... As I began reading the material for our Business Research course, my immediate thought was concern with understanding and adapting it to my current job. After the first class, these feelings gave way to accepting the research process as a means to answer problems or find solutions to situations in business. Now I will look at Application Development specifically to application development for Apple® iPhones®, iPads®, and/or iPods®. I will evaluate the Research Process as provided in Exhibit 4.1 of Business Research Methods. And finally, I will review Bringing Research to Life. To begin, let’s look at Application Development. Application Development In the scenario provided, we look at Apple® and their application development. The company, founded in 1976, started with computers however, transformed to the iPod® in 2001 and eventually to the iPhone® and iPad®. To keep up with technology, Apple® has add to develop their own programs and to remain competitive it depends on other companies or individuals to submit applications for use on Apple® products. This scenario estimated that it costs approximately $55,000 to generate an application for the Apple® mobile digital device. As the Apple® states on the website (Apple, 2014), they “review all apps submitted to the App Store and Mac App Store to ensure they are reliable, perform as expected, and are free of offensive material.” What research would I want see in a proposal to approve a new app for the...
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...Draft Proposal on Impact Assessment of Urban Agriculture Research and Development in Nairobi By William Omoto Department of Research Development Nairobi Kenya 1. INTRODUCTION Background Kenya’s leading development challenges today include alleviation of poverty and environmental management in the context of rapid population growth and urbanization. Kenya’s population was 28.6 million people in 1999 and is expected to reach 43 million in the year 2020. According to the government statistics, the national level of absolute poverty increased from 44% in 1992 to 56% in 2002 (GoK 2002). Nairobi has registered the highest rate of urbanization (4.5%) with a population of 2.2m in 2000 projected to reach 3.2m in the year 2010. About 50% of people in Nairobi live below the absolute poverty line of Ksh. 2 648. As the urbanization trend continues, urban environments are deteriorating. Most of the urban poor are concentrated in the informal settlements where there are no infrastructure and services to address environmental problems and are engaged in urban agriculture. One of the biggest policy challenges today is the inclusion of environmental policy into urban policy. UPA can be an integral part of a set of policies for sustainable urban environmental management. Urban AF can play an especially vital role in waste management by transforming waste into food and fuel. Waste management approaches in place include waste collecting, sorting, treatment and recycling...
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...RESEARCH STUDY OUTLINE COVER PAGE ACKNOWLEDGMENT * In paragraph form, write down the researcher’s acknowledgments ABSTRACT * An abstract is a shortsummary of your completed research. If done well, it makes the reader want to learn more about your research. * These are the basic components of an abstract in any discipline: 1. Motivation/problem statement: Why do we care about the problem? What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling? 2. Methods/procedure/approach: What did you actually do to get your results? (e.g. analyzed 3 novels, completed a series of 5 oil paintings, interviewed 17 students) 3. Results/findings/product: As a result of completing the above procedure, what did you learn/invent/create? 4. Conclusion/implications: What are the larger implications of your findings, especially for the problem/gap identified in step 1? The Abstract is a summary of all key sections of the Research Study and should work as a separate, stand-alone document. Interested parties will read this section first in conjunction with a glance at the financial section when deciding whether or not they read the rest of the plan. Key points to remember include: * Write this document after the content section of Research Study is completed * Although the Executive Summary is written last, it is presented first * The Executive Summary should be no more than one page long TABLE OF CONTENTS * Table of...
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...Current Business Research Project Paper Student Name RES 341 Instructor August 15, 2011 Current Business Research Project Paper Computers are used in many facets of life; organizations, personal use, school, etc. The idea that introducing students to computers in an educational atmosphere is for many reasons; including improved education, increased learning, better communication, and development of the skills needed in the world today. This business research was conducted to determine how effect incorporating computers into education was. The business research and its purpose Computer introduction into the classroom is the main focus of the business research in this article. Computers in the classroom where shown to have opened up numerous avenues to students, including online access to information databases, discussion forums, and student/teacher conferences; but unfortunately, there was not a lot of research to back up whether or not the computers where being used effectively. There is conclusive evidence that there has been a growth in the purchase and use of computers and the use and upgrading of the internet connections that the schools are using. The business problems under investigation The business problems under investigation are whether or not the computer and internet usage in the classrooms are being effective with the students in mind. However the main issue seems to be the lack of instruments to properly measure the effectiveness of the access on students...
