...Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Ruby Anderson HCS/405 12/15/14 Jennifer Noren Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Financial reporting practices and ethical Standards in health care Generally accepted accounting principles are shaped by economic and political forces. It follows increased world-wide integration of both markets and politics. Since most market and political forces are driven by reductions in communication and information processing costs makes them remain local for foreseeable future thus making it unclear on how much coverage should actually occur. There is some evidence on which build an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of uniform accounting rules within a country, let alone internationally. “A deeper concern is that there inevitably will be substantial differences among countries in implementation of IFRS, which now risk being concealed by a veneer of uniformity. The notion that uniform standards alone will produce uniform financial reporting seems naive” (Taylor and Francis online, 2006). Fraud and abuse in health care is unfortunate but also common. Although there is not a precise measure of fraud or abuse it does still exist and can cost tax payers billions of dollars while putting welfare and beneficiaries at risk. According to (Department of Health and Human Services, 2014) Medicare fraud and abuse increases the strain on the Medicare trust fund, where the impact of those losses and risks magnify as Medicare continues to grow...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Tiffany L. Richardson HCS 405 July 18, 2011 Todd Brown Reporting Practices and Ethics Financial Management is a fundamental part to successful healthcare financial planning. Financial decisions are a necessary part of the day to day operations of any type or sized health care facility. These decisions are made in accordance with the facilities fiscal objectives and accounting practices. It is important that the individuals making these decisions follow proper reporting and ethical practices since these decisions affect the future of the entire facility. In order to make finical decisions it is important to understand generally accepted accounting principles, corporate compliance, ethics, fraud and abuse. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Generally accepted accounting principles are guidelines, objectives and conventions that have been set up over time to dictate how financial statements are prepared and presented (FASAB, 2010). The GAAP includes standards, conventions and the rules in which the facilities accounting department following when summarizing reports and preparing financial statements (Baker & Baker, 2011). Third parties that use these financial reports must then rely on the information to be free from all prejudice and discrepancy without debate. If the information is false then the GAAP standards were not followed and the facility is not in compliance and therefore behaving unethically (All Business, 2011). Facilities...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Teresa Lucas HCS/405 04-13-2015 Elizabeth Caissie The key to understanding finance is learning the four elements of financial management and their relationship to one another. It is important that all financial records are up to date because this helps keep track of how an organization, so they know if they have a profit or a loss. There are four elements of financial management are planning, controlling, organizing and decision making. The first one is planning it allows an organization to set goals and guidelines to ensure success and accomplishments in set goals. The second element of financial management is controlling. Controlling allows an organization to ensure that all rules and regulations within the organization are being followed. The third element of financial management is organizing. Organization is important because it guarantees that the organization is working at its best and it is organized while directing the medical office to work and fix problems that may come. The last element of financial management is decision making. All decision relies on information, and evaluation. Decision making works along with the planning, controlling and organizing...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper HCS/405 November 30, 2014 Financial management in health care today like any other business should be conducted ethically, professional and accurately. The four elements of financial management need to be used and put into place to help ensure the financial stability and success of the organizations will be accomplished year after year. Generally, the same accounting principles and general financial ethical standards are practiced in every health care organization and these principles need to be implemented correctly if the organization wishes to be successful. Organizations need to keep up a certain level of transparency and this can only be accomplished by accurately reporting their financial statements. Several articles are going to be discussed reflecting the reporting practices and ethical standards in health care after a brief summary of the general accounting principles, ethical standards of finance and the four elements of financial management are given. Summary: Four elements of financial management The four elements of financial management are planning, controlling, organizing and directing and decision making. (Baker & Baker, 2011, p. 5) Each element is a task that is performed by the finance manager and they go in the order mentioned above. Like in any other aspect of business, planning has to be done to help identify the objectives that need to be accomplished and establish the steps necessary to ensure that each...
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...The basic cause of international difference in financial reporting practice is the different degree of interference by governments in accounting. It is understood that “International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)” has been adopted in many countries around the world, as a minimum for the companies that are obliged for financial reporting. IFRS has been implemented in nearly one hundred and fifteen countries around the world, whilst phasing out the previous standard of rules of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice or more commonly known as GAAP. The United States is the only large major country to holdout and not adopt IFRS. IFRS is increasing its widespread backing from all over the world. All United States established companies are obliged to use the “Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB” (Wikipedia, 2012) many companies use these set of standards as they are “detailed and comprehensive” (Media Wiley) compared to the “International Accounting Standards Board IASB” (Wikipedia, 2012) which are more set in stone and less rule based. What the United States need is a set of high quality accounting standards improves comparability. “It is generally believed that IFRS has the best potential to provide a common platform on which companies can report and investors can compare financial information.” (Media Wiley) It is expected that if all countries adopt IFRS it will be beneficial for investors and others who use financial statements by reducing costs and increasing...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper According to G. (2012), is that “the great thing about working in accounting is that everybody counts”. Accounting is vital in all organization for it is the root of a business. However, everyone in the business whether you are a front desk, professionals, management, they all play vital role in the day, month, quarter or annual financial statement that is generated by accountants with historical services that are being rendered to consumers as well as performance from each staff. In addition, Sowell (2012), “balanced budget requirements seem more likely to produce accounting ingenuity than genuinely budgets.” This quote explains that accounting is all about properly maintaining the finance of an organization, and focusing on both revenues and expenditures and how to go about it. One must make sure that more money is coming in versus money that is being spent also known as expenses. This paper includes the following on proper reporting practices in a medical facility and the four elements of financial management. As well as discuss the accounting principles and general financial ethical standards. Four Elements of Financial Management The four elements of financial management can be described as the four steps of the Control Process. According to Lombardi, Schermerhorn, and Kramer (2007), by regularly following the four-step control process, managers can make their department more effective, and productive....
