...Formal Research vs Business Proposal Latasha Jenkins MGT 600-1102A-06 Dr. Hal Graff May 1, 2011 Abstract In this paper, I will compare formal research and business proposals and maintain that formal research is academic in nature while a business proposal has a more practical orientation to it. I will also discuss the most important difference between formal research and business proposals is that formal research has no financial implications while financial implications are the most important characteristics of business proposals. I will also point out that the main objective of a business proposal is to identify a need which must be addressed in order to generate either financial savings or greater revenue, while such financial implications are not relevant in formal research. Formal research is not concerned with generating findings that are practicable. I have concluded that formal research generates a wide variety of findings that may be made applicable in a wide variety of contexts. Further, I also noted that the advantage of business proposals is that they contextualize the findings from formal research in an existing organizational structure. Business Proposal vs Formal Research 1. Introduction Formal research basically is a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem or test a hypothesis. The goal here is to find answers to the issues that concern managers at work which is done in a controlled environment...
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...BUSINESS RESEARCH REPORT PROPOSAL Student’s Name University Affiliation Business Research Report Introduction After a great talk with the Holmes Institute students, we decided that our research will be based around the various problems that owners were getting from their iPhones.The various issues obtained from research include; battery life and strength of the signal. Due to the obvious truth that apple have dominated the whole market in mobile phones since it was released in 2007, we decided that this will be our topic of research. According to recent research 44.9% of the mobile phone market is owned by the Apple. It should be noted that several additional articles were actually published that were addressing the various problems which were being experienced by the Apple users. It should be fascinated if we investigate whether the same number of problems was also facing the students in the Holmes Institute. The research proposal will be founded and be discussed in details and in systematic order. The background information will discuss the literature review of the proposal in depth hence establishing the relationship that can be found in the research work. The problems and the objectives will also be discussed to form the basis for the real discussion. The mechanism and the techniques of the research and data collections will also be discussed in the report. Finally the report findings and conclusion will be drawn to finalize the research work. Background Information ...
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...Proposals and Research Nashira Wiggins American Intercontinental University Abstract What are the differences between formal research and a business proposal? What are the similarities? This paper will compare and contrast the theoretical and practical differences between formal research and a business proposal. The second part of this paper will explore the effects of human resources outsourcing on leadership performance and employee commitment. This paper will show that human resources outsourcing has a negative effect on employees and their morale. Part 1 Formal research provides basic information and statistics in a given field or industry depending on the focus of the research. Formal research may be used to research the demand for a specific product or service by researching similar products or services that are already on the market. Included in this research would be the general sales rate, the companies that market these products or services, and the current sale price. Research will reveal whether the market for the product is flooded or if it is indeed a good business opportunity. A business proposal is a document that proposes a method for completing a task. A business proposal can be used for launching a new product or for something like implementing a new strategy for a marketing campaign. “A proposal includes a brief description for the task at hand, a section describing the general approach to the task, a schedule for the task in question and a budget...
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...International University- Vietnam National University School of Business Name: Dương Diệp Cẩm Thanh ID: BAFNIU11110 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS ASSIGNMENT 1: RESEARCH IDEAS Due on Friday, 3rd October, 2014 I. Research title: Factors influence on customer satisfaction in Vietnam virtual environment II. Backgrounds and rationale of the study: Recently, Vietnam online market has been developing at a high rate. According to the data reported by Vietnam E-commerce and Information Technology Agency (VECITA, Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2013), the using Internet rate of 90 million Vietnamese people is 36 percent in which there are 57 percent going online shopping. Revenue of the whole industry reaches USD 667 million and USD 30/ person in average (Visa, 2012). With current growth rate, it is forecasted that there will be about 50% of population using Internet in 2015 and average consumption of USD 50/person per year which pushes revenue in this year up to USD 1.3 billion. Clothes and technology products are the two highest online exchange as well as trading (accounting for 62% and 35%, respectively). From the information reported by comScore in 2013, top 5 retail sites in Vietnam are Vatgia.com; Lazada sites, 5giay.vn; Enbac.vn and thegioididong.com. Besides, game online trading is the important sector in virtual environment. On the other hand, the primary users come from the age range of 15-59, accounting for 67% (Vietnam General Statistic Office, 2014) and 62% of...
