...Returning to School Learning new skills and knowledge is something that is required every day in my job. Currently, I am not eligible for promotions because I do not have the necessary college degree. When I am competing with other applicants for new positions that do not require a college degree, I am at a disadvangage to applicants that do have a formal education. I want a college degree so I can compete with others for jobs in which I am qualified. Today’s employment market is filled with talented people who have various degrees, speak multiple languages, and have varying experience levels. Without a degree, it will become increasingly difficult, as I get older to find a position that I not only enjoy but that also provides for my family. At the end of my degree program, I hope that I have gained skills in three areas: critical thinking, writing, and collaboration. Of these three areas, my critical thinking skills need the most attention. I will work on the following areas: imporoving my ability to look at other options, ask open-ended questions, and conduct research. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Summary of the purpose and importance of using a style guide. To state it simply, the purpose and importance of following a style guide is for consistent and efficient writing. Following a style guide benefits both readers and writers. The benefit for writers is ease and efficiency of writing; as a writer moves through the writing process, he or she...
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...Returning to school was a great decision I made for myself. I have learned so much over the past nine weeks in this course. I know taking online classes will be a challenge with the balance of my personal and work life but I plan to stay focused and work towards obtaining my goal I have set. I know there are many resources available to me to help me be a successful student. We all may get discouraged sometimes and it is great to know that help is out there. I have plenty of support from my family and friends. I know there is also support from my enrollment and academic advisors with the University of Phoenix. It is a great feeling to know that help is out there. I know there may come times where I may lose my motivation and want to give up but I am not a quitter. I plan to stay motivated first and almost by self-motivation. If there come a time that I feel like giving up I am going to think about the pay off in the long run and what will happen if I do give up. I know sometimes it may be hard to keep pushing but if you think about the success it will bring you to keep pushing that is what I am going to do. To improve my career competencies I plan to first make a list of the skills I would like to build one on and create an action plan to get better at those skills. I know the first skill I want to build on will be time management. I am already in the process of creating weekly calendars to get better in this area. There are many learning goals that can be applied...
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...Returning to School xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ENG xxx Instructor: xxxx xx, xxxx Returning to school was one of the important decisions, I have made about my future. I will be discussing my reasons for returning to school. Such as setting a good example for my children and getting a higher education. Returning to school was a very important decision for many reasons that include setting a good example for my children and carrier advancement. I firmly believe in leading by example, and I want them to see that if I can do it, they can do it as well. I am determined to be the best role model that I can possibly be. My decision in obtaining a Higher education is the key for my present and future as it will be for them. Without it I have gotten about as far as I can with my current employer and I would be left with the feeling as if I have sold myself short. If I get a college education, I will have something to help me get the job that I want and deserve. I have had several jobs over the years. The majority of them have been in law enforcement in one form or another, my current job is a surveillance supervisor at a local casino, and prior to that I was a correctional officer for over ten years. I had to quit working for the Department of Corrections due to a knee injury that occurred while on the job while breaking up a riot in a cell block. I was on medical leave for several months, but once I returned to work I...
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...MOVITATION FOR RETURNING TO SCHOOL Christina Armstrong ENG 121- Essential of College Writing “Narrative Essay” Instructor: Ginger Marcinkowski Monday, October 8, 2012 My motivation for returning to school will help me be a valuable contribution to myself, family and career; it will assist me in my respective work projects, as well as increase business opportunities. My motivation is a goal that began and was increased through variable stages; but, did not happen over night. The first stages were dealing with a failed marriage, pregnant, and raising two children with no high school diploma. I was 21 years of age with no job, no education, on public assistance and struggle with emotional challenge. I was lost, facing challenges that I did not know how change. I never was taught about the possibilities of education and the key to success. I did not have a clue of how to gain self motivation to get higher education; overall, I did not want to be uneducated on welfare and fall into the poor and deprive category. I needed to create a plan and build a legacy for my children, furthermore; how could I encourage them to get their high school diploma and I did not have one of my very own. I started off by enrolling into the General Educational Diploma (GED) program. On my graduation day I made a promise to my mother that one day I’ll get my degree. Even thou I made this promise, I had three sons and my initial focus...
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...Returning To School No matter how old I am or how long I have been out of school deciding to return to school was a really big decision. As I was reflecting about what it would mean to continue my education I was not sure I could do it. However, even though I was not certain, I knew that without a college education it will be hard to find a job that pays well enough to support my family. I also knew the benefits would be worth it in the end so that is why I decided to return to school. Times are hard now. Most of the jobs available are minimum wage jobs that barely provides for a family. If I want a job that will have benefits and decent pay then I need a college education. Being in school has taught me many numerous things that I was not aware of. I can do different things when it comes to reading class material and understanding what I have read. Applying what I have learned helps me to comprehend lengthy material in my text book. I have met many people in class that inspire me to do the best that I can do. Encouragement and constructive criticism from my instructors and class mates help me to do my best work. If I do not know what is wrong then I can not correct it. Moreover, I need that criticism and encouragement so that my assignments are done to the best of my ability. It is not easy being in school and being a full time mother and wife, but I have a strong support system in place and have a schedule that I plan out at the beginning of the week. While I may not have...
