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PSY 2200 General Psychology Term 1, 2014 Dr Daniels MIDTERM EXAM (This exam covers Chapters 1-7 & 10 of your text & is Multiple Choice…choose the BEST answer)

(1) The ‘nature-Nurture issue’ is the question of how the development of behavior depends on : A. Heredity & environment B. The external situation and an internal will C. The physical environment and the social environment D. Health and nutrition

(2) What education degree does a psychiatrist hold ? A. M.S. B. M.D. C. Ph.D. D. B.A.

(3) What type of psychologist specializes in the study of thought and knowledge ? A. Quantitative psychologist B. Behavioral psychologist C. Physiological psychologist D. Cognitive psychologist

(4) Who established the first psychological research laboratory ? A. Wilhelm Wundt B. William James C. SIgmund Freud D. John Watson

(5) What event led to the rise of psychology as we know it today ? A. The computer revolution B. The great depression C. The civil rights movement D. World War 2

(6) When someone conducts a research study, which of these comes first ? A. Methods B. Hypothesis C. Results D. Interpretation

(7) Scientist’s preference for a theory that makes the fewest unfamiliar or untested assumptions is the principle of : A. Parsimony B. Statistical significance C. Normal distribution D. Informed consent (8) An ‘Operational definition’ is one that : A. Explains where the term came from B. Describes the underlying cause of something C. Tells us how to measure something D. Gives us synonyms or antonyms

(9) Which sample matches the population in its percentages of males and females, old and young ? A. Random sample B. Representative sample C. Normal distribution D. Uncontrolled sample

(10) What is a correlation ? A. A measure of how some treatment affects behavior B. A careful study of a single person over time C. A measure of the differences between experimental and control groups D. A measure of the relationship between two variables

(11) What is an independent variable ? A. Something irrelevant to the procedures of the experiment B. Something the experimenter cannot measure or control C. Something the experimenter measures after the treatment D. Something the experimenter changes or controls

(12) People give different answers depending on whether they think a survey is sponsored by the Democratic or Republican party. What does this tendency illustrate ? A. Placebo effect B. Illusory correlation C. Standard deviation D. Demand characteristics

(13) The most common score in a distribution of scores is the : A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Standard deviation

(14) The part(s) of a neuron that receives information from other neurons is/are the : A. Dendrites B. Myelin C. Glia D. Axon

(15) What is an ‘action potential’ ? A. A chemical that builds up at the tip of the axon B. An electrical charge that builds up at the tip of the axon C. A message that travels along the axon D. A pattern of electrical activity in the brain

(16) Nearly all illegal/recreational drugs AND legal prescription drugs for the treatment of mental illness exert their effects at : A. Blood vessels B. Synapses C. Neuron membranes D. Chromosomes

(17) Which of the following drugs acts mainly as a relaxant or depressant ? A. Alcohol B. Amphetamine C. Cocaine D. LSD

(18) The nerves that carry information from sense organs to the spinal cord and brain, and from the spinal cord and brain to the glands and muscles, are collectively known as : A. The autonomic nervous system B. Sympathetic nervous system C. Central nervous system D. Peripheral nervous system

(19) An individual with brain damage due to an injury now has impaired vision. What brain area is probably damaged ? A. Temporal lobe B. Occipital lobe C. Parietal lobe D. Frontal lobe

(20) Which brain area is linked to impulsive decisions and poor judgment in teenagers ? A. Temporal lobe B. Occipital lobe C. Parietal lobe D. Frontal lobe

(21) When you are in danger, the _____ system is more active. When danger passes, the ____ system is more active. A. Sympathetic; sympathetic B. Sympathetic; parasympathetic C. Parasympathetic; sympathetic D. Parasympathetic; parasympathetic

(22) Where are the receptor cells for vision ? A. In the pupil B. In the cornea C. In the visual cortex D. In the retina

(23) It is hard to perceive color in dim light because color vision depends on A. Rods B. The fovea C. Cones D. The basilar membrane

(24) Which of the following is NOT a theory of color vision? A. Opponent process B. Trichromatic C. Retinex D. Brigham-Young theory

(25) Our ability to distinguish one high frequency sound (9000 htz) from another (8000 htz) depends on : A. Which part of the basilar membrane has hair cells with the greatest activity B. The frequency of action potentials produced by each axon in the auditory nerve C. Differences in response between cells in the left ear and cells in the right ear D. Differences in the velocity of individual action potentials of the auditory nerve