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...Business Strategy of Vodafone UK Introduction In the current situation of telecommunications, more and more people are subscribers of mobile telephone services. The mobile phones are also called as handsets come in innovative features, pocket-sized, and in affordable costs. For over the years, the manufacturers are continuously developing the mobile phones in which the people described as effective way of communication. And today, different brand of mobile phone are emerging and competing in the field of wireless communication with innovative services. Background of the Study and Problem Statement The British Telecommunications already dominated the wireless service market. The service provider, Vodafone as one of the leading company of mobile services, enabled to penetrate in the market and enjoying the success (2001). The success that the company gained is not possible without the aid of the strategies. Therefore, the main focus of the research study is concern on the business strategy of the Vodafone in the UK. Research Objectives The research identified three main objectives that were expected to be achieved at the end of the study. First is to identify the business strategies of the Vodafone Company in the international market. The second objective is related to the first which regards on the application of the identified business strategies in the telecommunications industry. And the third is to serve as a valuable context in the literature of communications...
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...1. Introduction The globalization of the economy, internationalization of businesses and emergence of new markets are all key themes in contemporary business. Whereas international business may once have been the province of organisations with sufficient scale and reach, these types of companies – typically multi-national corporations - no longer have a monopoly on this kind of business. Increasing numbers of firms, of varying scale, are confronted with compelling reasons for expanding their activities across multiple national boundaries. In some cases, such motivation includes the knowledge that success in international markets is a pre-requisite for survival; if competitor organisations succeed in international markets, they may achieve the scale and liquidity which affords them sustainable competitive advantage. However, scrutiny of the empirical experience of international expansion suggests that the apparent potential is by no means straightforward to achieve in practice. This raises questions about whether or not it is realistic to envisage a ‘best practice’ in terms of international expansion strategy. Can the latter be conceived of as a specific and transferable management skill, or is it instead reliant upon expertise in a particular sector of business, a market, or a national culture? After all, if proven strategists are found wanting, where can the organisation go in terms of its future practice? Large, successful and sophisticated businesses have often found that...
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...How are research proposals different and similar to business proposals? “A research proposal addresses a particular project: academic or scientific research… Research proposals contain extensive literature reviews and must offer convincing support of need for the research study being proposed.” ( )“A business proposal is a written scheme from a seller to a prospective customer. The main purpose is to fulfill the requirements of a client.” ( ) There are many differences and similarities between formal research proposals and business proposals. The first of these similarities and differences is found in the proposal goals. In a business proposal, the goals are often found in the proposal's overview section or basic proposal introduction. A formal research proposal differs from a business proposal because it often focuses on finding information or data that will help the business make better decisions. Most times business proposals suggest new products or services, with a goal to make money for the business. Formal research proposals have more of a theoretical approach, and business proposals have a practical approach as far as things to do to make money. Another thing to consider when comparing the two proposals is the content located within the formal research and business proposal sections. Both of these proposals share the similarity of the introduction and conclusion, but the other sections within them are different. A formal research report has a research...
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...Unit 1 Individual Project MGT600 – Business Research for Decision Making April 7, 2013 Abstract Functional companies in today growing economy use Formal Research and Business Proposals to effectively conduct business. Both methods are clearly different in meaning and purpose, however the two are intertwined. Formal research and Business Proposals both have applications and values in a business setting that will be discussed in this research paper. The theoretical framework and the research design relating to collaborative technology in virtual globalization will be discussed. (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010). Part 1 “Formal Research” versus “Business Proposal” Introduction In Part one of this research paper I will be discussing the theoretical and practical differences between “formal research” and “business proposals”. In researching the two methods I will present how they impact the business industry, it is vital that business professionals comprehend the distinction between them. Management teams will benefit from research and proposals if they are conducted and implemented properly. Part 1. Marketing Manager and Researchers in a company have complex task in developing formal research projects and business proposals. Formal Research is a structured research style that allows business researchers in a company to present information in a scientific manner. Teams who conduct formal research must use a systematic professional process of collecting and analyzing...
