...treatment times, and use to facilities and equipment for rehabilitation. Patients in isolation often develop feelings of seclusion and depression. Nursing staff faced with increasing time constraints and responsibilities may also find donning of personal protective equipment (PPE), each time when entering a patients room, unreasonable and frustrating. While the current methods of isolation have proven effective and best practice, it is imperative to acknowledge and be mindful to the potentially adverse effects that accompany the isolating patients with MRSA. Examination of the study, “Patient experience of source isolation: Lessons for clinical practice”, will reveal the issues, methods, implications and ethical concerns familiar with patients isolated due to MRSA. Research Summary The mounting rates of MRSA infections reported worldwide have prompted the healthcare community to use multiple avenues to its break chain of transmission. One mode is to place those with MRSA positive cultures on source isolation and contact precautions. As fewer pharmaceutical treatments options are coming available, higher priority is being placed on infection control and prevention (Barratt, Shaban, & Moyle, 2011). This is significant for nursing due to the fact that we...
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...Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Michelle Parker Grand Canyon University Introduction to Nursing Research NRS 433V Nora Bazydlo April 8, 2012 Research Summary and Ethical Considerations The relationship between nurses and families is incredibly intricate. The intricacy of this relationship is shown whether the development is for a few hours in the emergency room or for a longer period of time in an intensive care unit or a skilled nursing unit. To understand the study reviewed for this paper it is important to understand family center care (FCC) and the concepts it enhances. Family care center (FCC) is an approach to the planning, delivery and evaluation of health care that is grounded in mutually beneficial partnerships among health care providers, patients, and families. It redefines the relationships in health care. It is where practitioners recognize the vital role that families play in ensuring the health and well being of infants, children, adolescents, and family members of all ages. They acknowledge that emotional, social, and developmental supports are integral components of health care. They promote the health and well being of individuals and families and restore dignity and control to them. Shapes policies, programs, facility design, and staff day-to-day interactions. It leads to better health outcomes and wiser allocation of resources, and greater patient and family satisfaction. ("What is patient- and family-centered health care?" 2010, para...
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...Research Summary and Ethical Guidelines: Person-Centered Interactions Grand Canyon University: NRS-433V 8/23/15 There is an increasing focus on person-centered care in the literature and in the clinical setting. It is proposed that utilizing a person-centered approach during medication related activities has the potential to improve patient experiences and outcomes. This research summary and ethical considerations analysis is based on the article published in the International Journal of Nursing Studies by Bolster & Manias in 2010 “Person-centered interactions between nurses and patients during medication activities in an acute hospital setting: Qualitative observation and interview study.” Background of Study Despite the known benefits of using a person-centered approach to medication related activities nurses continue to routinely use a task-based approach to medication related activities. Most patients have medications administered to them by a nurse while hospitalized. This provides the nurse multiple opportunities to provide education and person-centered care. This is significant to nursing because “previous research has shown that the relationship between the nurse and the patient including how the nurse provides information is critical to enhancing medication adherence and management” (Bolster & Manias, 2010). The objective of the study was to investigate the following scenario: “How do nurses and patients interact with each other during...
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...Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Grand Canyon University NSR-433 Professor Stone August 15, 2015 Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented with certain lifestyle changes such as increased physical activity, healthy dietary habits, and weight loss. However, A better understanding of what motivates lifestyle changes and the barriers that prevent the life style changes, especially among overweight individuals with risk of T2D was needed. The study, Motivators and barriers to exercise among adults with a high risk of type 2 diabetes – a qualitative study, was preformed to help fill this knowledge gap. The purpose of this study was to describe the motivators and barriers to exercise among subjects with a high risk of T2D. (Korkiakangas, 2010) Background of study While there was previous research study, the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study, motivations and barriers to exercise with individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. Prior to this study, there was only one research study on motivation and barriers to exercise with individuals at risk for Type 2 Diabetes. The purpose of this current research study is to obtain more information and to identify and describe the motivators and barriers to exercise among subjects with a high risk of T2D. The obtained information will be used to develop content and methods for counseling. Nursing will be able to use this new developed content and methods for counseling to help guide the patient that...
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...adult population, it includes hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and it also could lead to depression and low self- esteem. (Mayoclinic.org, 2014). The school based programs can play important role to prevent/ reduce these issues because school environment has important influence on children’s life and they spent many of their waking hours at school environments. School nurses has tremendous opportunity to make changes in the area of overweight and childhood obesity and many school nurses are not utilizing the situations because of the different reasons. This study addresses school nurse’s perceived barriers to weight-related issues. This paper will focus on the background of the study, method of study, results of the study, ethical considerations and how this study results applies to the nursing. A qualitative approach with the use of focus groups and discussion is how data was collected for this study. There were twenty two school nurses from three different school districts, ranging from suburban to rural areas for a total of seven focus groups. Each focus group session was led by a facilitator who introduced the topic questions, encouraged discussion, clarified responses and a second facilitator took detailed notes on the discussion. Additionally all focus groups were either videotaped or audio-taped for later review or transcription. Once all information had been reviewed and transcribed, identified themes were organized and evaluated. Researchers used NVivo8 to code...
