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Renaissance Impact

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Near the ending of the 14th century and wrapping up on the time of ignorance and disease is the reformation and splitting of the Catholic church, which gives rise to the metaphorical rainbow behind the storm. This is the renaissance, one of the most significant cultural, scientific and economical time periods within western europe gave rise and turned the seemingly hopeless situation that was Western Europe at the time. The renaissance itself holds many new found discoveries and changes in priority within the people of europe, one of which is the idea of Humanism. Another impact can be the further advances in modern science and education at the time. We will look at many of the bigger impacts that the renaissance leaves on Western …show more content…
This aided in the people's pursuit of education and knowledge, and helped spread the idea of humanistic education rather than a more theological education. People no longer dedicated their lives to God alone but rather became better educated in multiple fields of work along with the world in general. We still see remnants of this type of education in many liberal arts colleges and schools today, where you are taught from many different potential work fields in hopes that you may turn out to be a more well rounded individual with many option to support yourself and enjoy life. During the renaissance many were encouraged to gain a more global education and participated in travel and trade, which caused an explosive increase in trade across the rest of europe and the world. This not only had an effect on the economy, but political agendas were influenced as well. The church was quick to embrace the Humanism religious painting that brought the saint and the Lord to life and prompted the soul and heart to respond. These images were used to calm those under duress, to bring the Holy Mother closer, or to tell a story with vivid images. Political changes mostly began in italy when the Italian city-states established resident embassies at foreign courts.later on the this idea spread to France, England, and the Holy Roman Empire. The activities of the church and its clergy, which held all the power pre renaissance, was barely different from merchants and political figures. At the same time, Christianity still remained a part of Renaissance

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