Premium Essay

What Is Nauma Popilius's Legacy

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Although, Numa Pompilius was the second of Rome in way he was the first king due to the disappearance of Romulus. Much of what Romulus plans were either unfinished or not even yet put into use which meant Numa was left keys to car that had no engine. Romulus left something that good and ideas that sounded good but were useless due to lack of direction or idea what to do with them. It has been stated already that he was and is considered to be legendary by some, so it now time to focus on those exact ideas and concepts that he put in place to become a legend. The first task would be forming the base of his government. “The first thing he did at his entrance into government was to dismiss the band of three hundred men which had been Romulus's …show more content…
The next thing he did was to add to the two priests of Jupiter and Mars a third, in honour of Romulus, whom he called the Flamen Quirinalis”[5]. The choice to dismiss Romulus ensured that he would be able to establish a government and administration without the fear of corruption or possible betrayal or assassination attempts from within. Also by having priest for the first members of his government, Numa Pompilius was establishing both political views and religious views for any institutions and ideas put into the Roman Empire. With the introduction of two respected and honored priest by his side, Pompilius would have the support and trust of the people of Rome as religion and religious figures (especially priest) were regarded very well. It may not been the thought of Numa but taken in consideration other concepts of Roman culture that people are

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