...Kelly Krause Research paper PO 102-02 Gay rights and Religion I choose to do my paper on gay rights and religion. I will be talking about Amendment 14. States that support gay marriage. Religious rights versus gay rights. Gay rights and religious freedom. Gay discrimination. Gay rights and the Constitution. In February of 2004 San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom ordered the city clerk to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. The issue that had simmered in the background for years was moved toward the front of the nation's political agenda. Supporters of the more traditional conceptions of marriage fought Newsom in the courts. When they failed there they were placed on California's 2008 ballot that would restrict marriage to heterosexual couples only. Before the 2008 election Massachusetts and Connecticut had already legalized same-sex marriage. Soon after California's vote, Vermont and Iowa joined the ranks states that allow gay couples to marry. While many supporters of gay marriage have focused on winning state approval through the political process by passing new laws to legalize the practice. That strategy has succeeded but only in New England. In the other states, gay marriage has been established only through the courts. While most of the legal fighting over gay marriage has unfolded in the various state courts, many gay-rights advocates suggest that soon the battle needs to be taken to the next level and fought out in the federal courts. Total...
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...Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights, that regulate our everydaylife, religion becomes unnecessary. Religion establishes a basic understandment of morality, but since we got laws, basic rights...
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...The right to religion : The last century has witnesses many conflicts between ethnic grous that rsulted in many victims as wars and havoc dominayed . no one can forget the Bosna was where the Serbians conflictd with the muslims and killed millions of them in group graves . this was raised voices to call for the freedom of reliogion and the freedom to practice religious rituals withot any prevention or obstacles . there are millions of muslims live in all parts of the world like in America and Australai . they have bee treated unfairly in recent times due to the terriorstic attacks on the world trade tower. Also other religions in the area are treated on the basis of their ehnic groups . india for example hosts more than hundred of ethnic groups and religions . the launch of the human rights involved the human right to practice his religion when ever he wants and feely without any barriers . there are mnay voices that support this right while still some countries impose obstacles and annoyance to the small groups within their countries . I have found that this topic is very important to andle and to talk about since human right of religion is very important in the world where people are attributing bad events and attacks to certain religions . the Islamic values preent terrorism and call for peace and good manners . all wars in the current decade and in the previous decades have been are based on the ethnic bsis since enemity has increased between relgions and there has been...
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...Freedom of Religion or Belief - how the FCO can help promote respect for this human right “The UK condemns all instances where individuals are persecuted because of their faith or belief, wherever this happens and whatever the religion of the individual or group concerned.”1 SUMMARY Freedom of religion or belief is a human right whose enjoyment is important to achieving the UK’s strategic priorities, particularly as regards conflict prevention and resolution. It is a sensitive issue in many countries. These guidelines, elaborated with the help of specialist stakeholders, aim to provide a simple introduction to the issues for FCO posts and desks, an analytical matrix to identify problems, some general responses to frequently raised issues, and other resources for those who wish to go deeper into the subject. 1 FCO Human Rights Annual Report 2007, p. 106 1 CONTENTS What is freedom of religion or belief? Paras 2-9 Why is freedom of religion or belief important to the UK? Paras 10-11 What is needed to achieve freedom of religion? Para 12 Vulnerable groups and freedom of religion Para 13 Children and freedom of religion Para 14 Freedom of religion and freedom of expression Paras 15-19 Restrictions on freedom of religion Paras 20 – 25 What problems are Posts most likely to encounter? Paras 26 – 32 How can Posts help to promote freedom of religion? Paras 33 – 38 Regional mechanisms Para 39 Some basic...
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...“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (Passe). This short excerpt from The First Amendment in the Constitution clearly states one’s religious right as citizens of the United States of America to freely practice religion without government interference in schools. With this being said, the Constitution does not restrict citizens from teaching religion in an unbiased manner (Passe). Even in today’s society, some are still sceptical about whether religious rights still exist and several people want religion to be added to the schools’ daily schedules. In fact, a survey was conducted in August of 2006 by the Pew Research Center and more than two-thirds (sixty-nine percent) agree with adding religion to schools (Pew). From this, one can reach a conclusion that support is growing for religion in schools and the need for religious tolerance and impactful presence in history is essential for kids. Teaching religion in schools should be allowed because it abides by the Constitution, creates a sense of religious tolerance the United States has yet to grasp, and is essential in order to understand all historical content and social events. Though there are several reasons apparent for why the United States should allow teaching religion in schools, separation of church and state is still widely misunderstood all over the United States (Passe). When regarding the quote in the first paragraph, the First Amendment strictly...