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...Reporting and Ethical Practices HCS 405 June 24, 2014 Reporting and Ethical Practices Financial and accounting professionals must follow the ethical standards that regulate the type of business they conduct, who they conduct business with, and how they use their skills to conduct their business. These ethical standards are defined by professional finance organizations and the Financial Accounting Standards Board. This article will discuss reporting and ethical practices for any financial and accounting organization. It will include a summary of generally acceptable accounting principles and general financial ethical standards, as well as, summarize the four elements of financial management. This article will conclude by discussing researched articles on financial reporting practices, ethical standards, and financial management within the health care organization. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Financial Ethical Standards According to "Business News Daily" (2014), “Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) is a combination of guidelines, comprehensive rules, and generally accepted standard practices utilized throughout the accounting industry to prepare and standardize financial statements, such as balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements” (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): Standards & Rules for Accountants). In 1999, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) designated the...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Reporting Practices and Ethics When writing this essay, first three articles that address financial reporting practices and ethical standards in healthcare had to be found. Finding god articles to use as reference was not an easy task. Upon reading the chosen articles, much thought about this topic began to enter my mind. The decision to keep reading even more articles and expand horizons before beginning to compose was a good choice. Because with every article read, my opinions changed and I gained more knowledge. The chosen articles The first chosen article is titled, “Financial reporting responsibilities” written by Carl Tietjen. This article addresses the need to update a 35 year old model that has been generally used in most financial reporting practices. In the article, Tietjen states that most organizations have thus responded by examining their own reporting practices. Then they have been implementing new methods to try to ensure that moral and ethical standards can be upheld. This article does not specifically address healthcare finance however it seemed to be a good reference point for the research. The second article used is titled, Accounting for false objectivity, written by Ralph Palliam. This article states that concludes that, “There is a need for more moral training and leadership to motivate professionals (accountants) to act in the public’s best interest, not only for the sake...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Meredith Kruse HCS 405 November 9, 20015 Joseph Shin Reporting Practices and Ethics Healthcare organizations are business entities like any other and the finances require detailed management to ensure that the business operates effectively and efficiently. There are specific elements required to measure the financial success of these companies. When exploring the accepted accounting principles, it is crucial that all involved parties understand the business aspect, including the outside stakeholders. When parties are financially invested, it is also expected that the organizations provide a certain transparency and always act in an ethical manner. There are four elements to effective financial management in any organization. These categories are planning, controlling, organizing/directing, and decision making. By following these steps, plans can be carried out and the organization can ensure financial efficiency. Planning is specifically about identifying objectives and the steps necessary to reach the determined goals. Controlling is a more difficult task as it requires management to enforce the plan and keep employees on track to meet deadlines. Organizing and directing is more of a broken down play-by-play of controlling. This step simply takes controlling to a more manageable level and gives management the opportunity to delegate specific tasks. Decision making takes the three previous steps and allows management to see the whole picture...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Yolanda Jones HCS/405 March 10, 2014 Darlene Tomlinson Page Break Reporting Practices and Ethics The healthcare industry is a rapidly growing segment of the U.S. economy, amounting to over $2.1 trillion annually. Healthcare focuses on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention among other things. Health care makes up one sixth of the U.S. GDP it is the largest source of the nation's public expenditures. With large amounts of revenue going in and out of hospitals and facilities and health care reform accounting can be challenging. To help ensure fair and accurate financial reporting, there are practices and ethical standards that must be followed when accounting for finances in health care. This paper will provide the four elements of financial management and standard accounting principles and ethics. Financial Reporting Practices The Financial Accounting Standards Board was established in 1073. It is the designated organization in the private sector that establishes standards of financial accounting for nongovernmental entities. The standards established are officially recognized as authoritative by the SEC and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The FASB also has accounting standards for health care entities. "The AICPA Health Care Expert Panel developed technical guidance on the application in consolidated financial statements of a recent accounting standards update for health care entities"...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Financial management for an organization is the key to being successful. With effective financial management it will strengthen the organization and to exceed. The ethics and reporting practices of the organization is also important because staying in line with the accounting principles and ethical standards keeps the organization free of any penalties and creating a bad reputation for the organization. Four elements of financial management The four elements of financial management are planning, monitoring, operations, budgeting and financial analysis. Monitoring is when financial results are being reviewed to make sure resources are being used correctly along with the organizations plan. Governance helps by giving guidance to the organization to make sure they are establishing their obligations. Employees need to know how to use the organization’s software and information they have to help with the data and assisting in analysis when it comes to operations. General accepted accounting principles According to the Office of Financial Government (2012) website “General Accepted Accounting Principles are uniform minimum standards of and guidelines to financial accounting and reporting”. When it comes to governmental accounting the GAAP requires fund accounting. This meaning a governmental unit, such as hospitals, is accounted for through separate funds. General financing ethical standards Ethics is described as a human conduct knowing between...