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...Motivations and decisions on returning to school I never thought at the age of thirty five I would be going to school, doing home work, and writing college papers. I graduated High School in June, 1995. I went to college for about a month and decided I wanted to wait a year so I could hang out with my friends. However, like a lot of others, I kept putting it off with one excuse after another. I have had many jobs in my life; the way I was looking at it back then was as long as the bills were paid that is all that mattered. In the following pages, I will discuss my motivation and decision for returning to school. I will also talk about the benefits that will follow once I get my degree. I remember when I graduated high school I had a lot of time to go to college. But I decided I would get a job and hang out with my friends, I was still living with my mom so I did not have many bills. When I was twenty-one I had my son, and at twenty- three I had my daughter. I got my own place and was a single mom of two kids for 9 years. Mentally, it was too late to even think about going back to school. It was hard enough working a full time job and taking care of my two kids; there is no way I could handle going to school. My main focus in life was my kids. I had to make sure they were taken care of. In March, 2009 I got married to a great guy. We moved in together and we both have pretty good jobs. One night we went to my mom’s house to spend some time. She...
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...Ronney Davis 08/30/2012 My reasons for coming to College During high school, I really did not think much, if at all, about going to college. I graduated from high school in 1982, after I graduated, I decided to join the military (US Army). I spent 10 years serving my country, but in 1992 decided to get out of the military. I moved to Philadelphia Pa, instead of returning to Chicago. I lived in Philadelphia pa for 14 years, where I worked as a chemical operator manufacturing and testing specialty chemicals for 13 of those years, but I lost my job once the plant I was working for closed. I worked odd jobs for two years, but never could find work I really wanted, so in October 2009 I decided to return home to Chicago. Once back in Chicago I could find work in the field I was looking for, so I took a Certified nursing assistant course (the job I’m working now), but Still not satisfied, so I started volunteering at my daughter school working with the staff, students and parents. I found myself working with teachers in over crowed classrooms. After the first year the school principal started noticing the work I was doing and was really impressed and asked had I ever considered going back to school and I said yes , but, and this started me to thinking . I have been around enough to know that that without education, I would never get anywhere in life, but I always found reasons for not taking the plunge, however after a lot of thinking , I realized that my reasons for not going...
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...When I talk about my returning back to school three things come to mind. The first thing I need to do is gain all the knowledge that I need to further my career in the field of Psychology with a concentration on chemical health. For years, I have been unable as a program assistant or case manager to help the clients that I've served. My lack of education and not having a license to counsel I has limited me. I felt that I provide a disservice to those individuals that deserve the best care possible. Secondly, I have a need at this point in my life to redefine who I am as a person who cares about people in and outside of my present life. I am tired of being a victim of my circumstances which I feel makes me feel less than the person that I want to be in life....
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...determined drive for success. With skills learned, my life and my feelings about myself improved immeasurably. Now, my drive for success is fueled by a need to transform my life into something more positive, a desire to continue its trajectory Most importantly, I have developed into a woman I am proud of -thoughtful, determined, compassionate, and forgiving. I know now that though my past downfalls have left an indelibly negative imprint on my life, they have also prompted positive ones. After many struggles, I'm now emotionally and mentally ready for new hills to climb. One of which I hope will be furthering and building my education needs and desires. I believe that with my now developed determination I will be able to successfully complete school and with my heightened sense of compassion I will be able to assist those who, like me, perhaps began life with a shoddy foundation. As for me, my situation is finally more supportive and sturdy. I've transformed the negative mishaps of my life into positive life changing lessons from which I can build...
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...The reason I returned back to school was for personal and professional reasons, with the intensions of gaining the knowledge and skills to be a successful educator. I’ve wasted enough time, been at a standstill with my career for a long time, it was time for a major change. I decided to go back to school for not only myself, but my son as well. I got sick of living paycheck to paycheck barely making ends meet. Not being able to provide for my son was very frustrating. He’s at the age now to where I didn’t want him to see his mother struggling. It hurts to tell your child that you can’t get this now or you have to wait till my next pay. I’m 35 years old with goals that I feel I should have accomplished already, but have not. My family and friends has contributed to me wanting to further my education. I look at them in see great accomplishment and fulfillment in their eye. That’s what I want for myself. As a parent and educator it’s important that I’m always learning so I can give my son and students the very best of me. In during this they will wreak the rewards and benefits that I didn’t have as a child growing up. We as parents are always telling our children that education is the key to great success in that you can accomplish or conquer the world with hard work and dedication. Noting having my degree determined how far I would go in my career and determined my pay scale as well. I applied for a position received a letter by mail stating that although you have the experience...
