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Research Proposal


Submitted By Saqib
Words 3364
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1. Companies Listed on KSE
SYMBOL COMPANY 1 AABS AL-Abbas Sugur 2 AACIL Al-Abbas CementXR 3 AASM AL-Abid Silk 4 AASML Al-Asif Sugar 5 AATM Ali Asghar 6 ABL Allied Bank Limited 7 ABLTFC Allied Bank (TFC) 8 ABOT Abbott (Lab) 9 ABSON Abson Ind. 10 ACBL Askari Bank 11 ACBL-MAR ACBL-MAR 12 ACCM Accord Tex. 13 ACPL Attock Cement 14 ADAMS Adam SugarXD 15 ADMM Artistic Denim 16 ADOS Ados Pakistan 17 ADPP Adil Polyprop. 18 ADTM Adil Text. 19 AGIC Ask.Gen.Insurance 20 AGIL Agriautos Ind. 21 AGTL AL-Ghazi 22 AHL Arif Habib Limited 23 AHSL Arif Habib Sec. 24 AHSM Ahmed Spining 25 AHTM Ahmed Hassan 26 AIBL Asset Inv.Bank 27 AICL Adamjee Ins. 28 AJTM Al-Jadeed Tex 29 AKDCL AKD Capital Ltd 30 AKDITF AKD Index 31 AKGL AL-Khair Gadoon 32 ALFT Alif Tex. 33 ALICO American Life 34 ALNRS AL-Noor SugerXD 35 ALQT AL-Qadir Tex 36 ALTN Altern Energy 37 ALWIN Allwin Engin. 38 AMAT Amazai Tex. 39 AMFL Amin Fabrics 40 AMMF AL-Meezan Mutual 41 AMSL AL-Mal Sec. 42 AMZV AMZ Ventures 43 ANL Azgard Nine 44 ANLCPS Azg Con.P.8.95 Perc.XD 45 ANLNCPS AzgN.ConP.8.95 Perc.XD 46 ANLPS Azgard (Pref)XD 47 ANLTFC Azgard Nine(TFC) 48 ANNT Annoor Tex. 49 ANSS Ansari Sugar 50 APL Attock Petroleum 51 APOT Apollo Tex. 52 APXM Apex Fabrics 53 AQTM Al-Qaim Tex. 54 ARM Allied Rental Mod. 55 ARPAK Arpak Int. 56 ARUJ Aruj Garments 57 ASFL Asian Stocks 58 ASHT Ashfaq Textile 59 ASIC Asia Ins. 60 ASKL Askari Leasing 61 ASML Amin Sp. 62 ASMLRAL Amin Sp.(RAL) 63 ASTM Asim Textile 64 ATBA Atlas Battery 65 ATBL Atlas Bank Ltd. 66 ATFF Atlas Fund of Funds 67 ATIL Atlas Insurance 68 ATLH Atlas Honda 69 ATRL Attock Refinery 70 AUBC Automotive Battery 71 AWAT Awan Textile 72 AWTX Allawasaya 73 AYTM Ayesha Textile 74 AYZT Ayaz Textile 75 AZAMT Azam Tex 76 AZLM AL-Zamin Mod. 77 AZLMTFC AL-Zamin (TFC) 78 AZLMTFC-II AL-Zamin (TFC)II 79 AZMT Azmat Tex. 80 AZTM AL-Azhar Tex. 81 BAFL Bank Al-Falah 82 BAFL-MAR BAFL-MAR 83 BAFL-MARB BAFL-MARB 84 BAFS Baba Farid 85 BAHL Bank AL-Habib 86 BAHLTFC Bank Al-Habib(TFC) 87 BAHT Bhawalpur Tex. 88 BAPL Bawany Air 89 BATA Bata (Pak) 90 BAWS Bawany Sugar 91 BBIIIA US (Dollar) B 3 YEARS A 92 BBIIIB US (Dollar) B 3 YEARS B 93 BBIIIC US (Dollar) B 3 YEARS C 94 BBIIID US (Dollar) B 3 YEARS D 95 BBVA US (Dollar) B 5 YEARS A 96 BBVB US (Dollar) B 5 YEARS B 97 BBVC US (Dollar) B 5 YEARS C 98 BBVD US (Dollar) B 5 YEARS D 99 BBVIIA US (Dollar) B 7 YEARS A 100 BBVIIB US (Dollar) B 7 YEARS B 101 BBVIIC US (Dollar) B 7 YEARS C 102 BBVIID US (Dollar) B 7 YEARS D 103 BCL Bolan Casting 104 BCML Babri CottonXR 105 BEEL Bela Engg. 106 BEEM Beema Pakistan 107 BELA Bela Automotive 108 BERG Berger Paints 109 BFMOD B.F.Modaraba 110 BGL Bal.Glass 111 BHAT Bhanero Textile 112 BIFO Biafo Industries 113 BIIC Business Ins. 114 BILF Bilal Fibres. 