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...Religion in School The controversy of religion in school has been going on for over 30 years. The first amendment in the Bill of Rights states that there is a freedom of religion. People are fighting every day to try to keep religion in school. Allowing religion in school could change people’s lives and make them better people throughout their life. I am a strong believer in having religion in school. The first amendment in the Bill of Rights states that there is a freedom of religion. That means that people can practice their religion freely whenever and wherever they would like to. Saying that means that you should be able to practice religion in schools. In the past century the supreme court has protected the students’ individual rights to pray, wear religious clothes, and express their beliefs in school, yet banned these practices were they are perceived as disruptive, discriminator/, or coercive to peers who may not share those same beliefs. I do not believe that these rights should be banned just because someone does not want to hear about it. Maybe hearing about the religion will make them a better person. There is someone fighting each and every day to try to take religion out of schools for good or keep it in schools. You can look in the paper all the time and see where someone is in court over religion. I think it is pointless for a person to try to go to court or do whatever to take religion out of school. I mean people do have the right to freedom of religion...
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...Civil Liberties and Civil Rights August 25, 2012 I chose the civil liberty of Freedom of Religion. I chose this topic because I feel it is very important in our world today. Today we live in a world where there are many, many religions, and where I am of the Christian religion, I respect those of other religions also. I feel like as humans, we all need something to believe in, and that is what makes me respect other religions. We all have a right to believe in what we want, whether the person beside you believes in the same thing does not really matter. To narrow it down, “The Free Exercise Clause” is also important, because with all of these religions that people are free to follow, comes different ways of following them. Say for example, a religion practices sacrificing animals, that is illegal under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. This act states that it is illegal to sacrifice any animals under a religious belief. This also relates to religions that use illegal drugs. If the drug the religion is using is illegal, then yes, it is still illegal to use it even if for religious purposes. I think this is good, because things could get out of control really easily because of people hurting others and saying that it was their religious beliefs that had them do it, and also some could use illegal drugs and blame it on their religions. Sadly, I am certain people have actually tried this sort of thing. In Hamilton, Ontario (Canada) there is a public policy...
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...Refining the Misconception of Apostasy in Islam Dr. Zulkifli Hasan Deputy Chairman, International Affairs Bureau of ABIM Introduction Freedom of religion is frequently misunderstood by many and this includes the issue on apostasy. The misunderstanding of public and even Muslims community on the concept and legal position of apostasy has negated the image of Islam as a religion of peace. This is not surprising as there are numerous negative allegations upon the religion of Islam such as condemning it as barbaric and incompatible with modernity and human rights. This serious misconception should be rectified and in fact, it is a religious duty for every Muslim to portray a true picture of Islam and to response on any allegation and negative arguments upon this issue. In view of this negative phenomenon, this article aims to refine the misconception of apostasy in Islam and attempts to response the previous two articles published by the New Mandala entitled ‘An Exploration of the Concept of Apostasy in Islam’ by Joshua Woo Sze Zeng and ‘Malaysian Muslims Responses to Conversion’ by Norani Bakar whereby the former heavily relies on the essay written by Abdullah Saeed entitled ‘Freedom of Religion, Apostasy, and Islam’ and the online resources and the latter highlights the Malaysian Muslims response to apostasy with reference to HIMPUN initiative by several non-governmental organizations. Before presenting my arguments on the issue of apostasy in Islam, it is important to note that...
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...Effects of Religion Billy Joe HUM/130 Eric Stauffer June 04, 2012 Organized religion has been and still is used for the good and the bad. “Huge numbers of people have been killed in the name of eradicating false religions and replacing them with true religion” (Fisher, 2005, p. 28). Problems are caused by religion because each person has their religion, and each religion thinks they are right and the other religions are wrong. Religion is supposed to unite people, teach people to love and respect one another but instead it has created war, and has divided people. With people thinking that they are right, it causes them to hate and kill other people with different beliefs. They will compete with each other on who is right, and who seems to be godlier. The Crusades was an event in the past, it was war between the Christians and Moslems. According to “The Crusades” (n.d.), “The Crusades were great military expeditions undertaken by the Christian nations of Europe for the purpose of rescuing the holy places of the Palestine from the hands of the Mohammedans” (The Crusades – What were the Crusades). Each religion thought that they had the right to have the holy places which resulted in wars between these religions. Wars have happened because one religion feels they are godlier than the other so try to have all authority or power over the people. Another event was the Spanish Inquisition. According to “Freeman” (2012), “Reasons for the Inquisition included a desire to...
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...Human rights’ key word is Freedom of religion .If there is no freedom of religion ,all other freedoms are damaged.When freedom of religion go well, other freedoms goes well.If a person belive human rights , he/she should respect the other belief and he/she should respect being different because every people are equal and every people has different characters ,different opinions. Europe has different cultures ,different people but thet don’t have many diversity of religion.Generaly their religion is Christianity ,all the systems are based on the common background of Christianity and they have only 3 denominations.(Catholic,Orthodox and Protestant).Because of this it is not difficult to respect.If they had many dominations,respect would be difficult.For example in my country Turkey,there are many dominations so there are many sectarian conflict. Other situation is that education rate is very high in Europe.If there is high education rate in a country,tolerance rate is high.Therefore religious freedom has gained a strong position in European Union law. There is no peace, though, no prosperity, no proper justice without freedom.I can see that there is tolerance in Europe. They established their own culture ,their own religions so they can respect each other.I belive that if many Muslim people (or other religions)come to Europe,European people won’t be respect.They will be in a conflict because their life will change with different culture and religion so I...
