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Designing Organizations for Quality n 1950 Deming drew the following picture on a blackboard for a handful of Japanese executives:




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thew. Edwards Deming Institute' Reprinted from ottt of the crhisbyw.EdwardsDemingby pemission of MIT md @ 1986 by The w center for Advanced Educationa] sewices, Cambndge, MA 02139. copyright ruimr,"a ry Institute. Edwrds Deming


Many people see this as simply a diagram of a typical production system that L linked to custom"rs ard suppliirs. Visionaries in the practice of TQ
Many organizations implementing total quality El9 f-olnd,it necessary tdl*ryotl{iB + thg sg!4firrer of their organizaticins,-This chapter discusses in 6rganizaUon design necessary to achieve total quality. The tha ct "ngis chapter will . desdibe the firncflond structure,,the most common strucfure used at the plant or business unit leve! , , . show how many aspects of the functional structure stand in the way of quality and what clr,anges are necessary to create organization structures that support TQ; . provide several examples of how firms are making substantial changes in their organizations in order to implement TQ; and . compare organizational design from a TQ point of view to more csnventional PersPectives.



Part ll; Total


TEn RNCTToNAL Srnucrunr
In the functional structure shown in Figure 5,1, the organizatin into functions such as operationr ur,a *'uioienance, each of crhi by a manager. The title of such *uoug"", i, often ,;airectofd r1tr* and "vice piesiderrt,, in largJr oned.In such nication occurs vertically up or doivn the chain ;i";-;;rrdF-unctional struc.tures provide organizations with a allow people to specialize i-, tf," of the work 11a-1a ^rpu"t Thelalso *utu it to evaiuate p"opt" fl-:.b-::::l*:d. responsibilities..;For "*y but clear of_ these reusons-furictional s .rul common in both manufacfuring and seryice organizations at ness unit levels.

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The Functianal Structwre Senars.to_{ Ernnln ,,, ,/ EmnlovepAf*n, Few employees in the functional'}ffi; ;;;H tomers or even a crear idea of how their work combr"u, JthL others to satisfy customers- Itre **rlr

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oblems' with the Functional Str.ucture 3:*"^I f :Oulariby, tle tunctionatr:lst1ucrure, is desigaed pdt administrative convenie"iice of the orginiration, ,uth".. th; t Fro? a ia- ;l't"#


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Part ll: Total

of the organization into functions is usually unrelated to the to deliver a product to the customer. This structtue is iikely to s* plex, wastefrrl processes, as people do things in one area that mustbe or undone in another. For example, some organizations maintain a group of engirtees sole responsibitty is to redesign products so that they can be effectively. The engineers who design the products in the first plae only about product performance, not manufacturability. (For anoths ple of problems in coordinating design and manu-facturing, see tfu "Barriers, What Barriers?" at the end of this chapter.) Worse yet, if or tion tries to improve its part, it may well make things worse (more time and effort, more cost) for another part of the process. In this ment, continuous process improvement doesn't stand a chance.

Richard Palermo, a vice president for quality and transition


explains the problems with functional structures in terms of "Pals:rrot which states: 'If a problem has been bothering your company and ycr tomers for years and won't yieid, that problem is the result of a dispute, where nobody has total control of the whole process." The Palermo's law? '?eople who work in different functions hate each oid

Functional Organizations Often Haae a Separate Funetiotfr Quality, Called Quality Control or Quality Assurance
This may send a message to the rest of the organization that there is a dedicated to qualify, so it's not their responsibility. Furthermore, it feedback loop that informs employees that their work needs to be The QC department is generally responsible for collecting and mai quality statistics, which may not seem as valid to the departnents doing the work.s




This arrangement obviously stands in the way of continuous improvement. Organizations pursuing TQ often retain their quality ance deparhrents, but these units act more as coaches or facilitatm employees, rather than as the group with primary responsibility for In summary, the functional organization compromises total qualityin eral ways: It distances people from customers and insulates them from c' tomer expectations. It promotes complex and wasteful processes and inl* process improvement. It separates the quality function from the rest d l:. organization, providing people with an excuse for not worrying about Er{r, The next section discusses some remedies for the quality problems caused\r the functional structure.