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...Running head: FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT GUID Ugommah Miller Grand Canyon University NRS427V CASTILLA ROSE April 30, 2012 FUNCTIONAL HEALTH PATTERNS COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT GUIDE According to Stanhope & Lancaster (2010), community assessment is the process of critically thinking about the community and getting to know and understand the community client. Assessment helps identify community needs, clarify problems, and identify strengths and recourses. This paper will provide a brief description of Prescott County: identify the Value/Belief pattern, Health perception /Management, Nutrition/Metabolic, Elimination, Activity/Exercise, Sleep/Rest, Cognitive/perceptual, Self-perception/Self Concept, Role/Role-relationship Sexuality/Reproductive, Coping/ Stress. Prescott Valley is a town in Yavapai, Arizona State US, Prescott Valley was the seventh fastest-growing place among all cities and towns in Arizona between 1990 and 2000. According 2010 to census, the population of the town is 38,822. Value/Belief Pattern- Predominant ethnic and cultural groups along with beliefs related to health. White: 144, 98 Black/African American: 421 Hispanic: 16,300 Native American/Eskimo: 2,315 Asian: 843 Hawaiian / Pacific Islander: 47 other: 162 or more: 2,591.The Native American who migrated into the area to hunt deer, pronghorn and smaller game. Availability of spiritual resources within or near the community (churches/...
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...Research Summary and Ethical Considerations: Complexity in Practice Environments Grand Canyon University: NRS 433V 1/12/2014 Title Needed This article discusses the complexity in nursing practice environments that affect patient outcomes. There are many different aspects of the relationship between nursing care and patient outcomes. Nurses struggle to provide quality care in a high-demand practice environment, all the while dealing with stressors. Through research of the nurse work environment three key stressors that influence the quality of care given by nurses were identified. This new phenomenon has been labeled complexity compression. Background of study The association between the nurse staffing levels and the patient outcomes has been extensively studied over the past decade or so. The question being asked by researchers is: does an increased staffing level lead to more positive patient outcomes? This study was conducted by interviewing nurses and not patients. There is a direct link between the amounts of stressors that nurses “juggle” and how the effect of those stressors tend to affect their patient outcomes, either positively or negatively. This study resulted in the description of a new phenomenon referred to as complexity compression; which is defined as the stress that a nurse experiences when they are overwhelmed with assuming added and often unplanned responsibilities, while continuing to carry out multiple duties in a condensed time frame (Krichbaum...
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...NRS-433V Week 2 Research Summary and Ethical Considerations To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/NRS-433VWeek2ResearchSummaryandEthicalConsiderations/2853 contact us at: help@mindblows.us NRS-433V Week 2 Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Select either the qualitative or quantitative study method for this assignment. In an essay of 750-1,000 words, summarize the study, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address any ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study. Refer to Resource Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Guidelines for suggested headings for your paper. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. NRS-433V Week 2 Research Summary and Ethical Considerations To purchase this tutorial visit here: http://mindsblow.us/question_des/NRS-433VWeek2ResearchSummaryandEthicalConsiderations/2853 contact us at: help@mindblows.us NRS-433V Week 2 Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Select either the qualitative or quantitative study method for this assignment. In an essay of 750-1,000 words, summarize the study, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address any ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study. Refer to Resource Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Guidelines for...
Words: 1969 - Pages: 8
...Center, Legal and Ethical Scenarios. Write 700-1400 word paper analyzing the conduct described using other articles and cases to discuss how the conduct would be judged in regards to criminal behavior, employment issues, and certification. Axia students only. I am struggling to understand what they are asking for and how I am suppose to go about starting the paper. ---------------------------------------------------------------- EDU 315 Case Summary (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com EDU 315 Case Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------- EDU 315 Debate Outline (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com EDU 315 Debate Outline ------------------------------------------------------------------ EDU 315 Entire Course (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com EDU 315 Ethical Considerations Reflection Paper EDU 315 Legal Research Paper EDU 315 The Code of Conduct Issues Paper EDU 315 Case Summary EDU 315 Case Analysis Paper EDU 315 Fingerprint T Chart EDU 315 High Stakes Testing Paper EDU 315 Debate Outline EDU 315 Role of Educational Stakeholders Presentation -------------------------------------------------------------------- EDU 315 Ethical Considerations Reflection Paper (UOP) For more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Write a 350- to 750-word reflection paper on what you consider to be the primary ethical considerations for teachers in...
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...Catheter-Associated Bloodstream Infection Surveillance Variability Kochurani Thomas Grand Canyon University NRS-433V May 1, 2011 Bloodstream infections are the most common hospital-associated infection (HAI) in intensive care units (ICU) and a significant source of in-hospital deaths, increased length of stay and added medical costs. Both adult and pediatric patients who have catheters inserted into their blood vessels face increased risk of an infection developing along the invasive plastic devices which can become life-threatening as they spread into the bloodstream. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 248,000 blood stream infections are reported per year (CDC, June 2010), and mortality rate of 12%-25 %( CDC, 2011) .This dangerous lethal medical complication can be prevented by proper management of the catheter insertion and strict aseptic technique during care. Even though CDC has recommended standard catheter associated blood stream infections (CA-BSI) prevention strategies, the study shows areas of variability in the surveillance. A central line is an intravascular catheter that terminates at or close to the heart or in one of the great vessels which is used for infusion, withdrawal of blood, or hemodynamic monitoring. The Aorta, pulmonary artery, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, brachiocephalic veins, internal jugular veins, subclavian veins, external iliac veins, common iliac veins, common femoral veins...