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...Individual Research Project – Preliminary Research Design Lori Whidbee American InterContinental University Abstract The first part of this paper examines the similarities and differences between formal research and business proposal. The paper finds that the process taken for both research methods are comparable in nature. However, both research methods have difference uses in business. The purpose, use and goals of the research determines whether formal research or business proposals add value to the decision making process in corporate world. Part two of the paper examines a hypothesis question: What are the effects of human resources outsourcing on leadership performance and employee commitment? Upon review of several journal articles, research suggests that the outsourcing of key human resource functions such as training, employee benefits, and recruitment has had a positive impact on leadership performance and employee commitment. Human resource professionals indicated the delegation of more complex tasks to third-party administrators has given them the opportunity to practice core competencies with employees which has resulted in a satisfied workforce. Individual Research Project – Preliminary Research Design Managers are required to make decisions in business every day. Making the right decision can mean the difference between a financial gain or loss and retaining or losing valuable employees. Bazerman (2009) states most of our decisions are evolved...
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...description of a new business, new product, service or project develop, present and defend the budget. C. Project Activity Overview – Scenario / Summary: You have been asked to create a budget proposal for one of these businesses: Papa Geo’s Restaurant, The Cutting Edge Landscaping, or Wireless World Electronics Retail Store. This week you will begin working on the proposal by drafting the Executive Summary. Use the Budget Proposal Template.docx. D. Deliverables: Save the first paragraph of Section 1.0 Executive Summary Draft as YourName_Project_WK1.docx and upload to the Week 1 Project Dropbox. E. Project Tasks: Task 1: | Download the Budget Proposal Template.docx from DocSharing. | Task 2: | Download the Course Project Description.docx. from DocSharing. | Task 3: | Review the three different business scenarios. | Task 4: | Select the business for which you will create a budget proposal. | Task 5: | Draft the first paragraph of the Section 1.0 Executive Summary. | Task 6: | Save the Draft and submit to the dropbox. | F. Grading Criteria | Description | Suggested Points | The business is briefly described in one paragraph. | 3 | The business description is in your own words. | 3 | The business description appears in the Executive Summary section of the Budget Proposal Template. | 2 | The business description is one of the three businesses described in the business profiles. | 2 | ...
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...Programme in Management Course Outline Course Title | BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | Instructors | Dr. Arun Abraham Elias | Course Credit | | Total no. of sessions | 8 | Session Duration | 75 minutes | Term | III | Year | PGP 17, 2013-2015 | Introduction Business research can be described as a systematic and objective process of gathering, recording, and analysing information that assist in managerial decision making. It comprises a series of steps including: identifying the problem or opportunity for research; undertaking a literature review; developing or extending a conceptual or theoretical framework; establishing the research objectives, research questions or hypotheses for testing; preparing a research design; gathering information and data; analysing and interpreting the data and findings; and providing results in a form that will help the manager deal with the situation and/or adds to the business and management literature. In essence, business research provides the needed information that guides managers to make informed decisions to successfully deal with problems or opportunities. This course provides an overview of the research process, and an introduction to a range of methods and approaches utilised in business research. Course Learning Objectives By the end of this course, students should be able to: * Appreciate the importance of the research process inherent in business and management decision-making; * Understand some...
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...MBA 5652, Research Methods Course Syllabus Course Description Business research methods will guide students in advancing their knowledge of different research principles and their applicability in social research. Students will investigate a business-related issue in their content area and design a publishable research proposal. Course Textbook Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., & Griffin, M. (2013). Business research methods (9th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western. Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Design and plan a research study. Apply statistical methods to business research. Apply research techniques to commerce and business issues. Differentiate between descriptive and inferential statistics. Devise the sampling theory into appropriate sampling distributions. Write and test a hypothesis. Contrast and compare descriptive, correlational, and qualitative non-experimental research. Contrast and compare experimental and quasi-experimental research. Write a publishable research proposal paper using APA guidelines. Apply ethical research standards. Credits Upon completion of this course, the students will earn three (3) hours of college credit. Course Structure 1. Unit Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit. 2. Unit Lesson: Each unit...