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Poor organization design can be aevafuttlg to a company (see ttle hu Jtati 'nVired for Failure"). One of'Deming's 14 Points is to "break down banit between departments" because "people in various departments mustwrnL as a team."6 This slogan captures in a nutshell what the TQ philcoplp

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Part ll: Total Ouali

fulfilling customer

development, information management, performance meas,,€mq, haining, to name just a few. Individuals o, gro.rpr, known as process (n are,accountable for process performancu uia nirr" the authority to mr and improve their process' Process owners may range from higi-leve utives who manage cross-functional processes to workers *no ,uo,."E ery on tfrg shop floor. Assigning proces" owners ensures that somemft responsible to manage the pioceislnd optimize its effectiveness. Processes that drive the creation of products and services, ar" customer satisfaction, a.nd have a rarge impact on the strategic goars drr organization are generally considered core processes of a buslness. srypd processes are critical to the operation of a business, but generally do n*afl value directly to the produci or service. AT&T Consuirer coirmuniau services,-for example, defines its core processes as the nefwork servici; process that addresses engineering, provisioning, and maintenance of fu AT&T worldwide Intefligent Network; the customer servicing process ttil guides customers to CCS for operator can comlietion, sah -emproyees inquiries and assistance, billing inquiries, arid account ioquiies or billi46 adjusfments; and the a;cou1t mir,agementand biling pro.i", that managc the systems and interfaces for oveigS million costoirer accounts. suppd processes include information and software services, human rurour"ojf,# lic relations, law, regulatory finance, marketing, and network securitya process such as order entrythat might be consiJered a core process for-rn company (e.g., a direct mail distributor) might be considere'd as a suppffi Process for another (e,g., a custom manufactluer). In generat, processEs are driven by external customer needs while support processes"or" are drivenb5r internal customer needs. Aprocess focus is noiyust for large .o*pur,i"" re AT&T (see the box on Gold Star Chit). A process focus, as opposed to the functional structure, is shown in Er ure 5'2' Ne1ly every major activity within a business involves some forqrof cross-functional cooperario.". A process perspective rinks all parts of an organizatiorr together and increai"" understanding oi the entire system, rather than focusing on onry "*pioyeJ a smali part. In additionlit herps mar agers to recognize that problems arise from processes, not people. ny aigp ing the structure of an organization with the actual *o.t p.o.i*es that ., organization performs,.customers may be served more effectively. management involves the design of processe" to a"rrutop and deliver products and services that meet the needs of customers, daily contrd so that they,perform as required, and their continual improvement. Deming and Juran observed that the overwhelming majority of quarity problems are associated with processes; few are caused by the workers^theoirllrur. Rathec fyg:*:"tis responsible-acruary, it shares responsibility with the workr?lce--to deslgn and continubusly improve the processes with which indi. viduals work., purchasing, developing new prod.ucb or uriq strategic planning-, production o, ,e"r.ic" dufi""rv diskitutioru reseaed




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...Contents TITLE 2 INTRODUCTION 3 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 3 AIM 4 OBJECTIVES 4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 METHODOLOGY AND DATACOLLECTION 5 POPULATION AND SAMPLING 6 DATA ANALYSIS METHODS 6 PARTICIPANTS IN THE STUDY 7 STUDY PERIOD (GANTT CHART) 8 STUDY RESOURCES 9 REFERENCES 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 9 APPENDICES: 10 * The Impact of Motivation through Incentives for a better Performance - Adaaran Select Meedhupparu Ahmed Anwar Athifa Ibrahim (Academic Supervisor) Applied Research Project to the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Studies The Maldives National University * * Introduction As it is clear, staff motivation is important in all the sectors especially in the tourism sector where we require highly skilled employees to get the best of their output to reach the organizational goals. Therefore, organizations spend a lot on their staff motivation in terms of different incentive approaches, such as financial benefits, training and development, appreciations, rewards and promotions. As mentioned in the title, the outline of the findings will be focused on the motivation of the staffs on improving their performances by the different incentive packages that they get at the resort. This study will be executed at Adaaran Meedhupparu by giving questionnaire to the staff working in different departments to fill up and return to the scholar to examine the current situation of staff satisfaction on motivation to do...

