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Representative Democracy

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The United States may be considered a representative democracy. This is because the people don’t necessarily vote for the president, they vote for a selected group of people who choose who will become the president. These group of people are what are known as the electoral college. They were created so that the normal day to day people would not have the complete decision on who will become president rather they only give their opinions by the popular vote. The main reason for the electoral college is so that the government has control and authority and with the electoral college they get to control who will run their place. In the book “United Stated Government” by Sandy Maisel, she asserted that “the United States is a constitutional government …show more content…
Back then women were expected to stay at home and only work in their home. Women were not allowed to have opinions of their own. Not only that, they weren’t even allowed to work or participate with the decisions made in government. Today, women are no longer settling for that expectation. There are now more women in working places. Women are reaching higher and beginning to expand in their own ideas. In the article “The State of Women in America” by Ann Chu, it was stated that “Women are also stepping up to lead the country; a record number of women ran for public office in 2012, and a record-high percentage of women are serving in Congress. In addition to making progress on issues of economics and leadership, women have made progress on health issues, which impact women’s personal well-being, as well as their economic security.” Although there has been much progress for women, there are still many issues surrounding the status of women. For example, women are still not receiving equal pay. In a world dominated by men, men still feel that they are superior and because of that they feel like women should not be paid the same amount as them. “Although an increasing number of women are either the sole breadwinner for their family or share the role with their partners, women in the United States are paid only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. The pay gap is even larger for women of color. On average, African …show more content…
Women have even created some interest groups to help with some of the issues that they face constantly. One of the interest groups that comes to mind is the National Organization for Women. This group is constantly fighting for women who face discrimination and harassment. They also fight for the right to have an abortion. Some other groups also fight for the funding of planned parent hood because many women are dependent on these types of programs. These programs were created to secure the rights and the safety of all women around the world. Many public policies have also been created for the well being of many women. It was stated in the article “Public Policies” that “AAUW’s policy work connects and rallies advocates at the local, state, national, and global levels to advance our work to empower women and girls. With the member-endorsed Public Policy Priorities as our guide, AAUW uses lobbying and grassroots efforts to push forward policies that break through educational and economic barriers for women.” These policies are pushing on the issues so that women can be empowered and seen. Women are beginning to gain the representation that is needed so that they can advance. Though there needs to be more representation, these handful of supporters are paving the way for women. They allow people to see that women are far more than women of the house. They allow women to be viewed

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