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...Research Methodology By Dr Ayaz Muhammad khan 03334690469 ayaz@ue.edu.pk, ayazof92@gmail.com General Objectives The general objective of this course is to introduce students to methods of research. The specific objectives are: (i) to ensure that students acquire some practical research skills; (ii) to help students understand the principles of research; and (iii) to enable students to link the research process with theories of their specialist areas. By becoming familiar with the research process in practice, students should be more confident and competent in evaluating and using research results in their specialist areas. Contents 1. Introduction to Research 2.1 The need and importance of research 2.2 Scientific method and business research 2.3 Ethics and legal issues of research 2.4 Variables and measurement scales 2 Types of Research 2.1 By purpose 2.1.1 Basic research 2.1.2 Applied research 2.1.3 Action research 2.2 By method and technique 2.2.1 Historical 2.2.2 Descriptive – survey, causal comparative, correlation 2.2.3 Experimental 2.2.4 Qualitative – ethnography, case study, content analysis 3 Research Problem 3.1. Selection and statement 3.2.1. Selection 3.2.2. Sources 3.2.3. Statement 3.2. Review of Related Literature 3.3.4. Need 3.3.5. Sources 3.3.6. Note taking 3.3.7. Organizing and citation 4 Formulation...
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...MGT600-1205A-03: Business Research for Decision Making Unit 1 IP Dr. Anthony Matias MGT600-1205A-03 Christine Blewett Abstract This paper will show the differences and similarities between formal research and a business proposal. After looking at different findings, the differences between both concepts exceed the similarities. It will then look at different studies done by many researchers to support the Hypothesis that Organizational Learning is indeed a predictor of effective strategic management. This paper will present how organizational learning can help managers with their strategic thinking to better execute goals and tasks. In the world today, we are surrounded by millions of businesses. We rely on these businesses for many of our essential needs. They provide us with food, clothes, entertainment and so much more. So, when problems occur in a business, it does not only affect the company itself but us as well. It is crucial that businesses run smoothly, and those who are in command know of solutions when certain problems arise to avoid negative outcomes. Those in charge are often called Business Manager’s. Business manager's come across problems on a day to day basis, whether big or small, managers must resolve these problems by making the right decision(Uma Sekaran, 2010, p. 2). Depending on the dilemma, decisions and solutions can be quite difficult to come up with so a process to make this task easier can be extremely helpful to the manager. Also...
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...After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Explain why proper “problem definition” is essential to useful business research 2. Know how to recognize problems 3. Translate managerial decision statements into relevant research objectives 4. Translate research objectives into research questions and/or research hypotheses 5. Outline the components of a research proposal 6. Construct tables as part of a research proposal CHAPTER 6 PROBLEM DEFINITION: THE FOUNDATION OF BUSINESS RESEARCH Chapter Vignette: Deland Trucking Has a “Recruitment” Problem David Deland, who has owned his trucking business for 20 years, struggles with the spreadsheet in front of him. His recruitment specialist sits glumly across from his desk, pondering what kind of response to give to the inevitable question, “Why are our recruitment costs so high?” Next to the specialist sits James Garrett, a business research consultant who has been hired by the Deland Trucking Company to get a handle on the recruitment expenses the company has seen skyrocket over the last six months. “I just don’t get it,” David sighs in frustration. “We have seen a 45 percent increase in our trucker recruitment advertising costs, and our trucker intake and orientation expenses are killing us! James, I just don’t understand what is happening here.” James and the specialist have had some initial discussions, but there is no easy way to reduce those costs without reducing the number of truckers that Deland hires. “Perhaps we can...
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