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Research Design


Submitted By nana0623
Words 462
Pages 2
Reporting qualitative evidence assignment (25%)
This assignment consists of conducting a small qualitative research project and writing a report using the grounded theory approach. This paper should meet the requirements for reporting qualitative research and can be written individually or in pairs of students. The maximum number of words for this paper is 3000, excluding interview transcripts. The deadline for the paper is 30 March and must be submitted to Blackboard by 17h on that day. Each paper must include the name(s) of the author(s) clearly at the beginning.
Read the assignment carefully!
1. Students must form groups of six individuals and choose a (student-related) research theme. A list of possible themes is provided below. Each group must e-mail the names of its members and the chosen theme to Daphne van Kleef before 11th of February.

2. Each group member will be interviewed by another group member. Within each group, students will break into three pairs, and each pair will develop a unique research question (different from the other pairs in the group) related to the chosen research theme. The three pairs make one topic lists which covers all the topics that need to be discussed. Interviews will be conducted based on these topic lists. The result will be six interviews, one for each group member. The transcripts of these interviews should be included in the research reports as appendixes (these will not contribute towards the word count). To keep the interviews manageable they should take max 15-20 minutes.

3. In the next stage of the project you will code the interviews in pairs, keeping in mind the grounded theory approach that forms the basis of the project. If you are writing the paper individually don’t forget to conduct credibility checks by checking your codes with a fellow researcher (another group member). Take your research question as the starting point for coding, but keep an open mind for other things you find in the data. Use the program MAXqda for coding (there are trial versions available).

4. The final stage consists of writing the report. Pay specific attention to the requirements of reporting this kind of research as discussed during class. Important question include:

- Are the methods of the research appropriate to the nature of the question being asked?
- Is it clear how the analysis was done?
- Is there a clear distinction between data and their interpretation?
- How is original evidence used and reported?
- Is the argument credible?
However, keep in mind that the paper should also meet the more general requirements of a good paper as for example a good introduction.
The assignment will be discussed in class in week three. Students are urged to come prepared to this session with questions about the assignment.

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