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Reverse Sting

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Thankfully, law enforcement agents put their lives on the line every day to try to purge the United States of drugs. While this seems to be an endless endeavor, they still pursue drug dealers in hopes of making a difference. Moreover, these officers utilize four major drug-law enforcement operations to apprehend these drug offenders, which consist of the reverse sting, the controlled buy, the undercover buy and the knock and talk. Of these operations, the two I will discuss are the reverse sting and the undercover buy. First, the reverse sting is a drug-law enforcement operation, where undercover agents pose as drug dealers and sell a controlled substance or an imitation version of the controlled substance to buyers. This type of operation …show more content…
Generally, this will be done by having an undercover agent hold out some sort of temptation, or opportunity to commit a crime, and then punishing the person who takes the bait (Hay, 2005). Furthermore, this method has been criticized because these operations usually attack only the demand side of the drug problem and not the drug traffickers themselves (Levinthal, 2012). Nonetheless, I still see the value in this type of operation because it benefits the people in the communities and it assists law enforcement to finance their operations without relying on the taxpayer’s money. Next, is the undercover buy, this method has two types of operations that use undercover agents in both types of operations (Levinthal, 2012). Thus, undercover policing assigns officers to investigate a variety of crimes, and these officers become a part of the criminal environment. Furthermore, these officers are required to assume fictitious identities for sometimes an extended …show more content…
With these undercover officers, the two types of undercover buys are the buy-bust and the buy-walk. First, there is a buy-walk operation, in which the undercover agent purchases the drugs but does not arrest the dealer at the time of the transaction. Hence, the drug deal is used to acquire a warrant that will be served later; this is done to protect the undercover agent’s identity and safety during the operation. Next, during the buy-bust operation, an undercover agent makes a buy, and immediately the seller is arrested. Throughout a buy-bust operation, a cover team monitors the transactions by means of surveillance equipment, which can be hidden in the room or on the officer. Once the bust signal is given by the agent that is undercover, the cover team moves in swiftly and makes the arrests, usually arresting the undercover officer as well to protect their identity (Levinthal, 2012). While all of these operations are important, my opinion is that the undercover buy is the most important due to the fact that the drug operations are under surveillance and will have video and/or audio that can be shown in court, limiting a number of criminals that get off on

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