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...Why I am returning to school Danielle Brown ENG 121 English Composition I Prof. Michaela Vargas April 15, 2012 Why I am returning to school On December 8 2011, I decided to return back to school to get a degree in something I can enjoy doing until I retire. Anymore you need a degree to get a good career job. So these are my choices and my reasons for coming back to school. There are some good benefits from returning to school and also some obstacles I am to overcome for getting my degree. There are also changes in my lifestyle I have to change in order to earn my degree. I chose to come back to school for a numerous of reasons, to better myself, to be a role model for my girls and do good for my family, to get a good career job, and also to be a few from my family to get a college degree. Some of the benefits of getting a college degree are being able to get a good paying career job that you can be happy with and enjoy going to work. After I graduate and earn my degree, I will feel like I actually completed something big in my life. Another benefit is my support system supporting me the whole way through me earning a degree. A good benefit would be to get a good paying career job after earning my degree. Some of the changes I have had to encounter are since I have separated from the Navy. I have been a stay at home mom. I just really have to work around my girls and the house cleaning and any errands I have. I am not used to being at home all of the time and I really...
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...Running Head RETURNING TO SCHOOL Returning Back To School After 15 Years Angel Miles AIU Online RETURNING TO SCHOOL For someone returning to school after a long period of time, it can be both stressful and enjoyable at the same time. Having both pros and cons to the challenge. Knowing a positive outcome is ahead of you. RETURNING TO SCHOOL RETURNING BACK TO SCHOOL AFTER 15 YEARS Returning to school after 15 years can and will bring on a lot of new challenges. It can be exciting and enjoyable. Giving you reason and purpose for a new beginning. Allowing you to experience new and challenging things. Stress that comes in. Sure with all new things comes a little stress and hard work to accomplish. Knowing all the while in the end it will serve a great purpose. Keeping up with the challenge and enjoying it every step of the way. In the beginning it proves to be a chore, but like with all things once you are in the swing of things it becomes easier. After High School For higher education is a must in today’s world. Sure graduating high school is great. Just not enough in today’s society. Learning all the new ways of school will prove to be a challenge to those who have been out for a long while. Learning to enjoy When you learn to enjoy school and know it’s for a greater purpose. Schooling becomes part of your life. The part you missing all along. The part you wish you had started...
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...After graduating high school, many young adults are expected to go directly to college. And in most cases, they go directly to college. However, that is not the case for all adults. Some of these young adults leave high school in search of the intangibles such as, finding themselves or only taking time off to relax. And at other times unexpected events such tragedies, family, and once in a life opportunity keep young adults from going directly to college after high school. In most cases, they still wish to obtain a college education, but once they see how much things have changed, it can be almost frightening for them return. Adults who take time off after high school face numerous challenges once they return to college. One challenge that...
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...Returning To School Myron Keys ENG 121 Jill Mosley October 24, 2011 My main reason and ultimate goal for returning to school is first is gain my education in which I can now place myself in getting a better job or even advancing at my current one in which we all can succeed. This is my second go around with online school I was real hesitant of going back to school online. The main issue I thought I would have is actually learning something by going online. I myself felt I was a in class room thought student since now I have started back going to school and gotten over the fear of online classes. I now have the new confidence in being able to complete my degree online. I honestly want to obtain my degree so I can set the standard to my daughter in how important in getting an education can place you and also be rewarding start for future in endeavors or what she may feel is right for her. So returning to school is a blessing in two ways one I do get my education and two I am still setting the standard for my daughter. I want to be at the point where getting my education will be both beneficial to me and the example I am setting for my child in getting a good education. Now that I have a set standard on returning I feel my hardest and most daring task would be completing my assignments on time. I feel by applying myself more in my classes I know I can be successful in getting my education. I first had a fear of returning to school due to it being an online school...
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...Creating a Returning Student Concierge position would be beneficial for Chattahoochee Technical College Angela C. Reisen SNHU HEA 520 Abstract Chattahoochee Technical College (CTC) would benefit from having a Returning Student Concierge in several different ways. A Returning Student Concierge “is the single-point of contact at a college or university who helps returning adult students navigate the application, enrollment, and registration processes and overcome barriers to college success” (Education, 2010). Through my research, the amount of material I found on this subject was limited, but what I did find has shown me this position is well needed at CTC. Being that I work with current students on a daily basis I feel this is what our college needs to keep our retention rate up for the returning population of our student body. After reading my point of view, I hope you will be persuaded to believe in the importance of this position as well. Table of Contents Background & Significance.........................................................................................................4-5 Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................6-7 Literature Review………………………………………………………………………………..8 Methods.........................................................................................................................................9 Time Line........................................
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