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Non-Violent Communication Model

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In this assignment, we are asked to describe how the Non Violent Communication and SCARF (status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, fairness) models can help us to fulfill our leadership goals. I have spent a lot of time thinking about leadership and all of its implications. In order to answer this prompt, I have decided that it is first important to define what my leadership goals are. Only then can I work to integrate these emotional intelligence tools into my picture of the future. Since my earliest years, I have rallied the people around me into action to accomplish goals. I have many ideas about businesses, and non-profits that I would like to start. I want to be a person that can inspire confidence in others, and someone who can …show more content…
Most of the team is not feeling inspired by monetary reward alone. I would first look at rewarding those members of the team who are performing according to expectation. Ms. Stacy Holms is about to experience her status go up when she is publicly commended in front of her coworkers for exemplary service to the company. I might reward this type of behavior with greater autonomy. For example, she might be awarded work-from-home days because she has shown that she has a strong ability to stay on task. This reward will increase her sense of autonomy, and therefore her loyalty to the company and to her tasks. I might offer rewards to the team as a whole as well, when they complete a project ahead of schedule. This might come in the form of paid time off. Instead of making vacation days a standard, I could make them something you can earn through good performance. I might offer an Elite Retreat, and take only my best performers on special adventures with me where we can enrich ourselves and relax, to increase a sense of relatedness and status. I can offer monetary bonuses split among the team, in accordance with how they rate each others' performance. That way, when someone is widely perceived to be slacking, they will not get as much of a bonus when a project succeeds as those who have logged more hours and effort into the project. This might increase a sense that the system at work is fair. The standards I put in place at the workplace would be the same for everyone. My leadership team will not get bonuses unless those they supervise are also receiving bonuses. When expectations are known and goals are attainable, the employees experience a sense of

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Quiggly House

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