...CIPD Unit of Assessment – 09005 Unit title | Resourcing and talent planning | Level | 3 | Credit value | 6 | Unit code | 09005 | Unit review date | Sep-11 | Qualifications link | Certificate in Human Resource Practice | Aim | To develop the learners’ understanding of the principles and practice of resourcing and talent planning | Unit abstract Organisational success depends on having the right skill mix. This unit provides an introduction to resourcing and talent planning process. Studying this unit will enable learners to understand the factors which impact on an organisation’s resourcing and talent planning policy. They will learn about the relationship between recruitment and selection by identifying the key stages in each separate but related process. The benefits to the organisation of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce will be emphasised. They will be able to make a positive contribution to the recruitment and selection process by developing their knowledge and skills in defining and writing job descriptions, contributing to the job advertisement process, short listing, conducting face to face or telephone interviews and contributing to job offer and rejection letters. They will also learn about the key legislation pertaining to recruitment and selection. Finally, they will also learn more about good practice in employee induction and retention and the importance of collaborative working with other stakeholders. This unit is suitable...
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...Annual survey report 2013 in partnership with RESOURCING AND TALENT PLANNING 2013 2013 CONTENTS Foreword About us Summary of key findings Recruiting employees The number of job vacancies The use of agency workers Attracting candidates The use of social media Improving the employer brand Recruitment difficulties Selecting candidates Candidates’ integrity and behaviour Recruitment costs Employing younger workers Changes in the employment of young people Efforts to attract younger candidates Graduate recruitment Initiatives to develop skills The role of education institutions in equipping young people for work Diversity Resourcing and talent management in turbulent times The impact of the economic climate on resourcing Talent management budgets Changes in resourcing and talent practices Views on the employment market Managing labour turnover Retaining employees Looking forward Background to the survey Sample profile Calculation of labour turnover Note on abbreviations, statistics and figures used Acknowledgements 2 3 4 7 7 9 10 12 14 16 19 20 20 22 22 23 24 25 26 29 31 31 32 32 35 39 40 44 46 46 48 48 51 RESOURCING AND TALENT PLANNING 2013 1 RESOURCING AND TALENT PLANNING FOREWORD For 17 years our annual Resourcing and Talent Planning survey has provided HR professionals and their organisations with benchmarking data on recruitment costs, resourcing and talent management practice, employee turnover rates and recruitment practices. This edition includes topical...
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...HUMAN RESOURCES STRATEGIES – RESOURCING STRATEGY Marinaş Cristian Puia Ramona Ştefania Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti, PiaŃa Romană nr.6, Sector 1, Bucureşti, +4021 319 19 00, Ramona.puia@man.ase.ro In this article the authors make an abstract of the main human resources strategies, presenting them in relation with the global strategy of the organisation. The accent falls on resourcing strategy, one of the main sources of competitive advantage. Resourcing strategy is not just about recruitment and selection. It is concerned with any means available to meet the needs of the firm for certain skills and behaviours. A strategy to enlarge the skill base may start with recruitment and selection but would also extend into learning and development programmes to enhance skills and methods of rewarding people for the aquisition of extra skills. These statements want to emphasise the strong links between different human resource strategies. Key words: strategic management, human resources, resoucing strategy, skills. The last years’ research proved that the main priority of organisation strategy and strategic management is to secure a long-term future of the company. It is certain that such a purpose you can not achieve by practicing a bad human resource management and not take into consideration the strategic role of human resources. The human factors are critical when implementing a different organisational strategy, as people are usually change resistant. The performance of...
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...As part of CIPD continuous improvement for HR discipline, the HR Professional Map has been designed. The map has been designed as a collaboration from HR professionals, business people and organizations internationally. The CIPD HR Professional Map highlights 10 professional HR disciplines and eight main behaviors that successful HR professionals need to have according to their seniority and contributions in HR which is represented by 4 bands of competence in the HR Professional Map. The 10 professional areas are: 1. Organization design which takes care of designing the organization in a way it will operate successfully in short and long term 2. Resourcing and Talen Planning which insures that right talents are available 3. Learning & Development...
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...CIPD Unit of Assessment – 09005 Unit title Resourcing and talent planning Level 3 Credit value 6 Unit code 09005 Unit review date Sep-11 Qualifications link Certificate in Human Resource Practice Aim To develop the learners’ understanding of the principles and practice of resourcing and talent planning Unit abstract Organisational success depends on having the right skill mix. This unit provides an introduction to resourcing and talent planning process. Studying this unit will enable learners to understand the factors which impact on an organisation’s resourcing and talent planning policy. They will learn about the relationship between recruitment and selection by identifying the key stages in each separate but related process. The benefits to the organisation of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce will be emphasised. They will be able to make a positive contribution to the recruitment and selection process by developing their knowledge and skills in defining and writing job descriptions, contributing to the job advertisement process, short listing, conducting face to face or telephone interviews and contributing to job offer and rejection letters. They will also learn about the key legislation pertaining to recruitment and selection. Finally, they will also learn more about good practice in employee induction and retention and the importance of collaborative working with other stakeholders. This unit is suitable for persons who: • are working in...
