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Reproduction In The Handmaids Tale

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In the Republic of Gilead, reproduction is the ultimate goal. An increase in birth rates is the only important matter to the government. This objective is so important that it is the only purpose of a Handmaid. Handmaids have lost all control over their lives, from their bank accounts to their jobs at home and work. All of the control lies in the hand of the Eyes of God. Women that have become Handmaids have no choice whether or not they want children; they are present solely for the purpose of reproduction. If a woman does birth a child, she is only around for a short amount of time before she gets reassigned to a different Commanders household. If a woman does not produce a child, when her menstruation comes “it means failure” (73). Offred, …show more content…
She is always on the “lookout” for signs of pregnancy. “Each twinge, each, murmur of slight pain, ripples of sloughed-off matter, swellings and diminishings of tissue, the drooling of the flesh, these are signs, these are the things I need to know about” (73). Offred is constantly worried about her menstruation. It has already happened once to her, so she is more concerned then ever about it happening again. She is expecting herself to fail, this is confirmed when she states, “I have failed again to fulfill the expectations of others, which have become my own” (73). From this quote, we not only see distress, but we also see that Offred’s outlook on life is beginning to change and that she is slowly adopting a new way of …show more content…
All of the Handmaids being to chant and have different breathing exercises to help the pregnant Handmaid give birth. However, the Commander’s Wife, the soon to be mother, is nowhere to be found until almost the end of the birthing process. Once the baby is about to be born, “The Commander’s Wife hurries in, in her ridiculous white cotton nightgown, her spindly legs sticking out beneath it” (125). A hierarchy and competitiveness in the new Republic is shown in this quote, when Offred describes the Commander’s Wife utilizing the word “ridiculous”. Then, the Wife “scrambles onto the Birthing Stool, sits on the sear behind and above Janine, so that Janine is framed by her: her skinny legs come down on either side, like the arms of an eccentric chair” (125). This quote tells the reader how the Wife is positioned with the Handmaid as she is giving birth. By being in this position, the Commander’s Wife is struggling to be apart of the birth. This position allows the wife to be more accepted, since she is to be the mother of the new child. The other Handmaids in the room, however, completely ignore her. “But we pay no attention to the Wife, we hardly even see her, our eyes are on Janine. In the dim light, in her white gown, she glows like a moon in cloud” (126). The word moon has a different meaning in this quote. It is meant to be the egg that all Handmaids so badly

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