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...supported by all my chosen subjects. Chemistry helped me understand the molecular structures while Physics and Mathematics helped me understand the dynamics and statistics that we were provided with. Being an avid reader, has led to the formation of many ideas which I feel can be expressed on gaining more insight. A degree in Biological Sciences will help me reach my dream. Earlier this year, three of my friends and I participated in NTU Science Symposium. We had to write a research paper in any field of science. The four of us love biology and felt that we would be able to express our skills and knowledge through the paper and came up with the topic 'External Factors Affecting Bacterial Growth'. The research paper certainly tested our abilities to work as a team. We had to submit the paper in May and all of us had many other commitments apart from the research paper. Like every group has someone to keep all the interpersonal relations intact, this task was an added responsibility to me. The research paper helped us understand as well as apply many of the already learnt concepts. I realised the importance of understanding and applying the knowledge procured during theory classes. In12th grade, it is...
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...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers Home Page » Business and Management Organisational Change at Gm Motors In: Business and Management Organisational Change at Gm Motors TABLE OF CONTENTS I.INTRODUCTION a) Organisational Change –an overview b) Kurt Lewin and his theories of change c) General Motors International 2. APPRAISAL OF KURT LEWIN’S 3- STEP MODEL (Manufacturing change at General Motors as a case study) 3. CRITIQUES OF THE MODEL 4. CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION In a dynamic world of increasing technology, competition, power relations and managerial opportunism, investment in Research and Development (R&D) by organisations and fluctuations in consumer demand, a complex phenomenon such as change is imperative. Change can be defined as the art of altering the current state of an entity from its present state to another while organisational change is the transformation process of taken up by an organisation in order to move from its existing level to a strategically proposed level by taking up new ideas and a different approach to its operational practices and procedures (Beckhard and Harris, 1987. cited by: Andriopoulos and Dawson, 2009). In analysing the various categories of change, research works have identified a number of traits used to classify the various levels and sorts of change. These include substance of change, scale and scope of...
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...RESEARCH A research problem is a statement about an area of concern, a condition to be improved, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or in practice that points to the need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. The characteristics of a good research problem. SMART S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable/Achievable R-Realistic T-Time Bomb/Time Conscious The characteristics of a good research problem. 1. The topic should be of good interest to you. 2. Useful for the concerned people in a particular field 3. Progress Novelty 4. Invites more complex designs / more variables 5. Time-bounded 6. Does not carry ethical or moral impediments Review Related Literature Literature means writings and a body of literature refers to all the published writings in a particular style on a particular subject. In research, a body of literature is a collection of published information and data relevant to a research question. The research question. Often referred to as the research problem, the research question provides the context for the research study and reveals what the researcher is trying to answer. The paper must answer clearly, "What is the problem?" and "Why do I care?" At the same time, stating the problem precisely limits the scope of the research project by focusing on certain elements. It lets you show why those variables are important. The statement of the...
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...Jason Ho BAEP 599 Intel Research: Exploring the future Intel’s innovation and new product development process was predicated on a concept that was deemed old and no longer effective. Driven by Moore’s Law, the old roadmap-driven research method identified barriers that hindered usage of the continuing and increasing power of chips, and then built solutions to overcome those barriers. David Tennenhouse along with Hans Mulder implemented a new method, the ‘exploratory research’ strategy. The logic was to sample external environments and then amplify research around those identified as promising ventures. With Intel Research and Intel Capital under their wings, Tennenhouse and Mulder set out to bring in new innovations and ideas to Intel. However, a few roadblocks were in their way. The ultimate task for Tennenhouse and Mulder was not only to drive in new ventures, but also to develop a strategy to incubate and track the progress of their investments. In this paper, I will identify Tennenhouse’s strategy, as well as the hurdles that he had to overcome in identifying these strategies and implementations.I will then provide my interpretation and insight, as well as some suggestions to the problems that Tennenhouse and Mulder faced. Leveraging his experience from DARPA, Tennenhouse implemented an exploratory research strategy that placed emphasis on “sensing” the environment. His plan was to plant agents in areas that had an abundant amount of resources, information, and...