115 BIPL Bankislami Pak 116 BNWM Bannu Woollen 117 BOC BOC (Pak) 118 BOK Bank Of Khyber 119 BOKR Bank of Khyber(R) 120 BOP B.O.Punjab 121 BOP-MAR BOP-MAR 122 BOSI Bosicor PakistanSPOT 123 BPBL B.P.Board 124 BPGF BMA Principal Fund 125 BROT Brothers Tex 126 BRRI B.R.R.Int.Mod 127 BSBF BSJS Bal.Fund 128 BSML Baig Sp. 129 BTL Blessed Textile 130 BUXL Buxly Paints 131 BWCL Bestway Cement 132 BWHL Bal.Wheels 133 CARF Caravan Fabrics 134 CASS Casspak Ind. 135 CCBL Cres. Comm.Bank 136 CCBLR Cres.Com.Bank(R) 137 CEFP Central Forest 138 CENI Century Insurance 139 CEPB Century Paper 140 CFL Crescent Fibres Ltd. 141 CHAS Chashma Sugar 142 CHBL Chenab Limited 143 CHCC Cherat Cement 144 CHUT Chaudhry Textile 145 CICL Central Ins. 146 CJPL Crescent Jute 147 CLC Crescent Leasing 148 CLCPS Chenab Ltd.(Pref) 149 CLIM Climax Eng. 150 CLOV Clover Pakistan 151 CML Colony Mills Ltd 152 COGSTFC Chanda Oil and GasTF 153 COLG Colgate Palmolive 154 COST (Colony) Sarhad 155 COTT (Colony) Thal 156 COWM Colony Woollen 157 CPAL Cap.Assets Leasing 158 CPL Clariant Pak 159 CPMFI F.Cap.Mut.Fund 160 CPSL Cherat Papersack 161 CRNLTFC-II Cres. Leas.TFC-II 162 CRSM Cres.Sping. 163 CRTM Crescent Textile 164 CSAP Crescent SteelSPOT 165 CSIBL Cres. Stand.Ban 166 CSIL Cres.Star Ins. 167 CSM Cres. Stand.Mod. 168 CSMD Crescent Sugar 169 CTTL Callmate Telips 170 CWSM Chakwal Spinning 171 DAAG Data Agro 172 DABL Dadabhoy Leas 173 DADX Dadex Eternit 174 DATM Data Textile 175 DAWH Dawood Hercules 176 DBSL Dadabhoy Sack 177 DBYC Dadabhoy Cem. 178 DCL Dewan Cement 179 DCM Dawood Cap.Managemen 180 DCTL Dadabhoy Const. 181 DEIC Delta Ins. 182 DFML Dewan Motors 183 DFSM Dewan Farooque Sp. 184 DGKC D.G.K.Cement 185 DGKC-MAR DGKC-MAR 186 DGKPS DGK(RC.Pref10 Perc.XD 187 DHCL Dewan Hattar Ce 188 DICL Dadabhoy Ins. 189 DIIL Diamond Ind. 190 DINT Din Textile 191 DKTM Dewan Khalid 192 DLL Dawood Law 193 DMTM Dewan Mushtaq 194 DMTX D.M.Textile 195 DNCC Dandot Cement 196 DOMF Dominion Stock 197 DREL Dreamworld 198 DSFL Dewan Salman 199 DSFL-MAR DSFL-MAR 200 DSIL D.S.Ind.Ltd. 201 DSML Dar-es-Salaam 202 DWAE Dewan Auto Engg 203 DWSM Dewan Sugar 204 DWTM Dewan Textile 205 DYNO Dynea Pakistan 206 ECOP ECOPACK Ltd 207 EFUG EFU General Insuranc 208 EFUL EFU Life Assurance 209 ELCM Elahi Cotton 210 ELSM Ellcot Spinning 211 EMCO EMCO IND. 212 ENGL English Leas 213 ENGRO Engro ChemicalXD 214 ENGRO-MAR ENGRO-MAR 215 ESBL Escorts Bank 216 ETNL Eye Television Net 217 EWIC East West Insurance 218 EXIDE Exide (PAK) 219 EXTR Extraction 220 FABL Faysal BankXD 221 FABL-MAR FABL-MAR 222 FABL-MARB FABL-MARB 223 FAEL Fatima Enter 224 FANM AL-Noor Mod. 225 FASM Faisal Spinning 226 FATEH Fateh Ind. 227 FAZAL Fazal Veg.Ghee 228 FCCL Fauji Cement 229 FCONM Constellation Mod 230 FCSC Ist.Capital Sec. 231 FDBM Dadabhoy Mod. 232 FDIBL Ist.Dawood Bank 233 FDMF F. Daw.Mut.Fund 234 FECM Elite Cap.Mod 235 FECS Fecto Sugar 236 FECTC Fecto Cement 237 FEM Equity Mod. 238 FEROZ Ferozsons (Lab) 239 FFBL Fauji Fert BinXD 240 FFBL-MAR FFBL-MAR 241 FFC Fauji FertilizerXD 242 FFC-MAR FFC-MAR 