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Submitted By bhorton
Words 2351
Pages 10
Contemporary Issues in Western Religions

Islam Struggles within Christianity and Judaism
Islam’s nature of sacred reality is monotheistic just as Christianity and Judaism, and is very similar in their religious formation. The theoretical foundations of each belief are historically similar and all saying the same message, that there is only one true God. The Islamic religious structure believes in the same God as Judaism and Christianity, the God of Abraham, but Islam knows him as Allah. There are some differences in the way Islam refer to Allah as God and Christianity and Judaism prefer to say God but theoretically they are referring to the same one true God. The origin of Islamic way of living is to seek to serve Allah only, through the instructions given by Allah to the prophet and first Muslim Muhammad.
The history of the Islamic religion is connected to Judaism and Christianity in the same way because they also believe the way of the righteous is to submit to God and instruction on God’s will has been given through prophecy. Only Christianity submission is through the redemption of Jesus Christ by the New Testament and Judaism submission to God is to follow the Laws of the Old Testament. They all began in the Middle East where Islam’s prophet Muhammad was the prophecy of Abraham’s first son Ishmael by Hagar his servant and Judaism and Christianity’s prophecy developed in the Middle East by Abraham’s youngest son Isaac from Sarah Abraham’s wife. Even though each prophecy for the three religions is similar, they are also theoretically connected. The Muslim followers of Islam’s center of belief are recited consistently to show faith, “There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger.” This is called the Shahadah or Creed located in Islam’s sacred book the Qur’an Surah 3 verse 18 (Molloy, 2010).
This is theoretically similar to Christianity religion

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