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...than a set of activities relating to the coordination of an organisation’s human resources. HRM is a major contributor to the success of an enterprise because it is in a key position ‘to affect customers, business results and ultimately shareholder value’. Stated by Gratton (2000), ‘The new sources of sustainable competitive advantage available to organisations have people at the centre – their creativity and talent, their inspirations and hopes, their dreams and excitement. The companies that flourish in this decade will do so because they are able to provide meaning and purpose, a context and frame that encourages individual potential to flourish and grow’. Stone (2013) mentioned that HRM is either part of the problem or part of the solution in gaining the productive contribution of people. Leading companies such as Blackmores, Coca-Cola Amatil, Google, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson and Microsoft recognise that human capital is their most important resource as well as take action to maximise it by: focusing on selecting, developing and rewarding top talent; encouraging open communication, teamwork and collaboration; and...
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...Strategic Approach to Employee Resourcing (Adapted from Armstrong, 2006) Definition The objective of HRM resourcing strategies is ‘To obtain the right basic material in the form of a workforce endowed with the appropriate qualities, skills, knowledgeand potential for future training. The selection and recruitment of workers best suited to meeting the needs of the organization ought to form a core activity uponwhich most other HRM policies geared towards development and motivation couldbe built.’ Keep (1989)Resourcing strategy ‘ is concerned with obtaining and keeping the number andquality of staff required and with selecting and promoting people who ‘fit’ the culture and the strategic requirements of the organization ’ Armstrong The aim of the resource based strategy is to ensure that a firm achievescompetitive advantage by employing more capable people than its rivals. Thesepeople will have a wider and deeper range of skills and will behave in ways that will maximize their contribution. Armstrong How the organization attracts and retains the right employees 1. By being the employer of choice2. By providing them better opportunities and rewards than competitors3. By developing a positive psychological contract which increases commitment and creates mutual trust 4. By deploying the resources in ways that maximize the intellectual capitalthey provide. Strategic HRM approach to resourcing The strategic approach to people resourcing is to find people whose...
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...2014/2015 CIPD Certificate in Human Resources Practice Unit 3 – 3RAI Recording, Analysing and Using HR Information Diane Kubok Organisations need to collect data as a point of reference to be able to retrieve information whenever it is needed. There is also need for data as a legal requirement. Two examples of data collected:- Attendance – recording staff absences is essential to an organisation to identify true absences i.e. illness against identifying those who may choose to take time off for other reasons, i.e. dissatisfaction with role, dissatisfaction with management, lack of motivation and accountability. Many organisations use the Bradford Score to calculate frequent short term absences in order to monitor cost and reasoning behind each absence and identify those who may benefit from Occupational Health support. Medical Tests – many organisations may have a requirement for medical tests to be performed for compliance with health and safety, i.e. skin tests, eye site, and general fitness, for the roles including lifting and carrying, along with white finger tests for those using vibrations tools. Methods for storing record and the benefits:- Computerised HR information systems: Advantages – large data base capable of holding a large amount of information that can be separated by sections for easy analysis and retrieval. Information can easily be retrieved and reviewed in entirety or by section. Disadvantages are limited to protection of information...
Words: 2014 - Pages: 9
... |Date: | |Student Registration Number: | |Student email address : | |Programme :MBA |Year/Level : | |Academic Year : 20012/13 |Semester : 1 | |Module title : People Resourcing |Assignment no. :1 | |Notes for students : | |Hard copy of assignment should be stapled in the top left corner and submitted to the School Office. | |Electronic copy of assignment...
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...ASSIGNMENT COVERSHEET This form should be completed, and attached as the cover of each piece of assignment submitted. Please note without the cover sheet your assignment cannot be marked. STUDENT NAME: ATRINATH BHATTACHARYA PROGRAMME START DATE: 16/06/2013 PROGRAMME TITLE: 3HRC COURSE LOCATION: DUBAI PERSONAL TUTOR: MARK FIELDER ASSIGNMENT TITLE: 3HRC ( 1st Submission ) SUBMISSION: (delete) 1ST 2ND Extension DATE OF SUBMISSION: 24/07/2013 Before submitting your work to www.bradfield.co.uk please read the following statements and tick the appropriate box to show that you have understood and completed what is required. 1. I have read my work through and have checked it for spelling and grammatical errors using, where appropriate the spell and grammar checker on the computer. 2. I have written my name at the top of each page of my work and have numbered each page. 3. I have read the definition of plagiarism. I realise that plagiarism is cheating and can confirm that the assignment I am submitting is my own work. Y Y Y l ‘Plagiarism is the act of presenting the ideas or discoveries of another as one’s own. To copy sentences, phrases or even striking expressions without acknowledgement in a manner which may deceive the reader as to the source is plagiarism; to paraphrase in a manner which may deceive the reader is likewise plagiarism. Where such copying or close paraphrase has occurred the mere mention of the source in a bibliography...