243 FFLM 1st.Fid.Leasing 244 FHAM Habib Mod 245 FHBM H.B.L.Mod. 246 FIBLM I.B.L.Mod. 247 FIFM Interfund Mod. 248 FIM First Invest Mod 249 FIMM Imrooz Mod 250 FISM Islamic Mod. 251 FMHM Mehran Mod. 252 FNBM Nat.Bank Mod 253 FNEL F. Nat.Equities 254 FPJM Punjab Mod. 255 FPRM Paramount Modaraba 256 FRCL Frontier Ceramics 257 FRSM Faran SugarXD 258 FSMLO Frontier (O) 259 FSMLPVII Frontier (P) 260 FSWL Fateh Sports 261 FTHM Fateh Textile 262 FTM Fawad Tex. 263 FTSM Tri-Star 1st. 264 FTWM Tawakkal Mod. 265 FUDLM U.D.L.Mod. 266 FYZMM Fay.Mfg.Mod. 267 FZCM Fazal Cloth 268 FZTM Fazal Textile 269 GADT Gadoon Textile 270 GAEL Gauhar Engg Ltd 271 GAIL Ghani AutomobileSPOT 272 GAMON Gammon Pak.XR 273 GASF Golden Arrow 274 GATI Gatron Ind. 275 GATM Gul Ahmed 276 GENP Genertech 277 GFIL Ghazi Fabrics 278 GHGL Ghani Glass 279 GHNI Ghandhara Ind. 280 GHNL Ghandhara Nissan 281 GLAT Glamour Tex. 282 GLAXO GlaxoSmith 283 GLIN Goodluck Ind 284 GLOT Globe Textile 285 GLPL Gillette Pak 286 GMDP Ghulam Dadabhoy 287 GMOD Guardian Mod 288 GNDL Ghandhara Diesel 289 GOEM Globe (O.E) 290 GRAYS Grays of Camb. 291 GRYL Grays Leasing 292 GSPM Gulshan Spinning 293 GTYR General Tyre 294 GUSM Gulistan Spinning 295 GUTM Gulistan Textile 296 GWLC Gharibwal Cement 297 HABSM Habib Sugar 298 HACC Hashimi Can 299 HADC Haydery Const 300 HAFT Hafiz Textile 301 HAJT Hajra Textile 302 HAL Habib-ADM Ltd. 303 HAOL Haroon Oils 304 HASM Hala Spinning 305 HATM Hamid Textile 306 HAWM Harnai Woollen 307 HCAR Honda Atlas Cars 308 HDOS Haji Dossa 309 HICL Habib Insurance 310 HINO Hinopak Motor 311 HINOON Highnoon (Lab) 312 HIRAT Hira Textile Mills 313 HKKT Hakkim Tex. 314 HLEL Hala Enterpries 315 HMB Habib Metro Bank 316 HMICL Hallmark Insura 317 HMIM H.M.Ismail 318 HSPI Huffaz Pipe 319 HTML Harum Tex Mills. 320 HUBC Hub Power 321 HUBC-MAR HUBC-MAR 322 HUSI Hussain Industries 323 HUSS Hussein Sugar 324 HWQS Haseeb Waqas 325 IALC Interasia Leasi 326 IBFL Ibrahim Fibres 327 ICCT I.C.C.Textile 328 ICI ICI Pakistan 329 ICL Ittehad Chem. 330 ICLTFC Ittehad Chem.(TFC) 331 IDEN Ideal Enegy 332 IDRT Idrees Tex. 333 IDSM Ideal Sp. 334 IDYM Indus Dyeing 335 IFGI Ittefaq Gen.Ins. 336 IGIBL IGI Inv.Bank Lt 337 IGIC I.G.I.Insurance 338 IHFL Int.Housing Fin. 339 IIBL Islamic Bank 340 IKNL Int.Knitwear 341 ILTM Island Textile 342 IMLC Int.Mul.Leasing 343 INDF Indus Fruit 344 INDP Indus Poly. 345 INDU Indus MotorXD 346 INIL International Ind. 347 INMF Inve Mut.Fund 348 ISHT Ishtiaq Tex 349 ISIL Ismail Ind. 350 ISTM Ishaq Textile 351 ITFT Ittefaq Textile 352 ITSL Investec Sec. 353 ITTM Itti Textile 354 JATM J.A.Textile 355 JDMT Janana D MalXB 356 JDWS J.D.W.Sugar 357 JKSM J.K.Spinning 358 JOPP Johnson and Philips 359 JOVC J.O.V.and CO. 360 JPGL Japan Power 361 JSCL Jah.Siddiq.Co. 362 JSCLPS Jah.Sidd.ClassA(Pre) 363 JSGCL JS Global Cap.L 364 JUBS Jubilee Sp. 365 JUCM Junaid Cotton 366 JVDC Javedan Cement 367 KACM Karim Cotton 368 KAKA Kakakhel Pak 369 KAKL Kaiser Art and Kr 370 KAPCO Kot