Words: 2768 - Pages: 12

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...Importance Of Research Research is tool, which is utilized by my organizations and co-operations to have a fundamental knowledge of goods, products, and also to finding out consumer behavior. It is also a systematic investigation into the study of materials and sources inn order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Research informed the marketers of Glidden paint because it helped them start from were the audience was which was Walmart in this case scenario. A marketer finds out what you want, and creates or finds product that fits you. Research aided the marketers of Glidden paint to come to a conclusion that not only should you hypothesize, you should also carry out experiments as well. In this case we see that the help of experiments helped them realize that Walmart’s brand name of saving money was not deterring the perceived quality of the paints. Meaning that Walmart’s cheap pricing of goods played no part in the durability of the paint. Research helped the marketers of Glidden paint realize that they could revamp the Walmart paint section, which has been ignored for years. They are confident that Glidden paint will do great numbers because they have raised awareness and created a media platform that consumers can interact with the most. Not only has research helped in satisfying consumer wants, it also gives the marketer an in-depth knowledge on the frequent changes of consumer taste. Research helped Glidden paint marketers realize...

Words: 319 - Pages: 2

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...goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge or deepen understanding of a topic or issue. This process takes three main forms (although, as previously discussed, the boundaries between them may be obscure): * Exploratory research, which helps identify and define a problem or question. * Constructive research, which tests theories and proposes solutions to a problem or question. * Empirical research, which tests the feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence. There are two ways to conduct research: Primary research Using primary sources, i.e., original documents and data. Secondary research Using secondary sources, i.e., a synthesis of, interpretation of, or discussions about primary sources. There are two major research designs: qualitative research and quantitative research. Researchers choose one of these two tracks according to the nature of the research problem they want to observe and the research questions they aim to answer: Qualitative research Understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. Asking a broad question and collecting word-type data that is analyzed searching for themes. This type of research looks to describe a population without attempting to quantifiably measure variables or look to potential relationships between variables. It is viewed as more restrictive in testing hypotheses because it can be expensive and time consuming, and typically limited to a single set of research subjects. Qualitative...

Words: 498 - Pages: 2

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...Marketing Department, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0RQ, United Kingdom e-mail: 1,3 ABSTRACT This study examined the adequacy of using undergraduate student samples in research on online consumer attitudes by comparing the attitudes of students (n = 161) towards online retailing services with the attitudes of non-students (n = 252) towards such services. A structured questionnaire administered online was used to gather data on perceptions, satisfaction, and behavioral intentions with regard to online retailing services. The t-test results showed that, in general, students' attitude towards online retailing services is similar to that of non-students. Therefore, undergraduate students may be reasonable surrogates for consumers in research on online retailing. Keywords: internet users, electronic commerce, online consumer attitudes, online retailing services, student surrogates INTRODUCTION The usage of the internet as a communication and transaction medium in consumer markets is growing rapidly (Castells, 2000; Hart, Doherty, & EllisChadwick, 2000). In line with this expansion, consumer-based electronic commerce has become an emerging research area (e.g. Demangeot & Broderick, 2006, 2007; Teo, 2006; Tih & Ennis, 2006a, 2006b). In particular, a stream of research addressing issues related to online consumer attitudes (e.g. George, 2004; Wang, Chen, Chang, & Yang, 2007) and behaviors (see Cheung, Chan, & Limayem, 2005 for a review) has emerged. Although...

Words: 5659 - Pages: 23