...or decrease quantities but for those tools to be truly useful. Methodology of the study In this study data was collected and information were tabulated, processed and analyzed crucially in order to make the paper fruitful, informative and purposeful. The report has been prepared on the basis of the experience gained during the period of the internship. To prepare the report of internship, I have collected all kinds of related data from the primary and secondary sources. Primary data: There are several ways to collect primary data. Among others important one is interview. For collecting primary data I did follow interview method. There are several types of interview method. I used only personal interview method. Secondary data: The study also used secondary data. For this purpose we collect information from various sources such as various publications of DSE. 1. Various books. 2. Economic journal. 3 Internet. Chapter two Supply and demand is perhaps one of the most fundamental concepts of economics and it is the backbone of a market economy. Demand refers to how much (quantity) of a product or service is desired by buyers. The quantity demanded is the amount of a product people are willing to buy at a certain price; the relationship between price and quantity demanded is known as the demand relationship. Supply represents how much the market can offer. The quantity supplied refers...
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...1.0 Introduction 1.1 Origin of the Report To complete a course of Managerial Economics (Microeconomics) it is necessary to prepare a report based on the major tropics of Microeconomics. This report is prepared by Aseem Kumar Pramanik, George Anupam Samaddar, Salauddin kader, Mrinal Das & Wahidur Rahman with the guidance of Somaiya Yunus, Faculty of BRAC University. This report is carried out the impact of microeconomics on necessity goods. We actually gathered a vast knowledge of Microeconomics activities on our necessity goods, preparing this report. The project was assigned on January 28, 2008 and submitted on April 07, 2008. 2. Objectives & Scope • Analysis the factor affect of Demand & Supply • Analysis of Market Equilibrium • Determination of Price Elasticity • Analysis of Total Utility • Analysis of Short Run and Long Run • Analysis of Efficiency of Competitive Equilibrium • Analysis of Gain from Trade • Analysis of Difference form of Competition 1.3 Methodology Data Requirements In order to conduct this report the following information was requires: • Assume more than two products. • General information about the product. • General information about the substitute goods of products. • General information about current Market situation of Products. • Information about the Marketing Strategy of Products. • Information about consumer behavior, income level. ...
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...PROJECT MANAGEMENT REPORT ON MINTO MINE BY- DISHA GARDI (205) MBATECH-CHEMICAL INTRODUCTION The Minto Mine is located 240km north of Whitehorse, Canada. It is a high grade copper-gold mine that started its commercial production on October 1, 2007. It is owned 100% by Minto Explorations Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Capstone Mining Corp. Capstone Mining Corp acquired Minto Explorations and all other project interests, including a partially constructed but dormant construction site, in June 2005. Within two years from acquisition, Capstone re-drilled the mineral resources to mineral reserve standards, completed a bankable feasibility study, arranged project financing, built a new mine and reached commercial production. In the two years following that the mine has undergone a tremendous change ; it has been expanded twice , there is an increase in throughput by more than 100 % and also discovered five new deposits. The Mine is basically an open pit mining operation with conventional crushing, grinding, and flotation to produce copper concentrates with significant gold and silver credits. In December 2007, pre-feasibility study for the expansion of the copper-gold mine was done. The study benefited because it laid out a path for significant increase in copper production and also increased mineral reserves, enhancing project economics. The basic steps done in mining while handling the project are: Mineral Exploration The first role of engineering in mines...
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...segregating the duties of employees who handle materials and materials reports, and establishing an accurate recording system for materials purchases and issues. Only authorized personnel should be permitted in material storage areas, and procedures for moving materials into and out of these areas should be well established. The following functions of materials control should be segregated to minimize opportunities for employee misappropriation: purchasing, receiving, storage, use, and recording. To ensure the accurate recording of purchases and materials issues, inventory records should document the determination of inventory quantities on hand, and cost records should provide the data needed to assign a cost to inventories to be used in the preparation of financial statements. 2. Controlling the materials inventory investment requires analysis and planning to determine when orders should be placed and the number of units to be ordered. The point at which the predetermined minimum level of inventory is reached, requiring the item to be ordered, is called the order point. Calculating the order point is based on the following: Usage—The anticipated rate at which the materials will be used. Lead time—The estimated time interval between placing the order and receiving the materials ordered. Safety stock—The estimated minimum level of inventory needed to protect against stockouts. The order point can be calculated as follows: (Expected Daily Usage...