Addu PowerSPOT 371 KAPCO-MAR KAPCO-MAR 372 KASBB KASB Bank Ltd. 373 KASBBR KASB Bank(R) 374 KASM Karim Silk 375 KAUS Kausar Paints 376 KCL Karam Ceramics 377 KEOM Kashmir Edible 378 KESC K.E.S.C. 379 KESC-MAR KESC-MAR 380 KHSM Khurshid Sp. 381 KHTC Khyber Tob. 382 KHYT Khyber Tex. 383 KML Kohinoor Mills 384 KOHC Kohat Cement 385 KOHE Kohinoor Energy 386 KOHL Kohinoor Looms 387 KOHP Kohinoor Power 388 KOHS Kohinoor SugarXB 389 KOHTM Kohat Textile 390 KOIL Kohinoor Ind. 391 KOSM Kohinoor Spinning 392 KPOL Kashmir Polytex 393 KPUS Khairpur Sugar 394 KSBP K.S.B.Pumps 395 KSTM Khalid Siraj 396 KTML Kohinoor Tex.XR 397 LAKST Lakson Tobacco 398 LATM Latif Jute 399 LEUL Leather Up 400 LIBM Liberty Mills Ltd. 401 LIBT Libaas Textile 402 LMSM Land Mark Sp. 403 LPGL Leiner Gelatine 404 LTVM L.T.V.Mod 405 LUCK Lucky Cement 406 LUCK-MAR LUCK-MAR 407 MACFL MACPAC Films 408 MARI Mari Gas Company 409 MBF Meezan Bal.Fund 410 MCB MCB Bank 411 MCB-MAR MCB-MAR 412 MCB-MARB MCB-MARB 413 MCBLTFC M.C.B.TFC 414 MDTM Mehr Dastgir 415 MEBL Meezan Bank 416 MEDI Medi Glass 417 MEHJ Mehran Jute 418 MEHT Mehmood Textile 419 MERIT Merit Pack 420 MFFL Mithchells 421 MFTM Mohd.Farooq 422 MIGM Mineral Grind 423 MIRKS Mirpurkhas SugarXD 424 MLCF Maple Leaf Cem.XR 425 MLCF-MAR MLCF-MAR 426 MLCFPS MapleLeaf(Pref) 427 MLCL M.L.C. 428 MMDS Mian Mohammad 429 MODAM Mod.Al-Mali 430 MODT Modern Tex. 431 MOHE Mohib Exports 432 MOIL Morafco Ind. 433 MOON Moonlite (PAK) 434 MQTM Maqbool Textile 435 MRNS Mehran Sug.XD 436 MSCL Metro Steel 437 MSOT Masood Textile 438 MTIL Mian Textile 439 MTL Millat Tractors 440 MTLA Metro Life AssXR 441 MUBD Mubarik Daries 442 MUBT Mubarak Textile 443 MUCL Mustehkam Cement 444 MUKT Mukhtar Textile 445 MUREB Murree Brewery 446 MUSG Muslim Ghee 447 MWMP Mandviwala 448 MYBL Mybank Ltd 449 MYVI Myfip Video 450 MZSM Mirza Sugar 451 NAFL National Fiber 452 NAGC Nagina Cotton 453 NAKI Nakshbandi Ind. 454 NALC National Assets 455 NATF National Foods 456 NATM Nadeem Tex. 457 NAZC Nazir Cotton 458 NBF NAMCO Balanced Fund 459 NBOGSCTFC Naimat Basal (TFC) 460 NBP National Bank 461 NBP-MAR NBP-MAR 462 NBP-MARB NBP-MARB 463 NCL Nishat (Chunian) 464 NCMRPS Nag(RCPREF)13 Perc. 465 NESTLE Nestle Pakistan 466 NETSOL Netsol Technologie 467 NIB NIB Bank Limite 468 NICL Nimir Ind.Chem. 469 NINA Nina Ind. 470 NIRE Nimir Resins 471 NJICL New Jub.Ins. 472 NJLIC New Jub. Life 473 NLCL Network Leasing 474 NLRL Natover Lease 475 NLRLXI Natover(Pref)11 Perc. 476 NMBL Network Mic Bank 477 NML Nishat Mills 478 NML-MAR NML-MAR 479 NONS Noon SugarXB 480 NOON Noon Tex. 481 NOPK Noon Pakistan 482 NOPKXII Noon Pref12 Perc. 483 NORS Noor Silk 484 NORT Norrie Tex. 485 NPSM N. P. Spinning 486 NRL National Refinery 487 NSRM National Silk 488 OGDC Oil and Gas Dev. 489 OGDC-MAR OGDC-MAR 490 OIBL Orix Bank 491 OLPL Orix Leasing 492 OLSM Olympia Sp. 493 OLTM Olympia Tex 494 OTSU Otsuka Pak 495 PACE Pace (Pak) Ltd. 496 PADL Pak Dairies 497 PAEL Pak Elektron 498 PAKD Pak