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...CASE STUDY #1 New Administrative Assistant in the Research Branch Mohammad R Irshad MGMT 5613 (2012) 05/20/2012 Dr. Don M. Hull Situation Audit I am the lead researcher for a nonprofit management development firm located in Minneapolis, MN. Since I travel most of the time I hired a new administrative assistant about six months ago to (a) keeping track of the branch's $300,000 budget; (b) making your travel arrangements and providing you with graphics and word processing support; and (c) providing administrative support for the other four members of the research branch. Sue’s performance has been less than satisfactory especially in the last month. Sue will often put in a full eight hour day, even overtime, but still not complete all of her job responsibilities without help from the other members in the research branch. Unfortunately, failing to keep up with the research branch budget is not Sue's only workrelated problem. Although Sue is very good at following clear instructions and completing projects and tasks she has previous experience with (except the budget), Sue is not very good at thinking through the requirements of new tasks and projects. All of the other branch members have worked for me for over two years, and I have developed a close working relationship with each one of them. Because of this relationship, the other members of the branch have privately told me how dissatisfied they are with Sue's performance; they feel their energies are being drained...
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...Ethical Considerations in Marketing Research There are many ethical considerations taken into account when performing primary research. In specific, the most important factor is the rights of the respondent. The issues concerning respondent’s rights which the marketing researcher should keep in mind while performing his job are as follows (Kimmel & Smith, 2001): 1. The information collected relating to the marketing research from a respondent should not be abused for any other purpose. In order to prevent this, the staff conducting the marketing research must be selected carefully. 2. Harassing or forcing respondents to participate in survey or answering certain questions on the questionnaire is not good professional practice. Instead, the researcher should explain why the particular question is necessary, and leaving it to the respondent to consider if he/she wants to answer them. For instance, questions relating to income of the respondents are always regarded with anxiety, and an explanation may be given before asking the question as to why it is necessary. 3. Researchers should sustain anonymity of respondents. Sustaining anonymity minimises respondent’s anxiety and decreases the fear of losing social status. If a firm breaches anonymity, it will negatively affect the firm’s credibility, reputation and public image. “The respondent is viewed as a loser, while the client pays a toll in terms of higher costs such as possible legal actions and a damaged reputation...
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...Module 2 Assignment: Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Karissa Skowron Grand Canyon University NRS-433 V Christine Thompson-Sanxter March 13, 2015 Research Summary and Ethical Considerations Understanding a patients’ experiences in relation to pain management is an important evidence based practice in the field of nursing. The significance as a nurse is in the understanding of the patient’s perception of pain in order to administer the appropriate treatments. This particular study was performed to understand the patients experiencing pain that have been hospitalized for cancer treatments. The objective was to obtain different perspectives in order to determine what is believed to be proper pain management. The study included 18 participants each was diagnosed with an advanced stage of cancer involving bone metastases. The data was achieved through interviews, the descriptions that were provided were to remain as low-interference interpretations to acquire an understanding of the essence of pain and management. Through the process it appeared that some of the subjects did have some difficulty expressing their expectations with regards to pain management. The most prominent results were being present and supportive, providing information and knowledge, medicating appropriately according to the orders and the needs of the patient, and finally recognizing the pain emerged as themes of pain management. At the completion of the study it was noted that although...
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... | | |Business Research | Copyright © 2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course evaluates the process of conducting business research for improving decision making within an organization. Students will learn to apply an understanding of commonly employed business research techniques to improve a situation, solve a problem, or change a process. Other topics include problem framing, data collection, data analysis, and data presentation. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Cooper, D., & Schindler, P. (2011). Business research methods (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. All electronic materials are available on the student...
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...Recognizing that this is a research project, you are expected to utilize a variety of resources. This is not just limited to your lecture and textbook; you may use your experiences, interview coworkers, and use online library databases to assemble the information to be contained in this report. For this assignment, you are to produce a Product Buying Report, which is all the information a buyer needs to intelligently purchase a specific product, component, or commodity (e.g., computer chips, capital equipment, raw materials for reworking). In selecting and presenting the data you will assemble, you should indicate what use a buyer will make of this information. Based on what you determine from your research, you are expected to make a recommendation about whether the chosen product should be acquired and how you would plan to negotiate its purchase. Guidelines Back to Top Clear writing is an important element of good business communications, and you should strive to demonstrate such skills in this paper. Because economy is a hallmark of good business writing, your paper should NOT exceed 12 double-spaced pages (not counting title page, executive summary, and references). You are expected to submit your best work for this assignment, which means knowing and using good grammar and APA style. Report Components Back to Top Your Product Buying Report must contain the following sections. 1. Title Page 2. Executive Summary This is a one-page summary of your overall report...
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