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...Brochure More information from http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/2329821/ PESTLE Analysis of China 2012 Description: China’s economy has experienced a strong annual GDP growth rate of 10% during the last five years. It is expected to continue its growth momentum and surpass the US in GDP by 2020. A high rate of savings, abundant and increasingly skilled labor, healthy export business, and potential urban growth is likely to drive the Chinese economy to sustained growth during 2012- 2017. Lucintel, a leading global management consulting and market research firm, performed a Political, Economical, Sociological, Technological, Legal, and Environmental (PESTLE) analysis of China and presents its findings in “PESTLE Analysis of China 2012.” As indicated in the study, foreign direct investment (FDI) has proven to be the driving force for China’s ongoing economic growth. The large and expanding market of China is attracting leading multinationals, encouraging local innovators, allowing domestic manufacturers to produce lowcost products, and permitting formation of industry clusters and business groups. Successive governments’ focus on reform processes and simplification of China’s tax law and FDI procedures makes China an ideal destination for investment and growth. The report also indicates that large-scale production diminishes production costs, leading to less-expensive exports. China’s strong presence as an export platform supports income and employment growth in the economy...
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...procurement efficiency, cost minimization, and agent based deployment. The survey delineates different representative scenarios in e-procurement where auctions can be deployed and describes the conceptual and mathematical aspects of different categories of procurement auctions. We discuss three categories: (1) multi-unit auctions for a single homogeneous type of item; (2) combinatorial procurement auctions where the buyer seeks to procure a bundle of multiple items and the suppliers bid for subsets of the bundle; and (3) multi-attribute auctions where the procurement decisions transcend cost considerations alone, to take into account lead times, logistics costs, and other important attributes. In all three cases, the winner determination problem and the determination of payments turn out to be interesting and challenging combinatorial optimization problems. In our review, we present mathematical formulation of procurement scenarios under each category, bring out the challenge involved in solving the problems, and indicate active research topics. We also present a case study of electronic procurement at General Motors. A Note to Practitioners— Since the burst of the dot.com bubble, many procurement professionals and purchasing managers have begun to question the ability of the Internet to redefine procurement processes within their firms. In this article we set out to show that this...
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...Overview CQI's Q Coffee System locates specialty coffees at origin and helps to improve those that have the potential to meet specialty standards. The effect is a common language between buyers and sellers that draws attention to more specialty coffees while creating an infrastructure that gives producers greater opportunities to enter the marketplace and to increase their economic viability. When a coffee moves through the Q Coffee System and becomes verified as a Q Coffee™, it signifies an independent confirmation of quality that can truly be deemed specialty. Green coffee samples are submitted to an In-Country Partner (ICP), and 3 Licensed Q Graders (professionally accredited cuppers) cup and score the coffee. Coffees that meet the standards for green, roasted, and cup quality are issued a Q Certificate. If a coffee does not meet specialty standards, it receives a technical report that explains why. Reinforcing Standards | A Differentiated Approach According to SCAA standards, a coffee that receives a score of 80 or above is considered specialty, Q Coffees™ provide an assurance of quality that consumers can trust. While many variables in roasting and brewing affect the taste of coffee, Q Coffees™ confirm that the beans being used are among the highest quality in the world - properly milled and having distinguishable characteristics that separate them from other coffees. A good bean is the first step toward achieving a perfect cup of coffee. Reinforcing the standards of...