Datacom 499 PAKL Pak Leather 500 PAKMI Pak Modaraba 501 PAKRI Pak ReInsurance 502 PAKT Pak Tobacco 503 PANI Pan Islamic 504 PASM Parmount Spinning 505 PCAL Pakistan CablesXD 506 PCCL Pakistan Cement Ltd. 507 PDGH P.D.G.House 508 PECO Pak Engineering 509 PEF PICIC Energy Fund 510 PFIL Pak Fiber 511 PGCL Pak Gum 512 PGF PICIC Growth 513 PGHE Pak Ghee 514 PGIC Pak Guar.Ins 515 PGLC Pak Gulf Leas 516 PHDL Pak Hotels 517 PHIL Pak House Int 518 PIAA P.I.A.C.(A) 519 PIAA-MAR PIAA-MAR 520 PIAB P.I.A.C.(B) 521 PICB PICIC Bank 522 PICB-MAR PICB-MAR 523 PICIC P.I.C.I.C 524 PICIC-MAR PICIC-MAR 525 PICL Pak.Com.Leas 526 PICP Premier Ins. 527 PICT Pak.Int.Con.Ter. 528 PICTPS Pak IntCon(Pref) 529 PIF PICIC Inv.Fund 530 PIL PICIC Ins.Ltd. 531 PILCTFC PILCORP(TFC) 532 PIOC Pioneer Cement 533 PIOC-MAR PIOC-MAR 534 PKGI Pak Gen.Ins 535 PKGS Packages Ltd. 536 PKSLC Pak.Slag 537 PLIC Platinum Insurance 538 PMI Prud Mod.1st 539 PMRS Premier SugerXD 540 PNGRS Pangrio Sugar 541 PNIL Pak Northen Ins 542 PNSC P.N.S.C. 543 POL Pak Oilfields 544 POL-MAR POL-MAR 545 POLYR Polyron Limited 546 PPFL Pak.Prem Fund 547 PPL Pak PetroleumXD 548 PPL-MAR PPL-MAR 549 PPP Pak Pap.Prod 550 PPTA Pak.PTA Ltd. 551 PPVC Pak.P.V.C. 552 PRCBL Prime Bank 553 PRET Premium Textile 554 PRIB Prud.Inv.Bank 555 PRIC Progressive Ins. 556 PRL Pak Refinery 557 PRWM Prosperity 558 PSAF Pak Strat Fund 559 PSEL Pak.ServicesXD 560 PSMC Pak Suzuki 561 PSO P.S.O. 562 PSO-MAR PSO-MAR 563 PSYL Pak Synthetic 564 PTC P.T.C.L.A 565 PTC-MAR PTC-MAR 566 PTEC Pak Telephone 567 PUDF P.S.Fund Ltd. 568 PUNO Punjab Oil 569 QAYS Qayyum Spinning 570 QUAT Quality Textile 571 QUET Quetta Textile 572 QUICE Quice Food 573 QUSW Quality Steel 574 RAST Rashid Tex. 575 RAVT Ravi Textile 576 RBFL Rafhan Bestfoods 577 RCML Reliance Cotton 578 REDT Redco Tex. 579 REGAL Regal Cer. 580 REGT Regent Tex. 581 REST Resham Textile 582 REWM Reliance Weaving 583 RICL Reliance Insurance 584 RMPL Rafhan Maize 585 RUBY Ruby Textile 586 RUPL Rupali Poly 587 SAIF Saif TextileXR 588 SALT Salfi Textile 589 SANE Salman Noman 590 SANSM Sanghar Sug.XD 591 SAPL Sanofi-Aventis 592 SAPT Sapphire Textile 593 SARD Sardar Chemical 594 SASM Saitex Spinning 595 SASML Sind AbadgarXD 596 SAZEW Sazgar Engineering 597 SCBPLTFC Stand Char Bank TFC 598 SCBPLTFC-II Stan Char BankTFCII 599 SCBPLTFC-III Stan Char BankTFCIII 600 SCHM Schon Mod. 601 SCHT Schon Textile 602 SCIL Sarhad Cigarette 603 SCL Shield Corporation 604 SCM Stand.Chart.Mod. 605 SCML Shaheen Cot. 606 SDIL Saleem Denim 607 SDOT Sadoon Textile 608 SEARL Searle Pak 609 SEARLTFC Searle Pak Ltd.TFC 610 SEL Sitara Energy 611 SEPCO Southern Electric 612 SEPL Security Paper 613 SERF Service Fabrics 614 SERT Service Tex.XR 615 SFAT Safa Textile 616 SFIL Siftaq Int. 617 SFL Sapphire Fiber 618 SFTM Sind Fine Tex 619 SFWF Safeway Mutual 620 SGFL S.G.Fiber 621 SGLL Shell Gas LPG 622 SGML Shakarganj Sugar 623 SGMLPS Shak(R.C.Pf)8.5 Perc.XD 624 SGPL S.G.Power 625 SHCI Shaffi Chemical 626 SHCM Shadman Cot. 627 SHDT Shadab Tex 628 SHEL Shell Pakistan 629 SHEZ Shezan Inter. 