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Research Paper Com/155 Finals


Submitted By dgay
Words 1681
Pages 7
University Composition and Communication II

Research Paper
Thelma McCoy
March 08, 2015
Clara Gerl

To fully understand weight lose, we need to come to grips with the the overwhelming of obesity in the United States. There are two methods of weight loss that could change one’s lifestyle. In today’s society the internet provides a sufficient amount of information about different methods to help with weight loss. Weight can be harmful factor in an individual’s life, it is not only about the body mass but weight often plays a role mentally and physically if it is abused. For example, being overweight can lead to obesity and low self-esteem. Losing weight can be a challenging, so many people look for the most effective way to lose weight through surgical procedures and weight lost programs. There are a variety of weight loss progams that offer extended support and dietary meal plans. Many weight loss programs provide the option of support, either through weekly excerise programs. These choices range from extreme workout methods, such as video games, such as the Nintendo WII fitness. Many people go to such extremes to lose weight that causes more damage to their bodies. However, even if you do like wht at you fine, consulting a doctor is even more important. With weight loss being in high, we forget that having a well-balanced diet, and exercise is healthier than bulimia and anorexia. People seem to not understand is that losing weight, can be a serious and obsessive problem if not done properly. Obesity and being weight are two of the problems that many people face. Excess fat can lead to differnt dieseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol which is not healthy for the body or health of an individual. Almost half of American are faced with this problem and, as a result, to lose

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