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...A REPORT ON INVENTORY MANAGEMENT IN DIGILINK Submitted by MONIKA AGARWAL Regd No. – 09KB045 in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of PGDM program at Krupajal Business School, Bhubneshwar UNDER THE FACULTY GUIDE : UNDER THE COMPANY GUIDE : Sushant Mishra Mr. Mourya Banerjee KBS, Bbsr Territory Head-North East Digilink. KRUPAJAL BUSINESS SCHOOL, BHUBNESWAR (2009-11) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express my sincere gratitude to Prof.Sushant Mishra,who was initially my faculty guide, under whose supervision has helped to clarify my concepts of Inventory Management, distinguished scholars and authors, whose work I heve used in this project. I would also like to thank to Prof.Biplab Biswal No words of appreciation are good enough for the constant encouragement, which I have received from him. I thank Mr.Anshuman Haldar(Regional head-East) for his unstinted support to the project. Finally, I would like to thank Mr.Mourya Banerjee (Territory head-North East),my company guide to give the opportunity to complete the project in the esteemed organization. Preface As a part of the partial fulfillment of the PGDM programme at Krupajal Business...
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...classified into two categories: 1. Direct material 2. Indirect material Elements of cost: 1) Material 2) Labor 3) Overhead Control of labor: Cost accountant can decide compiling wages cost prove himself useful by presenting information on matters such as cost of equipment and training, Labor turnover, idle time, over time, shift work labor efficiency, wastage and spoilage due to labor fault and various other analysis related to labor, Control of labor cost is important financial area where the cost accountant can make very useful contribution effective labor cost control may be exercised through: 1) Proper production planning 2) Development of labor time and wages standard and labor budget. 3) Performance report of labor 4) Installation of suitable wage structure and incentive payment and one of the tasks is to co-ordinate these activities and properly advise the executive management to achieve control. Labor can be classified into two categories: 1. Direct labor 2. Indirect labor Factory overhead: Chargeable expenses are those direct costs other than direct material and direct labor. Cost other than materials and wages which are incurred for specific product or saleable services are known as Direct/ Chargeable expenses. COSTING SYSTEM OF SQUARE TEXTILES LIMITED Inventory control: Inventories are valued in accordance with IAS-2 (Inventory) at the lower of...
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... North South University Subject: Submission of the Intern report. Dear Sir, I am very pleased to submit this report, which has been prepared for the requirement of the course of BUS-498. I tried my level best to complete this report properly and to write an efficient term paper within all the constraints. In spite of the various difficulties faced in preparing this project, I tried to be as thorough as possible. I therefore request you to accept this report as per the requirement of the course. Sincerely, Importance of planning in country less developed and developing countries The meaning of economic planning differ from country to country and person to person. Keeping in view the various definitions we can say that aim of all the plans is to utilize the available resources more effectively achieving the well defined objectives during given period of time. Importance or Objectives or Advantages of Planning 1. In crease in National Income :- The objective of planning is to utilize the resources of the country in such a manner that it should increase the size of national income. In the developing countries planning is very useful for increasing the production of the country. 2. Superior Decisions :- The decision of planning authority are more superior as compared to the individuals. Planning authority keeps in view the interest of the whole nation. It prepares the plan keeping in view the economic condition of the country. 3. Achievement of Full Employment...
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...17 January 1984 PANEL ON VALUE-ADDED TAX AND THRESHOLD Report of the Panel adopted by the Committee on Government Procurement on 16 May 1984 (GPR/21 - 31S/247) I. INTRODUCTION 1. At the request of the United States delegation the Committee on Government Procurement established the Panel under Article VII:7 of the Agreement on Government Procurement, on 23 February 1983, with the following terms of reference: "To examine, in the light of the relevant provisions of this Agreement the matter referred to the Committee by the United States in GPR/Spec/18; to consult regularly with the parties to the dispute and give full opportunity for them to develop a mutually satisfactory solution; and to make a statement concerning the facts of the matter as they relate to application of the Agreement and make such findings as will assist the Committee in making recommendations or giving rulings on the matter." (GPR/M/7, paragraph 67). The composition of the Panel was as follows: Chairman: Members: Mr. K. Berger Mr. E. Contestabile Mr. S. Sivam 2. The Panel met on 27 April, 1 June, 13 July, 15 September, 5 and 31 October, 24, 29 and 30 November and 6 December 1983. 3. In the course of its work the Panel consulted with the delegations of the European Economic Community and the United States. Arguments and relevant information submitted by the parties, replies to questions put by the Panel as well as all relevant Committee documentation formed the basis for ...