630 SHFA Shifa Int.Hosp 631 SHJS Shahtaj SugarXD 632 SHNI Shaheen Insurance 633 SHSML Shahmurad Sugar 634 SHTM Shahpur Tex. 635 SIBL Sec. Inv. Bank 636 SICL Standard Ins. 637 SIEM Siemens Engineering 638 SIGL Sigma Leasing 639 SIND Sind Alkalis 640 SING Singer Pak 641 SITC Sitara Chemical 642 SITCTFC Sitara Chem.TFC 643 SJTM Sajjad Tex. 644 SKRS Sakrand Sugar 645 SLCL Security Leasing 646 SLCPA Sec.Lea(Pre)9.1 647 SLSO Salim (O) 648 SLSOPP Salim (PP) 649 SLSOPVI Salim (P)6 Perc. 650 SLYT Sally Tex. 651 SMOP Suzuki Motorcyc 652 SMTM Samin Tex. 653 SNAI Sana Ind. 654 SNBL Soneri Bank 655 SNBLTFC Soneri Bank(TFC) 656 SNGP Sui North Gas 657 SNGP-MAR SNGP-MAR 658 SNKA S.N.Kawasaki 659 SNL Southern Network 660 SPCB Saudi Pak Bank 661 SPCBR Saudi Bank(R) 662 SPLC Saudi Pak Leas 663 SRSM Sargoda Sp. 664 SRTL Sahrish Tex. 665 SRVI Service Ind. 666 SSGC Sui South Gas 667 SSGC-MAR SSGC-MAR 668 SSGCTFC-II Sui-South.GasTFCII 669 SSIC Silver Star Ins. 670 SSML Saritow Sp. 671 SSOM S.S.Oil 672 STCL Shabbir Tiles 673 STIC Sterling Ins. 674 STJT Shahtaj Tex. 675 STML Shams Tex. 676 STPL Siddiqsons Tin plate 677 SUCM Sunshine Cotton 678 SUHJ Suhail Jute 679 SURAJ Suraj Ghee 680 SURC Suraj Cotton 681 SUTM Sunrays Tex. 682 SYMC Syed Match 683 SZTM Shahzad Tex 684 TAGA Taga Pak 685 TAGL Tawakkal Gar. 686 TAJT Taj Textile 687 TATM Tata Textile 688 TAWL Tawakkal Ltd. 689 TAXE Taxila Engg. 690 TELE Telecard 691 TELE-MAR TELE-MAR 692 TELETFC Telecard TFC 693 TGL Tariq Glass Ind. 694 THALL Thal Limited 695 THAS Taha Spinning 696 TICL Thal IndustriesXD 697 TLIBL Trust Leas.andInv. 698 TLIBLTFC-II 2nd Tranche Trust 699 TOWL Towellers Ltd 700 TQCM Tariq Cotton 701 TREC Transmission 702 TREET Treet Corp. 703 TRG TRG Pakistan 704 TRIPF Tri-Pack FilmsXD 705 TRPOL Tri-Star Poly 706 TRSLTFC Trust LeasingTFC 707 TRSLTFC-II Trust LeasingTFCII 708 TRSM Trust Modaraba 709 TSBL Trust Brokerage 710 TSMF Tri-Star Mutual 711 TSML Tandlianwala 712 TSPL Tri-Star Power 713 TSSL Tri-Star Shipp. 714 TURBO Turbo Tec 715 TWPI Tawakkal Poly. 716 UBDL United Brands 717 UBL United Bank Ltd. 718 UBLTFC United Bank(TFC) 719 UBLTFC-II United BankTFCII 720 UBLTFC-III United BankTFC-III 721 UDPL United Distributors 722 UICL Union Insurance 723 ULEVER UniLeverXD 724 ULL Union Leasing 725 UNIC United Insurance 726 UNIM UNICAP MOD. 727 UNIO Universal Oil 728 UNTM Unity Mod. 729 UNVL Universal Leas. 730 UQAB Uqab Breding 731 USML United Sugar 732 USMT Usman Tex. 733 UTPGF UTP-Growth Fund 734 UTPLCF UTP-Large Cap.Fund 735 UVIC Universal Insurance 736 VAWL Valika Wooll 737 WAHN Wah-Noble 738 WAPDA-B6 WAPDA Bonds 6th 739 WAZIR Wazir Ali 740 WCCLTFC World Call TFC 741 WEBF WE Balanced Fund 742 WTL WorldCall Telecom 743 WYETH Wyeth Pak 744 YOUW Yousuf Weaving 745 ZAHT ZahidJee Textile 746 ZELP Zeal Pak. 747 ZHCM Zahoor Cotton 748 ZHTM Zahoor Textile 749 ZLFI Zulfeqar Ind. 750 ZTL Zephyr Textile Ltd