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...The paper introduces the category of “architectural innovation” on the basis that seemingly minor changes to technology which may earlier be classified as an incremental innovation can have competitive consequences of a radical one. The key concept is the distinction between component knowledge and architectural knowledge. The paper argues that firms concentrate on refining components within a stable architecture established by a dominant design, and consequently, their “information-processing capabilities” are shaped by the existing architecture. While building upon component knowledge, their architectural knowledge is outmoded and made obsolete by architectural innovations. Their resulting inability to identify or understand new interactions between components has serious competitive consequences. The conceptual framework of the paper is clear and straightforward. The main argument is advanced in a logical manner, and supporting premises (such as the way organizations manage knowledge) are supported by prior literature. Within the boundaries of the paper’s assumptions, the argument is persuasive. Furthermore, the application to the photolithographic alignment (PA) equipment industry justifies the model. The trends in the industry suggest the conceptual framework is largely accurate. Nonetheless, the assumptions made limit the usefulness of the concept. Firstly, the analysis of firms’ information-processing is restricted to communication channels, information filtering...
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...F1 – A Cooke What are the main roles of these departments & key concerns? Research and Development: The main role in the research and development department is the technology that brings new services and products to the market place. Purchasing: The main roles of the purchasing department are Production: The main role of the production department is to turn raw materials into finished goods. The production department have to make sure that the quality of each product is up to a high standard so that customers are satisfied. Marketing: The marketing department is responsible for finding out the best way to reach their target market when releasing a new product. The marketing Administration: The administration department is responsible for making sure all paper work is done and they are also responsible for organising any deliveries. The administration department will deal will phone calls, sending letters and sending e-mails. Finance: The finance department take control of the expenses in the business. They make sure financial records are maintained. The finance department have to pay bills, wages and salaries. Human Resources: The human resources department deals with recruiting people and also How important is co-ordination between departments and how may it be achieved? Co-ordination is very important between departments because in a business in order to be organised you will need good co-ordination. Co-ordination makes work...
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...In this paper, we will be discussing the business research process base on a software development company which I have previously worked for in Southern California. It has been very self-fulfilling for me having the capability to help organization prosper as well as helping individuals with their career growth. The proceeding is a brief overview of the business research and the importance of their work in the industry. Connex is an information technology consulting firm specialize is innovative technology development and TI and executive recruitment services to fortune500 organizations around the world. Business process research typically start by conducting market research pertaining to the services being provided to clients, industry analysis and survey; then finalize with the findings. Business research is the key in determining if a market is good to pursue or not, as well as how productive it will be within the particular market. Their services enables organization to function in a faster and more efficient manner while focusing on doing what they do best which is running the business. Business research is a method utilize by companies to help them in selecting the most efficient, productive, and ethical way to make money and acquire new clientele. Business research is also considered to be a field of practical study which enables organizations to obtain data and analyzes them to provide better management to the organization (Miranda, n.d.). The information technology...
