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Disability Vs Survivors

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Old Age, Survivors, and Disability, and Unemployment compensation are both considered social insurance programs. Old Age, Survivors, and disability is a retirement pensions for people over the age of sixty-fire, and it also covers their spouses, and their children. Unemployment compensation was insurance given from the state, and employer for employees that were terminated, and it was not their fault. This program only provides service for the ex-employer. As for public assistance programs there are Old Age Assistance, and aid to the Blind, and Ad to the Disabled. The Old age assistance serves people over the age of sixty-five that did not save, or never worked, and provided them with an income. Aid to the Blind, and Aid to the Disabled serves …show more content…
Old Age, Survivors, and Disability and Old Age Assistance both serve people sixty-five and older, by providing them with a retirement fund. Yet, there is a huge different between the two such as OASI is considered “worthy poor”, well OAA is considered “unworthy” since they did not work for their money, nor did they save. Also OASI provides for the family well the OAA does not. The main difference between public assistance, and social insurance is that you work for social insurance (entitlement) well public assistance is means tested, and given to low-income people. Although, Aid to the Blind, and Aid to the Disabled are now considered “worthy poor” since they are uncapalbe of working due to their disables. Although, any public assistant barely gives enough money to support oneself, and it is done on purpose. Also the way that these programs are paid out are different as well. The OASI is paid through taxed paid by the workers, and employers, and Unemployment is paid through the state by taxing the …show more content…
At the time was only women trade union, widows pension, compensation of workers that are injured on the job in which many were cut. Roosevelt did what Hoover would not do, and that was to help out by giving the poor money. There were many people affected by the New Deal programs some were poor people, the unemployed, banks, disabled, blind youth, and families. For the poor people the federal emergency relief administration provided money, and some income is better than no income at all. As for the unemployed people were given programs like the Works Progress Administration that provided work for able body people with better pay, with jobs such post office, and making roads. Federal Direct Insurance Corps provided insurance for the banks so they did not run into the same problem again. Social Sercurity proved assistance to the poor that fall under old age, unempylment, and window women who have children. It provided an income for these groups. Lastly, youth programs such as The National Youth Authority that helped keep young people in school, and college by giving them jobs which helps them keep their education on track. The contract for America was made in so their was no longer a lack in responsibility, and

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