Words: 4683 - Pages: 19
...|Unit title |Resourcing Talent | |Level |3[1] | |Credit value |6 | |Unit code |3RTO | |Unit review date |Sept. 2011 | Purpose and aim of unit Organisational success depends on having the right skill mix. This unit provides an introduction to the resourcing and talent planning process. Studying this unit will enable learners to understand the factors that impact on an organisation’s resourcing and talent planning activities. They will learn about the relationship between recruitment and selection by identifying the key stages in each separate but related process. The benefits to the organisation of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce will be emphasised. They will be able to make a positive contribution to the recruitment and selection process by developing their knowledge and skills in defining and writing job descriptions, contributing to the job advertisement process, shortlisting, conducting...
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...The CIPD Profession Map Our Professional Standards Contents Introduction 2 The CIPD Profession Map 4–7 The design principles and architecture of the Profession Map 4 Bands and transitions 6 Professional areas 8–46 Professional area definitions 9 1 Insights, strategy and solutions 10 2 Leading HR 14 3 Organisation design 17 4 Organisation development 20 5 Resourcing and talent planning 23 6 Learning and development 26 7 Performance and reward 30 8 Employee engagement 33 9 Employee relations 36 39 10 Service delivery and information Behaviours 42–51 The Profession Map behaviours 43 Curious 44 Decisive thinker 45 Skilled influencer 46 Personally credible 47 Collaborative 48 Driven to deliver 49 Courage to challenge 50 Role model 51 1 Profession Map – Our Professional Standards V2.4 Introduction The CIPD Profession Map sets out standards for HR professionals around the world: the activities, knowledge and behaviours needed for success. Use the standards in the CIPD Profession Map for you and your organisation to: • define great HR • diagnose areas of success and improvement • build HR capability • recognise achievement through professional qualifications and membership. By the profession, for the profession ...
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...4 Key area Two; Leading and managing HR 1.5 Summary of the Eight behaviours 1.6 Resourcing and Talent planning 1) 2) 2.1 Understanding customer’s needs 2.2 Communicating effectively 2.3 Building and maintain effective service 3. References 1.1Introduction I work as a HR administrator at Sphere Group, which operates in the recruitment sector. This report will outline the HR profession map, its two core areas and eight behaviours, before discussing the Professional area of Resourcing and talent planning. Part Two will discuss how an HR practitioner should ensure that the services they provide are timely and effective, commenting on understating the customers’ needs, effective communication methods and how to build and maintain effective service. Part One 1.2 My HR Profession Map summary The HR profession Map (HRPM) is key to helping HR practitioners understand what they are good at, what they can improve on and what they need to do to develop. The map is made up of ten professional areas that HR practitioners are involved in and need to know about, eight behaviours to demonstrate in these professional areas and four bands of professional competence. The ten professional areas are: Strategy, insights and solutions, leading and managing HR, organisation development, resourcing and talent planning, learning and development, performance and reward, employee engagement, employee relations...
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...Strategy, and Solutions and Leading HR. The first core professional area insights, strategy and solutions show the direction of the profession as a practiced business discipline with a people and organisation specialism. Secondly leading HR has three main areas for leadership to develop, personal leadership, leading others and leading issues. Next there are eight other professional areas – Organisational design which ensures the organisation is set up to achieve objectives in both the short and long term and that structural change are managed efficiently. Organisational development provides the organisation to have a committed workforce and that culture, values, support, performance and adaptability are assessed and developed. Resourcing and talent planning is all about making sure the organisation appeal to key people and meets balance of resource. Learning and development ensures that people at all levels of the hierarchy acquires and develops their skills, knowledge and experience to meet their own and the organisations ambitions. Performance and reward creates a high performance culture by delivering schemes that recognises and...
Words: 1293 - Pages: 6
...The CIPD Profession Map Our Professional Standards The CIPD Profession Map Our Professional Standards Contents Introduction The CIPD Profession Map The design principles and architecture of the Profession Map Bands and transitions Professional areas Professional area definitions 1 Insights, strategy and solutions 2 Leading HR 3 Organisation design 4 Organisation development 5 Resourcing and talent planning 6 Learning and development 7 Performance and reward 8 Employee engagement 9 Employee relations 10 Service delivery and information Behaviours The Profession Map behaviours Curious Decisive thinker Skilled influencer Personally credible Collaborative Driven to deliver Courage to challenge Role model 2 4–7 4 6 8–46 9 10 14 17 20 23 26 30 33 36 39 42–51 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1 Profession Map – Our Professional Standards V2.4 INTRODUCTION Introduction DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE The CIPD Profession Map sets out standards for HR professionals around the world: the activities, knowledge and behaviours needed for success. Use the standards in the CIPD Profession Map for you and your organisation to: • define great HR • diagnose areas of success and improvement • build HR capability • recognise achievement through professional qualifications and membership. By the profession, for the profession BANDS AND TRANSITIONS Based on research and collaboration with organisations around the world, and continuously reviewed and updated with our research...
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