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Bacterial Vaginosis: A Case Study

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Almost every woman is infected by the Bacterial vaginosis at some point of time in their life. Also called as BV, bacterial vaginosis is the medical condition that refers to excessive growth of bacteria in the vagina. Bacteria, the micro organisms are generally found in the moist vagina and it should be held at a certain level. BV is an annoying and sometimes the depressing health condition due to the excessive vaginal discharge with fishy odour that brings a lot of discomfort. Fortunately, Bacterial Vaginosis can be treated in no time. If you are suffering from the distressing BV, resort to natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis.

You don't always need to rely on expensive medications or prescription drugs to treat the BV. Here are the few inexpensive and effective natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis.

Yogurt: …show more content…
It also promotes the growth of good bacteria. Yogurt can be used in two different ways to cure the condition. Infected women can increase the intake of yogurt or take 5 - 6 cups of yogurt a day. Also, there is no limitation with respect to eating any specific flavour. Alternatively, yogurt can be inserted into vagina by using a tampon dipped with yogurt.

Tea tree oil:
Tea tree oil is one of the most powerful natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis. The herbal extract contains the antibacterial properties which fights and destroys the bacteria causing the BV. Tea tree oil can be gently rubbed on the vagina or mix a few drops of oil in the bath water.

Eating lot of cranberries or drinking 3 to 4 glasses of cranberry juice everyday is one of the ideal natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis. The sturdy acidic properties of cranberry kill the bacteria. Also, anyone who eats cranberry regularly stays protected from vaginal

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