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Sloth Research Paper

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Today, the world evolves around influences that take over the hearts and minds of many people. The seven deadly vices of envy, vainglory, avarice, anger, gluttony, lust and sloth each contain their very own set of powers within lives. These deadly vices continue to pull us away from a relationship with God. In my life, sloth has made me resist the demands of love for those around me. To overcome sloth, we must paint a path forward by finding a way to healing and wholeness to deliver us from this sin. In the contemporary culture, slothful people delay relationships with God due to the unwillingness to love those around them with the action of escaping reality. By applying the virtue of perseverance, they can fill that empty place in their hearts …show more content…
False rest is being “there” but not present. People who are slothful get easily bored and fail to engage with those around them. Since the things around them are not pleasurable and easy, they lose interest and immediately fade away instead of staying put. We are supposed to have a wholehearted commitment to God. This wholehearted commitment “leads us to real rest and peace on the one hand—the counterpoint of laziness, which is a false kind of rest—and the willingness to put real effort into one’s relationship with God” (DeYoung, Vice of Sloth). A slothful one will decide to use distractions to cover up the efforts of trying to overcome sloth. It is easy to say that a slothful person wants to be in a relationship with God but is unwilling to be transformed by His love. He’s going to call us to grow, but the slothful, person resists the demands of a relationship with God. Sloth is a deadly vice can push us away from Gods plan for us. We were made “to have a relationship with God and others, but acedia inclines our hearts to find our satisfaction in a path of our own design” (McMartin 269). God wants a relationship with His people but we must be willing to put in the effort to change our hearts to become better and reconnect with Him. After the Fall of Man, life was not made to flow easily, and things do not come easy for us, we must work for

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