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...Is Planet Earth A Religious Planet? Kevin R. Graves Religion 212 Professor Farnham Strayer University 02/03/12 Is planet earth a religious planet? On the surface it would appear that it is. There are rituals, ceremonies and traditions that the people of earth follow in accordance with their respective religions. On the other hand, in some religions there is corruption, and misdeeds. Also, there are wars fought in the name of religion, which makes me think that religion is not a good thing. In this report, I will be reporting on five of the earth’s 20 major religions. I will be exploring their customs, practices and functions. Along the way, I will comment on the negative aspects of the religion, if any. The ultimate goal of this report is to determine if earth is a religious planet. I started my journey in the East, where I studied Christianity. In Christianity, the people attend church every Sunday or chose to worship at home in their own way. Christianity is a monotheistic religion and the people worship a higher power called God. The people of Christianity follow Ten Commandments that states: Thou shall not, steal, kill, lie, worship Idols, use the lord name in vein, commit adultery, covet what your neighbors have, and in addition to that, one should honor thy Parents, and keep the Sabbath holy. These Commandments are found in the Christian Bible, which is a collect of ancient scriptures, that the Christians hold as the Word of God. Christians...
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...The dictionary definition of defamation is, “false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another.” Also the dictionary definition of religion is, “ritual observance of faith.” That means the the meaning of defamation of religion is the false spreading of someones observance of faith. In general religion is a tricky topic to discuss and find a common ground for. For hundreds of years this topic has brought controversy between individuals, countries, and different religions. Although there really isn’t one profound solution to this topic that can please everyone around the world, there could be on that pleases at least 80-90%. People would argue that freedom of religion is not the same thing as freedom of speech and that if a country has freedom of religion they should not allow their people to also have freedom of speech. Both freedom of speech and freedom of religion, however, go under the UN’s Human Rights Committee. In 1966 the UN Human Rights Committee cooperated with the ICCPR, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and established a treaty that “provides for freedom of opinion and expression and other fundamental rights.” In 1983 there was a debate of freedom of religion that resulted in a 4 paragraph resolution. Although, after that there was an intense 2 year debate that had a result of a 52 paragraph resolution written by the General Commissioner No. 34. It is eminent that the UN has been concerned and involved in this issue for over a 2 or...
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...revolution because he did keep a little of the revolution such as property rights, but he also wanted absolute control as an emperor and limited many things that were established during the revolution such as women's rights and freedom of speech. With the Napoleonic Code, he favored order and authority rather than individual rights that the revolution supported. Napoleon also introduced religion back and rekindled the relationship between church and state.apoleon was more of a rejection of the completion of the revolution because he did keep a little of the revolution such as property rights, but he also wanted absolute control as an emperor and limited many things that were established during the revolution such as women's rights and freedom of speech. With the Napoleonic Code, he favored order and authority rather than individual rights that the revolution supported. Napoleon also introduced religion back and rekindled the relationship between church and state.apoleon was more of a rejection of the completion of the revolution because he did keep a little of the revolution such as property rights, but he also wanted absolute control as an emperor and limited many things that were established during the revolution such as women's rights and freedom of speech. With the Napoleonic Code, he favored order and authority rather than individual rights that the revolution supported. Napoleon also introduced religion back and rekindled the relationship between church and state.apoleon was...
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...happen if we never had these rights? The first amendment went into effect in the year of 1791, but up until that people did not have the rights to religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. The first amendment is arguably the most important part of the Bill of Rights due to its meaning, purpose, and lasting impact on the U.S. The first amendment is meaningful and purposeful in many ways. The first amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom...
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...Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of a man called Siddhartha Gauthama. He lived for about 25 centuries. Siddhartha Gauthama came to be called Buddha. In his life Buddha traveled and taught, he did not teach people what he had realized when he became enlightened. He taught people how to be come enlightened themselves. He taught them that awakening comes through your own direct experience, not through their beliefs. Buddhism spread throughout Asia to become one of the dominant religions in the continent. It is over 350 million people who practice Buddhism, which would make Buddhism the fourth largest of the world’s religions. Buddhism is different from other religions and some people question if it is really a religion. For most religions the focus is on God. For Buddhism, they are taught that believing in gods was not useful for people who were seeking enlightenment. In most religions, they are defined by their beliefs. Buddha said that we should not accept doctrines just because we read them in scripture or are taught them by priests. Buddha taught people how to realize truth for ourselves. The focus is on practice rather than belief. The foundation of Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths, which are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, the truth of the path that frees us from suffering. The fourth of Buddha’s Noble Truths is The Noble Eightfold Path, it consists of eight factors, which are right view, right intention...
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