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Literacy Vs Fine Motor Skills

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Fine VS Gross Motor Independency
The movement and actions of the muscles are called as motor skills. Classically, these are classified into two sets: o Gross motor skills o Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills are involved mainly in movements and co-ordination of the gross regions of the body like arms, legs, back, trunk and other large body parts. They take part in actions for example running, walking, swimming, jumping etc. Strengthening, and balance exercises are used for developing gross motor skills that emphasize regulation of large muscular movements such as walking, running and moving the extremities in a coordinated way. Some of the exercise regimen includes: o Back strengthening o Arm and shoulder ROM o Arm and shoulder Strengthening …show more content…
Dexterity of hand is significant for picking objects, dressing, buttoning outfits, feeding, sketching, writing, drawing and a lot of other activities. [1] [2]
It is believed that the repetitive use of the affected side explores up new conduits of communication among the brain and the affected area of the stroke. Therefore, repeated movements involving the affected hands and fingers reeducate the brain for initiating fine motor movements. Fine motor workouts help patients in improving the use of hand for manipulating small objects. Some of them are: [3] [4] o Placing beans from one bucket to another o Putting pegs in a pegboard o Using elastic bands to exercise fingers o Squeezing a stress ball o Stacking …show more content…
The swiftest recovery generally follows in the course of initial three to sixmonths after a stroke; however some stroke survivors keep on recouping great into the first and second year post-stroke. Stroke rehabilitation strategy will vary during rehab sessions of the patient to relearn skills and to make gains over time.
In spite of the fact that it is hard to predict exact stroke duration of stroke rehabilitation, most improvements happen within the initial six months. Patients might keep on improving after the six months duration, on the off chance that they have a lot of backing from family, companions and specialists. According to some statistics, prognosis after the first few days of rehab is: [10] [11] [12] o 10 % experience a complete recovery o 25 % of the patients suffer from slight problems o 40 % are categorized as moderate to severely impaired o 10 % of stroke survivors will need long term

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