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Remote Access Control Policy Definition


Submitted By shadowolf20xx
Words 261
Pages 2
The following are types of Remote Access Control Policy I would like to put into place to make sure our company’s data is secure. We need to get the right security measures so the correct people can have access to the data they need to do their job. I would start by setting up a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), a VPN, Firewall, Local Biometrics, RSA – F.O.B. by using a security key carried by the employee or set it up on the local server.
I would start in the Main office that is located in Phoenix, AZ by install a RADUIS, this is a client/server protocol that runs in the application layer and will connect all the employee and visitor to the server. In the main office, we need to set up a database with all username and passwords for the employees’.
At all the satellite facilities, we need to set up the proper VPN, Firewall protection as well as setting up some type of biometric logon system or a random number generator where a user will be given a security key and they will need to input that when they log on to the system. We need to set up the password system to reset every 3 months and set up a password remembrance.
For the mobile devices that the sales department will need, I would suggest to encrypt the local hard drives if stolen and set up biometric thumb scanner as well as a security key require to log on to their

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