Premium Essay

Response To Demas 'Custom Essay: Greed Is Destruction'

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Pages 3
Greed is Destruction “And besides that, treasure is a trap to those who seek it, for it hinders them in their pilgrimage.”(pg:123) Hopeful and Christian are walking along the path and have just left By-Ends and his friends farther behind after having an argument about religion. Along the path, Hopeful and Christian see a silver mine with a man named Demas standing in front of it. Demas is trying to convince the pair of friends to come and get silver so they can get rich quick. Christian rebukes Demas telling him that many pilgrims have been led astray and killed in the mine. When they left By-Ends and the rest of his companions fell into Demas trap and were killed within the mine. The characters and events in the segment each represent meaningful lessons and dangers we as Christians should take into consideration as we grow in our relationship with Christ. Demas in this segment is representing one of Paul’s helpers who fell away by pursuing worldly pleasures. He represents all who fall away from the faith to get rich quick. This silver mine in the passage represents the thirty pieces silver that were given to Judas so he would betray Jesus. Also, the fact that Christian and Hopeful both have different responses to Demas’s offering shows that every person has different struggles and temptations in his or her walk with Christ. …show more content…
Matthew 6:24 states, “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and

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