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Research Proposal

...Checklist for Research Proposal and Outline Use the checklist below to be sure that all elements of the research proposal and outline exist. If you are evaluating someone else’s paper, put his/ her name here: ______________________________/ Your name: __________________________ Name of Element: | Yes: | No: | Comments or Suggestions for Improvement: | First Item of the Research Proposal: | Does the writer have a topic? | | | | Is the topic a current problem? | | | | Second Item of the Research Proposal: | Does the writer have a research question that repeats the topic and identifies the objective? | | | | Is the topic about the problem and/or solution? | | | | Third Item of the Research Proposal: | Is there are thesis statement that identifies the problem and solution? | | | | Is the thesis statement clear? | | | | Fourth Item of the Research Proposal: | Does the writer include a research plan regarding where he/she plans to conduct research? | | | | Is there a timetable for research related assignments, including dates for completion? | | | | Research Outline: | I. Does the writer include an introduction or plan of introduction? | | | | I. Is there a working thesis statement? | | | | II. Is there a topic sentence with the first reason for the problem? | | | | III. Is there a topic sentence with the second reason for the problem? | | | | IV. Is there a topic sentence with the first solution? | | |...

Words: 290 - Pages: 2

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Research Proposal

...COMPONENTS OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL (Source: Brynard & Hanekom (1997): Introduction to research in Public Administration and related academic disciplines; J L van Schaik Academic Publishers, Pretoria, pages 24- 26) Research encompasses various components which need to be explained or described in a research proposal. The term "research proposal" indicates that a specific course of action will be followed. The following components can be regarded as steps in the writing of the research proposal. They are important and should be followed for the actual composition of the proposal: 1. Title page of the research proposal A research proposal should be submitted with a title page on which full particulars pertaining to the following appear: the name of the researcher; student number; course; and the following wording: Research proposal in preparation of a research project with the following proposed detail:"..... " (For example: "The education in Public Administration of chief directors employed in provincial government departments") 2. Introduction Emphasise the importance of the proposed research and describe the research topic or theme. This is usually done in one or two paragraphs. In all cases it should be stated whether a relationship exists between the proposed research and research undertaken before. If no such research has been undertaken previously, this should be pointed out. 3. Motivation Present, as clearly as possible, the source of interest...

Words: 1010 - Pages: 5

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Research Proposal

...developing and developed countries. In Kenya, the incidences of juvenile delinquency have increased in the resent years and thus it has prompted the research studies on juveniles and crime. Juvenile delinquency is a type of offences committed by young people. The major offences committed by juveniles include vandalism, auto-theft, vagrancy, truancy and incorrigibility. The prevalence of juvenile delinquency has fostered by high living standard in the country, media and technology, availability and misuse of drugs, poor parental skills and broken-homes. However, most cases of juvenile delinquency are never reported, thus making it impossible to arrive at an accurate assessment of the number of children who engage in delinquency. In the 1960s in the United States of America, Gottrieb and Ramsey (1964) observed that only about third of adolescents apprehended by the police for offences considered delinquent were ever taken to police station or juvenile court. Usually, published figures underestimate the real incidences(Snooks, 1980). Therefore, this research proposal tries to study both the overlooked cases and addressed cases of juvenile delinquency in order to understand the risk factors and come up with more accurate figures that will help the CJS and rehabilitative centers come up with effective preventive measures.. This research proposal seeks to explore the different root causes of delinquency in Kericho County; and the extent to which the issue of delinquency have affected...

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Formal Research and Business Proposals

...Proposals and Research Nashira Wiggins American Intercontinental University Abstract What are the differences between formal research and a business proposal? What are the similarities? This paper will compare and contrast the theoretical and practical differences between formal research and a business proposal. The second part of this paper will explore the effects of human resources outsourcing on leadership performance and employee commitment. This paper will show that human resources outsourcing has a negative effect on employees and their morale. Part 1 Formal research provides basic information and statistics in a given field or industry depending on the focus of the research. Formal research may be used to research the demand for a specific product or service by researching similar products or services that are already on the market. Included in this research would be the general sales rate, the companies that market these products or services, and the current sale price. Research will reveal whether the market for the product is flooded or if it is indeed a good business opportunity. A business proposal is a document that proposes a method for completing a task. A business proposal can be used for launching a new product or for something like implementing a new strategy for a marketing campaign. “A proposal includes a brief description for the task at hand, a section describing the general approach to the task, a schedule for the task in question and a budget...

Words: 1136 - Pages: 5

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Research Proposal

...WRITING A RESEARCH PROPOSAL Reasons for writing a research proposal Your research proposal: * gives you an opportunity to think through your project carefully, and clarify and define what you want to research * provides you with an outline and to guide you through the research process * lets your supervisor and department or faculty know what you would like to research and how you plan to go about it * helps the department choose an appropriate supervisor * gives you an opportunity to receive feedback from your supervisor and others in the academic community as well as possible funders * serves as a contract between you and your supervisor and university * can be submitted to an ethics committee to gain ethical approval * can be submitted to a scholarship committee or other funding agency Developing your proposal The process includes: * choosing a topic * narrowing and focussing your topic * formulating research objectives or questions and ideas for analysis * outlining the key literature in the topic area * deciding on research methodology, research design and methods * proposing an approach to data analysis * proposing a format e.g. how many chapters and suggested chapter headings * developing a timeline * developing a budget and resources you will need * developing a bibliography Writing a research proposal can be a demanding, frustrating, challenging and time-consuming process -...

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Research Proposal

...Ethics and Research in Professional Contexts Part 2 2012-13 Welcome to Part 2 We hope you find this second part of the module as informative and stimulating as ethics in Part 1. Part 2 builds on your critical reasoning and your ability to apply concepts to different contexts developed in Part 1. It will help you to acquire knowledge of the research process and some practical research skills. You will develop valuable transferable skills to help you not only in your final year but also for your career and employment. Module aims  Provide a foundation for understanding approaches to social research and evidence based practice  Facilitate the development of research skills and knowledge for professional and academic development in a range of practice-based professional contexts Learning outcomes On successful completion of this part of the module you will be able to: 4. How you will learn? Well that is largely up to you! We will help! We encourage you to set your own goals so that you can get the most out of your learning. We will provide a mix of teaching, tailored learning activities, assessment advice and signposting to key sources as well as direct feedback in class. Additionally, key research staff will be invited to share their research experiences with you so that you can develop a deeper understanding of all aspects of research especially research design. The weekly workshops will help you to shape your own research project, setting...