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...Research and Development John Segura University of Phoenix PSY/335 Research Method Prof. Tiffany D. Cron Abstract The class was to watch the "Attention and Consciousness-Unlearning through Hypnosis" video that was located in this week's Electronic Reserve Readings. We are to use this paper to answer several questions on what was presented in the video. I will delve into what the purpose of the study was, how the study applies to the real world, if there were other studies or steps to contribute to the study what would it be and how would I conduct it, and how would I apply the steps of the scientific method and ho would I test my hypothesis. This paper will be interesting because I feel that hypnosis can be used to cure many ailments and even help people from continuing bad habits. Research Development In the video we met a brain researcher by the name of Amir Raz, from New York State Psychiatric Institute. Dr. Raz with his work has shown that through his work that there is a form of hypnotic suggestion that can make some people undo automatic behaviors, such as being able to understand their native language. The purpose of the study was to show that by using the Stroop Color-Word Test, he found that the brains of highly suggestible people under hypnosis processed the words as foreign, and screened only for color and therefore did much better on the task since the words did not interact with the color. In the study Dr. Raz was focusing on suggesting that the brain...
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...Personnel research Define nature and scope of personnel research Personnel research, defined simply, is the task of searching for and analyzing facts to the end those personnel problems may be solved or that guide lines governing their solutions may be deduced. Its scope is all-inclusive. There are no subjects in personnel about which so much is known that no further research is justified. On the contrary, our tested knowledge of basic relationships is so merger that it is a wonder that we get along as well as we do in working with people. Even in fields in which business has been working for many years, a precise and indisputable basis of action is not available. Witness the following remarks on training: There is, then, little dependable research data published on industrial training. By dependable research data, I mean conclusion concerning a problem which are based on investigations which control, statistically or otherwise, all variables. This, of course, is not conclusive evidence that training men are not using a research approach. My contacts with industrial training, other than in my own organization, are not as broad as I would like. Yes these contacts have given me little evidence that an extensive use of research techniques made in industrial training. The absence of adequate research in every other field of personnel could similarly be observed. Hence the problem of research is to determine which of the many pressing problems should be studied first. It is a...
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...Title Research Methodology Course Code RESM202 Research and Development Name of Students: ………….. Student ID: ………………………. Signature; ………………………… Name of Instructor: ………………… Submission Date: ………………………. Introduction : The research used to investigate the process of systematically increase or revision of existing knowledge through the discovery of new facts. It is divided into two general categories: (1) basic research is to achieve the goal of increasing scientific knowledge, and (2) Applied research is an attempt to use basic research in order to solve problems or develop new processes, products and technologies. The development is a process of economic and social transformation that depends on the cultural and environmental factors and complex interactions. When we compare these two, and this means that we will get on research and development, and it means new knowledge about products, processes and services to discover, and then apply this knowledge to create products, processes and services that fill the needs of new and improved market. Assignment Task : In the last 10 years, the face of innovation and its management has changed. The main driver for this development is the changing role of Asian countries like India and China (e.g., Agarwal and Brem, 2012). Multinational companies (MNCs) used to rank emerging market economies primarily as low-cost locations for routine operations, while most of their research and new product and service development was...
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...REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES GUIDELINES A. Content Chapter 3 Review of Related Literature and Studies 3.1 Review of Related Literature 3.1.1 Title of Related Literature 1 Discuss the relevance of the related literature 1 and make the conclusions and contradictions found in the literature clear in the report. Use the guidelines below in discussing review of related literature. 3.1.2 Title of Related Literature 2 Discuss the relevance of the related literature 2 and make the conclusions and contradictions found in the literature clear in the report. Use the guidelines below in discussing review of related literature. 3.1.3 Title of Related Literature 3 Discuss the relevance of the related literature 3 and make the conclusions and contradictions found in the literature clear in the report. Use the guidelines below in discussing review of related literature. 3.2 Review of Related Studies 3.2.1 Title of Related Study 1 Discuss the relevance of the related study 1 and make the conclusions and contradictions found in the study clear in the report. Use the guidelines below in discussing review of related study. 3.2.2 Title of Related Study 2 Discuss the relevance of the related study 2 and make the conclusions and contradictions found in the study clear in the report. Use the guidelines below in discussing review of related study. 3.2.3 Title of Related Study 3 Discuss the relevance of the related study 3 and make the conclusions and contradictions found in the study clear...
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