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Religious Accommodation Research Paper

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Almost 50% of countries around the world saw increases in religious discrimination between 2009 and 2010, while only 32% saw decreases (Rising Tide of Restriction on Religion). Religious discrimination has always been one of the biggest complaints from the religious community, in fact, most religious people believe they have been a victim of religious discrimination in some way, shape or form. Because religious people have constantly felt used and belittled, Religious Accommodation laws started to come about, the main goal of these laws were to help stop the discrimination. While Religious Accommodation is a large issue filled with debate, there are other issues that branch off of it that tend to be more controversial themselves and those issues …show more content…
It can be given at work, in schools or even for sports. However, in some cases the person that is being asked to give the accommodation may deny the request if it falls under a certain guideline. The guideline states that if any employer feels that giving someone a religious accommodation can in any way cause an “undue hardship” on the company or place, that they are not required to grant the accommodation. Now, an “undue hardship”, as stated by the Anti- Defamation League means, “..that an employer need not incur more than minimal costs in order to accommodate an employee’s religious practices.” What that means is that if any harm or trouble will be caused in order to grant the accommodation, then the accommodation does not need to be …show more content…
received a Nobel Peace Prize. However, after many days, 83 to be exact, in the United States Senate the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was finally passed (What Happened). In the Civil Rights Act of 1964 varying topics were addressed but one topic in particular has to do with Religious Accommodation in the Workplace. Throughout the Civil Rights Act of 1964 there are different “Titles” and the one dealing with Religious Accommodation in the Workplace is Title VII. Under Title VII it says, “Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers, except religious organizations, from discriminating against individuals because of their religion in hiring, firing and other terms and conditions of employment” (ADL). This law simply states that no one is able to discriminate against another person due to their religious background which is a common reason why people believe religious accommodation in the workplace is a valid rule. Other reasons in which people believe Religious Accommodation in the workplace is good rule is because in the United States Constitution the Bill of Rights states that everyone has the right to freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. Since the Constitution states that, many people have gone about fighting for what they believe in and are now protesting that Religious Accommodation in the workplace is hardly

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