Words: 2608 - Pages: 11

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Research Proposal

...Research Proposal B. Anderson EDU 626 October 22, 2012 Instructor Lafferty Abstract ​The following is a research proposal addressing the importance of encouraging children to read for pleasure. The proposal explains the importance of such research within the introduction and then poses the research questions that will act as a guide for the researcher. It goes on to discuss literature found by the researcher that is relevant to this topic. The research will be a case study done using qualitative research. The methods and procedures will include participants from Rodman Elementary School along with a few instruments that will be needed for the collection of data. The analysis will seek to answer to research questions and the conclusion of this proposal will be a re=statement of the importance of the research. Introduction ​In a world consumed by technology it can be difficult to pull children’s attention away from devices such as television, computers, and video games and convince them to sit down with a good book. Yet, reading is the cornerstone of a successful education. Children who read often will develop a stronger vocabulary, have a greater depth of general knowledge, be more aware of cultural diversity, and even develop stronger social skills. The research proposed in this paper will explore the importance of reading for pleasure. It is probably fair to assume that the majority of people in our society will remember the alphabet song as...

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Research Proposal

...Table of Contents Introduction: 1 Research Aim: 2 Research Objectives: 3 Research Questions: 3 Literature Review: 4 The Methodology: 6 Design of Research 6 Research Philosophy: 7 Research Approach: 7 Data Collection: 7 Sampling 8 Data analysis 8 Ethical concerns: 8 Limitation of the Study: 9 Timetable through Gantt chart: 9 Accessibility issues: 10 Strength of anticipated findings and how they relate to aims and objectives of study: 10 Part-B Title: Employee motivation and its impact on employee performance, a case of Tesco, UK Introduction: Employee motivation is demarcated as the inclination or exertion applied by the worker in demand to accomplish objectives of the association and this occurrence of motivation is widespread and outcomes because of some disappointed requirements of the worker. (Armstrong, 2009) The elementary motivation procedure has four phases; a single has assured fondness and fascinations and hatreds that he/she desires to accomplish. When these requirements and yearnings are not pleased, a determination or motivation is shaped in that individual to attain that aim. Motivating the employees is thoroughly connected to the customer’s contentment and retention. If the worker is not motivated in workplace and is not pleased to the job that he/she is executing then he will not be capable to aid the consumer with packed commitment and decency. Consumer’s satisfaction is heavily reliant on consumer...

Words: 2737 - Pages: 11

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Research Proposal

...Table of content: 1. Title……………………………………………………….3 2. Introduction …………………………………..……..…….3 2.1. Aims of Research…………………………….…3 2.2. Research Objective…………………………..….4 3. Research Question……………………………………..…4 4. Hypothesis of the study………………………………..…5 5. Literature Review……………………………………..….5 6. Research Strategy and Methodology………………….….7 6.1. Primary data research method………………………….…7 6.2. Secondary data research method………………………….7 6.3. Research Approach……………………………………..…8 6.4. Literature survey…………...…………………………...…8 6.5. Data collection and sampling…………………………...…8 For primary data research………………….……8 For secondary data research………………….……9 6.6. Data Analysis………………………………………………9 7. Logistical and ethical consideration……………………9 8. Proposed Outcomes……………………………………...10 9. Planned timetable for completing dissertation……….....10 10. References ……………………………………………….11 11. Appendix…………………………………………………12 1. Title: Advertisement and its impacts on consumer buying behaviour; In case of Dominos Pizza Company. 2. Introductions: Advertisement plays a vital role in the business of any organisation. This is simply the medium of communication and delivering paid message from an organisation to customers regarding their products. Also, it is the strategy of a company for the promotion of product by gaining the attention of consumers towards itself and sometimes recalling the product in customer’s mind. Today, most of the products come with the advertisement and...

Words: 2576 - Pages: 11

Premium Essay

Research Proposal

...Applied Research Project One-Page Proposal What information should my One-page proposal contain? Describe the data files you will use. I will be using the data collected in the 2007 National Household Education Survey, and I will be using the Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey. o How many observations are there in the data? There are 10, 681 observations in this data set. o What is the primary entity? (students, teachers, schools etc.) The primary entity are students, more specifically the children enrolled in Kindergarten through the 12th grade with the data set describing various things about the child’s family and their involvement in the child’s education. o Describe the structure of the data: Observational vs. Experimental? Cross-Section, Panel, or Repeated Cross-Section? The structure of the data is observational because there was no treatment assignment and participants in the survey simply respond to the questions asked. The data is cross sectional because data was observed for a single year, 2007. List your research question(s). What is the relationship between the amount of media watched by the child and the number of books the child has? Does the relationship between the amount of media watched by the child and the number of books the child has differ between home schooled children and those that are not? What is(are) your question predictor(s) and how will you measure it(them)? My question predictors...

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