(26) Which sensory system is most impaired in astronauts experiencing weightlessness in space ? A. Vision B. Olfaction C. Somato-sensory D. Vestibular

(27) Endorphins (the body’s natural pain-killers) stimulate the same receptors as : A. Cocaine B. Marijuana C. Nicotine D. Morphine

(28) Which of the following is NOT a taste that our receptors detect ? A. MSG B. Bitter C. Salty D. Mint

(29) The absolute sensory threshold is defined as the intensity of a stimulus that a person can detect : A. 1 % of the time B. 10 % of the time C. 50% of the time D. 100% of the time

(30) You are in the same cohort as other people who : A. Have the same interests as you do B. Have an IQ within 10 points of yours C. Live in the same part of the country as you D. Were born about the same time as you were

(31) A researcher tests a group of children at age 3, then tests them again at age 5 and age 7. What kind of research design is this ? A. Cross-sectional B. Sequential C. Longitudinal D. Double-blind

(32) According to Piaget, applying an old schema to a new object or situation s called A. Assimilation B. Object permanence C. Concrete operations D. Accommodation

(33) During Piaget’s pre-operational period, children have trouble distinguishing between A. Assimilation and accommodation B. Appearance and reality C. Make and female D. Liquids and solids

(34) A teenager’s attitude of “It can’t happen to me” is an example of A. Identity foreclosure B. Cohort effect C. Personal fable D. Extraversion

(35) Parents who set firm rules but don’t explain them, who enforce strict discipline, who love their children but tend to be cold and distant from them are known as A. Indifferent B. Authoritative C. Authoritarian D. Neglectful

(36) Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristic assumptions of behaviorists ? A. Interest in animal learning in laboratory conditions B. Belief that all behavior has causes C. Search for understanding of cause-effect relationships D. Interest in difference between conscious and unconscious thought

(37) In Pavlov’s famous experiment with dogs, the bell was the A. Unconditioned stimulus B. Conditioned stimulus C. Unconditioned response D. Conditioned response

(38) Thorndike, speaking about his cats escaping from puzzle boxes, argued that animal learning depends on A. Anticipatory response B. Instinctive drift C. Understanding the relationship between a behavior and its outcome (insight) D. Reinforcements that increase probabilities of certain behaviors (39) Which of the following is a PRIMARY reinforcer ? A. Money B. Praise C. Food D. College degree

(40) Social learning theory emphasizes how much we learn through A. Punishment B. Classical conditioning C. Schedules of reinforcement D. Observation and imitation

(41) Professor Yawnmore asks you to name all of the 7 Dwarves. What kind of memory test is this ? A. Free recall B. Implicit C. Recognition D. Relearning

(42) Remembering how to ride a bike pertains to what kind of memory ? A. Procedural B. Factual C. Episodic D. State-dependent

(43) Memory of a specific experience, such as graduating from High School, is known as what kind of memory ? A. Procedural B. Factual C. Episodic D. State-dependent

(44) You read a list of words including “oak, maple, palm, elm, hickory…” Later you are asked what word on the list refers to a body part, and you don’t think of “palm”. Why ? A. Implicit memory B. Flashbulb memory C. Decoding generalization D. Encoding specificity

(45) Your favorite team is highly favored to win the big game Saturday. You attend the game, cheering loudly to encourage them to victory, but they lose by 7 points. On Sunday, you tell your friend “I knew they’d lose that game.” This is an example of : A. Hindsight bias B. Flashbulb memory C. Decoding generalization D. Encoding specificity

(46) In an environment with constant artificial light and no windows, your sleep-wake cycle would A. Continue to follow a 24-hour rhythm B. Remain in a constant state of drowsiness C. Change, and you would sleep and wake at irregular, random intervals D. Change, and you would sleep every 4-6 hours

(47) What role does sunlight play in circadian rhythms ? A. It plays no role B. It slows the circadian rhythm C. It determines the length of the rhythm D. It resets the rhythm

(48) Postural muscles are most relaxed and dreaming most likely to occur during A. Stage 2 sleep B. Stage 3 sleep C. Stage 4 sleep D. REM sleep (49) Before a person can be hypnotized, he or she must A. Understand how hypnosis works B. Be a willing participant C. Sign a waiver D. Have a vivid imagination

(50) Does hypnosis improve memory, and if so, what kind ? A. Hypnosis improves memory of recent events B. Hypnosis improves memory of early childhood C. Hypnosis helps people remember past lives D. Hypnosis does not improve memory (although it increases confidence in what is remembered).

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