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...Shikha Neupane ID: 32330 Business economics Economics is a branch of social science which deals with study of how fright merchandises and properties are assigned to please apparently infinite requirements and needs. The fundamental theory in economics is that shortage involves that selections be made. Similarly business economics is the branch of applied economics that deals with the idea of relevance to the contemporary business, in order to improve a complete understanding of the supply distribution matters opposite the business organisation and the environment that it functions in. It uses various economic theory and other quantitative methods to scrutinise a business organisation and the issues that influences the enterprise with the labour and its market. Question 1 Business Economics is a useful toolbox for understanding the business environment and making better decisions. Consider you are the managing director of a manufacturing company based in UK; describe the different aspects of the business that you should be looking at from an economics perspective in order to run the company efficiently. Consider both the microeconomics and macroeconomics perspectives. The entire business organisations around the globe have one similar goal and that is to increase the profit. By scrutinising the demand of the clients, supplying good quality and suitable supply, the profit can be maximised. Conversely there are various microeconomic and macroeconomic factors that...
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...Executive Summary While demand for the costume jewelry reproductions is strong and business is brisk, your museum jewelry business is incurring a 7.4% loss in the amount $10,400 per year. In order to achieve your financial objective of $25,000 earnings per year (after taxes), this reports recommends two key changes: 1. Increase price to museums by 25%, from $680 to $850 per batch 2. Increase average number of batches per week by 20%, from 5 batches to 6 batches. These increases would generate an annual profit before taxes of $34,750 and it represents an overall gain of $45,100 over your current earnings. Recommendations The two key recommendations are detailed below. Key Recommendation 1 – Increase price to museums by 25%, from $680 to $850 per batch. The museums are currently marking-up the price to their customers by 900%. This is a hefty mark-up. According to the Hallman Company, the average retail mark-up for jewelry should run between 60% and 67% (Retail mark-up). Ralph Gonzalez with StartUp Growth suggests a mark-up of 300%-400% for jewelry (Gonzalez, 2010) . A 25% increase in the price to the museums would allow the museums to charge a reasonable mark-up of more than 600% while improving your bottom line as illustrated in table 1 below. Sensitivity Analysis Actual Sales Price 25% Higher Sales in Dollars $136,000 $170,000 Batches per Year 200.00 200 Variable Unit Cost $116,000 $116,000 Contribution Margin...
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...The evaluation of financial statements of organisations is critically important for the assessment of the entire performance of the firm and finally evaluation of better investment decisions. There are different financial tools that are accessible for establishing relevant analysis of the financial statements of organisations (Fernie & Ebooks Corporation, 2005: 9). One of the financial tools that are widely used in evaluating the financial statement is ratio analysis, which not only assists in the evaluation of the company’s performance but also gives room for effective comparison of the performance of one firm to that another (Baker, 2011:1). In this report, the main goal is to make comparison of two UK based firms; Tesco and J Sainsbury Supermarkets through the determination of ratio analysis for both of these firms over a time period of three years. Overview of Tesco Tesco is among the top food retailers in Ireland and United Kingdom with about 2715 retail stores located countrywide. Tesco was found by Jack Cohen in the year 1919 and its headquarters are located in East London. The management of the company has shifted forward by two major individuals inclusive of Sir Terry Leahy as the CEO and David Reid as the Chairman (Yahoo Finance, 2013:1). The company has a definitive product range such as Groceries, financial services, telecoms and consumer goods. The total revenue of the firm by March 2013 was about £ 43.6 billion with operating income of about £ 2.272 billion...
Words: 2550 - Pages: 11
...The RAND Corporation Contestability in Real-Time Experimental Flow Markets Author(s): Edward L. Millner, Michael D. Pratt, Robert J. Reilly Source: The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Winter, 1990), pp. 584-599 Published by: Blackwell Publishing on behalf of The RAND Corporation Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2555470 Accessed: 15/04/2009 04:27 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=black. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor...
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