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Latarshia Jackson HCS 405 February 19, 2012 Conway Brew Reporting Practices and Ethics The misrepresentation of financial reports for any organization can bring about dire consequences. A financial accounting system provides insight into the company expectations and Many organizations depend on account management that works closely with organization management performance. Having effective management of accounting information, allows an organization to be able to evaluate a company's financial position, make appropriate use of resources, and plan on how to take the company forward in the future. Maintaining a precise and reliable financial statement is very necessary for fair financial reporting. Fair and accurate reporting allows for a company to catch any mistakes, fraud and theft that may be present. This also allows for a company to protect itself from any potential bankruptcy that may be present while also saving the company’s outcome for a potential bright future. If fair and factually account reporting does not happen it can lead to a misstatement of the company’s financial statement. This Paper will discuss the General Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) and the financial ethics associated with financial reporting. Financial management can be broken down into four basic elements which include planning, controlling, organizing and directing, and decision making. Although many individuals may stress planning, controlling, and decision...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Cassandra Pinkston HCS/405 March 4, 2012 Conway Brew Reporting Practices and Ethics Financial reporting is becoming a major problem within the healthcare organizations and the lack of morals and ethics is behind the problems with unethical financial reporting. Within the healthcare organization one must display morals and ethical standards when making ethical decisions. When reporting finances in healthcare financial managers should practice good ethical decision making by considering ethical principles such as; justice, autonomy and beneficence . The study of healthcare financial management can be so captivating and rewarding if practiced correctly. There are four elements of financial management that has been recognized and if used properly with good ethical business decisions could make financial reporting easy. The four elements of financial management are; planning, controlling, organizing and directing and decision making (Baker, J. J., & Baker, R. W., 2011). Planning is when the financial manager of a company takes the initiative to identify what steps needs to taken to reach the organizations main goal and once the steps have been identified the manager will set out to reach their goals (Baker, J. J., & Baker, R. W, 2011). Once the financial manager have identified the steps that needs to be take he/she must make sure each area of their organization is following that plan and this is considered controlling the plan that has...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Jennifer Randall HCS/405 November 15, 2011 St. John Sturton, MBA, CMRP Reporting Practices and Ethics Hospitals and evolving healthcare organizations face an intimidating financial situation in today’s healthcare atmosphere. “Decreasing revenues, increasing costs, and high consumer expectations present a complex challenge for healthcare administrators and medical directors who must not only manage in today’s climate, but also position their organizations for tomorrow’s storms” (Gale Group, 2004, p. 2). This paper will summarize the four elements of financial management; summarize generally accepted accounting principles and general financial ethical standards; and provide examples from articles that reflect ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting practices. Four Financial Management Elements Planning, controlling, organizing and directing, and decision making are the four elements of financial management. The purpose of planning is for the financial manager to identify the objectives and identify the steps required to achieve those objectives. The purpose of controlling is for the financial manager to review and compare current reports against previous data to ensure the plans, set by the organization, are being followed properly and efficiently. The purpose of organizing and directing is for the financial manager to ensure effective resource use and provide daily supervision. Lastly, the purpose of decision...
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...Reporting Practices and Ethics Lindsey Petway HCS 405 December 14, 2014 Professor Jennifer Noren Reporting Practices and Ethics Introduction Success comes from effectively implementing the four elements of financial management: planning, controlling, organizing, and decision-making. These four recognized elements allow health care organizations to adjust the inflow and outflow to achieve the most beneficial outcome. A health care organization’s success depends on more than just providing excellent service to patients. One of the most important aspects of any business, including health care, is to stand by their ethical standards. It is vital for health care organizations to conduct their businesses and report finances ethically and in compliance with all laws and regulations. Four Elements of Financial Management Planning is one of the four important parts of managing a company. Planning consists of identifying the best way to achieve the organization's goal. First the manager needs to identify the main objectives needed to reach the goal. Then the manager needs to recognize what steps need to be taken to reach each objective. Essentially, the manager is developing a plan by breaking up one large goal and categorizing it into smaller goals (objectives). These objectives can then be delegated to appropriate teams with steps on how to reach each one. Controlling is another vital element...
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