy of Local Government Unit Personnel of Vigan City”, (Unpublished Master Thesis, University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, 2006) Lumibao, Donna Marie C. “Computer and Information Technology in the local Government Units of the First District of Ilocos Sur”, (Unpublished Master Thesis, University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, 2004) C. Magazine National Information Technology Plan. Info Trends, 1988 88 UNP Research Journal Vol. XIX ...

Words: 30250 - Pages: 121

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Research Document

...lecture and students listening and writing notes. Interaction between the professor and student has been viewed as an essential learning element within this arrangement. However, innovations in educational delivery mechanisms have challenged this paradigm. Advances in Information Technology (IT) are enabling little used educational delivery methods such as On-line Learning (OL). The result is that many institutions of higher learning have adopted on-line education as the next logical step in educational delivery systems. These systems are being promoted as the educational pedagogy of the future. Some experts have gone as far as to predict that the "residential based model," that is, students attending classes at prearranged times and locations will disappear in the near future (Blustain, Goldstein, & Lozier 1999; Drucker 1997). However, one overriding question that must be addressed is how will these new educational delivery approaches that move away from the basic face to face relationship between a professor and students impact student learning and student perceptions of learning. Online learning can be defined as an approach that utilizes Internet technologies to communicate and collaborate in an educational context. This includes technology that supplements traditional classroom training with web-based components and learning environments where the educational process is experienced online. OL is a form of education that is conducted through indirect student teacher...

Words: 9937 - Pages: 40

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...Nuestra Señora del Pilar High School 8715 Quezon, Bukidnon The Effects of DOTA Addiction Dan Louise Christian Dacillo Ardemer Authors Ms. Carmela Jagunal Teacher All Rights Reserved 2015 Page | 1 Table of Contents I. Introduction ………………………………………………………...……………. 3 A. Thesis Statement ………………………………………………………… 5 B. Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………... 6 C. Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………... 7 D. Methodology ……………………………………………………………... 9 1. Type of Research ………………………………………………… 9 2. Respondents …………………………………………….………... 9 3. Questionnaire ……………………………….……………………. 10 E. Review of Related Literature …………………………………..…….……….. 11 II. Body ……………………………………………..…………...……………..…….. 17 III. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… 36 IV. Recommendations …………………………………………………………………. 37 V. Bibliography …………………….…………………………………………………. 38 VI. Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………. 39 VII. Appendices …………………………………………………………………………. 43 Page | 2 I. Introduction: DOTA or Defense of the Ancients is a game that rose in the age of the modern technology. It is a LAN game or Local Area Network Mode. DOTA started in early 2000’s in the program Warcraft; it was revised in around 2006 in the program Warcraft III and later on they launched an online based application of DOTA which can be played not only by the LAN Users but also the WWAN Users, it was named as DOTA 2. DOTA has been a great...

Words: 7093 - Pages: 29

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Ako C Tata

...Nuestra Señora del Pilar High School 8715 Quezon, Bukidnon The Effects of DOTA Addiction Dan Louise Christian Dacillo Ardemer Authors Ms. Carmela Jagunal Teacher All Rights Reserved 2015 Page | 1 Table of Contents I. Introduction ………………………………………………………...……………. 3 A. Thesis Statement ………………………………………………………… 5 B. Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………... 6 C. Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………... 7 D. Methodology ……………………………………………………………... 9 1. Type of Research ………………………………………………… 9 2. Respondents …………………………………………….………... 9 3. Questionnaire ……………………………….……………………. 10 E. Review of Related Literature …………………………………..…….……….. 11 II. Body ……………………………………………..…………...……………..…….. 17 III. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… 36 IV. Recommendations …………………………………………………………………. 37 V. Bibliography …………………….…………………………………………………. 38 VI. Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………………. 39 VII. Appendices …………………………………………………………………………. 43 Page | 2 I. Introduction: DOTA or Defense of the Ancients is a game that rose in the age of the modern technology. It is a LAN game or Local Area Network Mode. DOTA started in early 2000’s in the program Warcraft; it was revised in around 2006 in the program Warcraft III and later on they launched an online based application of DOTA which can be played not only by the LAN Users but also the WWAN Users, it was named as DOTA 2. DOTA has been a great...

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