12150 E. Briarwood Ave., Suite 202
Centennial, CO 80112 USA
Phone: (303)740-1999
FAX: (303)740-1990
Data Management ( GIS ( Graphics ( Internet
Implementing an environmental data management system (EDMS) or a geographic information system (GIS) is a business decision that will provide both tangible financial benefits as well as intangible technical and subjective benefits. This document highlights some of the benefits that our clients have seen from implementing Enviro Data and Enviro Spase. We will first report specific cost savings that have been reported by clients, and apply these financial benefits to several scenarios. We will then discuss the intangible benefits, both technical and subjective, of installing an EDMS or GIS system. Finally, we will help you calculate the specific financial benefits for your company, and provide thoughts about recovering the cost.
Specific Cost Savings for Enviro Data Implementation
One Enviro Data user at a large industrial company reported that her time to process electronic deliverables from laboratories decreased from 30 minutes to 5 minutes per file after they implemented and enforced a data transfer standard and a closed-loop reference file system so that the laboratories delivered clean data. Since the data administrator was handling about 300 files a year, this translates to 125 hours per year saved, for cost savings of almost $6,000 per year just for that one task. Additional savings were realized in increased efficiency in selecting and reporting data. Another client told Geotech that using Enviro Data for his reporting saves him 4-6 hours per day. He spends about half of his time doing data reporting, and bills at the rate of $80 per hour, so the software is saving him 650 hours per year, or $52,000 of project cost.