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Vertigo Research Paper

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Causes of vertigo. Vertigo is a balance disorder that occurs in the inner ear that vertigo sufferers feel dizzy or space spin around or hovering. Vertigo disease indicates that there has been an imbalance in vestibular tone. Vestibular tone imbalance may occur as a result has been the loss of peripheral input caused damage to the labyrinth and vestibular nerve or damage can be caused by unilateral vestibular nucleus of the cell or the vestibulocerebellar activity.

The cause of vertigo does not occur because of heredity, but due to several factors such as migraine, inflammation of the neck, nerve disorders, motion sickness, drunk with alcohol use, the presence of bacterial infections of the ears, visual disturbances, lack of oxygen to the …show more content…
Dizziness that occurs will disappear by itself within a few minutes. This type of vertigo caused by problems in the inner ear and is known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

Diseases of the central nervous system
Causes of vertigo due to disease of the central nervous system
Disorders of the central nervous system due to some diseases such as multiple sclerosis, damage to the neck, a tumor, or a stroke that can cause vertigo disease.

Causes of vertigo due to migraine
Migraine is a type of headache but also affect vision. Vertigo caused by migraine can last a few minutes up to several days.

Inflammation or infection
Causes of vertigo due to inflammation or infection
Infection that attacks the body such as colds, flu, or others that can affect the performance of the inner ear and eventually lead to vertigo.

impaired vision
The cause of vertigo due to impaired vision
Eyes than to see can also assist in the functioning of the body's equilibrium. So the problems that occur in vision can lead to balance disorders and vertigo trigger the

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